Business / Economic / Financial
[ This link to a somewhat more cumulative blog posts page will precede current days news since most all topics remain current in terms of impact and longer-term effect and can be searched by topical index term more easily. The same is provided since the blog site has just been censored as to size by google which is typical for google as nsa / cia / gov’t shill as more are becoming aware of. The same is true for microsoft, another co. that’s seen their best days and relies on the government to maintain their monopoly. Up to now the better page is provided for ease of formatting and clarity thereby while the Washington Post page is the real deal but without formatting . The following is the cumulative archive of blog posts / topics for 2010 as the new year starts anew: or PDF formatted version ]
UNREST IN THE MIDDLE EAST Bahrain military retreats after shootings (Washington Post)
- In Cairo, crowds press military for more reforms
- Scores reported killed in Libya | Algerian unrest
- OPINION: In Mideast, it's not a Facebook revolution
- Full report | Interactive map: Mideast in turmoil
[Saudis Worried Protests Will Hit Home [ For the sake of the saudi Arabian people, more than just protests should come to fruition! ] AFP | Saudi royal warns Arab world uprisings could cause harm unless they reform. Bahrain authorities launch surprise attack on protesters [There’s the america and saudi Arabia effect; far less than democratic and far more deadly in the mideast among other places; talk about hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation as the saudis; time for the saudis to go the way of dictator Mubarak and take the war criminal americans with them. ] Los Angeles Times Tear gas canisters bombard sleeping protesters in Manama's Pearl Square. At least two men are reported killed Video: Bahrain protesters look to emulate Egypt revolt euronews Riot Police Attack Bahrain Protesters Voice of America ‘Saudi Arabia sending troops to Bahrain’ Saudi Arabia is sending troops to Bahrain in a move to crack down on pro-democracy protesters who took to the streets in the capital Manama, a political analyst says. [SAUDIS TOLD OBAMA 'NOT TO HUMILIATE MUBARAK' [ Sounds like they’re hearing footsteps…Previous: Egyptian capital teeters on anarchy Mubarak asks cabinet to resign as anti-regime protests intensify (Washington Post) [ Mubarak should have been looking in the mirror as he asked his cabinet to resign … 30 years is a long time, and coincidentally, time for him to go. In Egypt: Access denied (Washington Post) [The day part of the Internet died: Egypt goes dark [I disagree! Part of the internet didn’t die, but rather the order to so darken the nation heralded the demise, at 30 years and counting, of the so-called leadership in the persona of Mubarak. Time for him to go! After all, he’s been in a position, with Egypt among the only Mideast nations to have signed a peace treaty with israel, to have stepped up with substantial credibility in taking a strong position against israeli transgressions, violations of international law / u.n. resolutions, war crimes, etc., which beyond soft-touch, he failed to do. And, of all places, he sends his family to Orwellian england; he still loves those colonial masters … how pathetic. I mean, 30 years … how free-flowing does anyone think the election process is at this point … and one could ask the same regarding the entrenched powers that be in pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america, to be fair. Then there’s saudi arabia; talk about do nothing hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation; I suspect only when foreign corporations say so. The only Mideast nations showing backbone are Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria, and, of course the perennially propaganda painted bad-boy Iran among possibly some of the smaller emirates, ie., Qatar, etc., (I lack sufficient information regarding these other nations). ] (AP) Internet cutoff fails to silence Egypt protests (AP) - ]
U.S. vetoes Security Council resolution denouncing Israeli settlements (Washington Post) [ Drudgereport: Hillary Clinton: Israeli Settlements 'Illegitimate'… [We know that hill … We’ve known that for quite some time along with their illegal nukes, war crimes, etc…The whole world knows that hill… so don’t just talk about it … DO SOMETHING! ] ... Yes! … in pervasively corrupt, defacto america’s self-defeating, self-destructive way they are doing something … U.S. vetoes Security Council resolution denouncing Israeli settlements … Sounds like a plan! … right! ]
SEC names Sean McKessy to head new whistleblower office (Washington Post) The appointment sets off alarm bells among whistleblower advocates. [ Indeed it should, regardless of ‘who’. In pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america there is always that pre-calculation: juice / no juice, payer (bribes/contributions) / non-payer, potential after gov’t job opportunity / no job opportunity, etc.. Video: Why Isn’t Wall St. in Jail? [ This truly will prove to be the story of the century (albeit an abbreviated one and a turning point toward america’s intractable decline) owing to what will ultimately be the lynch-pin of global economic / financial collapse ushering in an era of great scarcity in more ways than can be imagined. The pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt american nation / government has literally underwritten this massive fraud at the expense of the vast majorities directly and indirectly, precluded prosecution while obfuscating the substantial crimes, literally becoming accomplices thereby. There is absolutely no excuse for what is essentially a defalcation and abrogation of duty. I was watching a somewhat obscure film recently which (though elsewhere on this page and site I’ve set forth alarming crime statistics clearing showing america as number 1 in all categories by wide margins) which set forth the statistic that america has 85% of the world’s serial killers (and I’d go further in saying it is likely that america has a similar lead in war crimes, etc.) ] MSNBC | Cenk Uygur talks to Matt Taibbi about his latest Rolling Stone article. …… I mean, give me a frickin’ break! Let’s get real here … probably the most egregiously dangerous years for whistleblowers were the clinton years when even potential whistleblowers were targeted; ie., Mary Mahoney, former clinton security team members, etc., see ie., Mary C. Mahoney: 25, murdered at the Georgetown Starbuck's coffee bar over the 4th of July '97 weekend. She was a former White House intern who worked with John Huang. Apparently she knew Monica Lewinsky and her sexual encounters with Bill Clinton. Although not verified, it has been said that Lewinsky told Linda Tripp that she did not want to end up like Mahoney…Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Todd McKeahan & Conway LeBleu: Died Feburary 28, 1993 by gunfire at Waco. All four were examined by a pathologist and died from identical wounds to the left temple. All four had been body guards for Bill Clinton, three while campaigning for President and when he was Governor of Arkansas.They also were the ONLY 4 BATF agents killed at Waco…, etc. but the bushies / cia / wall street are comparable and as well in some different, more subtle ways; ie., discrediting, false charges, etc.. ] The appointment sets off alarm bells among whistleblower advocates.
A frayed alliance: Obama and unions Wis. budget impasse deepens (Washington Post) [ Frayed? How ‘bout flayed, fillet, and souffled … Or, screwed, nude, and double ‘tude … Drudgereport: OBAMA BACKS UNION UPROAR
Obama refers to himself as 'The Gipper'… [ Riiiight! …anything you say wobmama the b for b*** s***… or maybe the bipper, the chipper, or the yankee clipper (the new joltin’ joe) …sounds like he’s losing it! ] ...
Orders state troopers to bring Dems to Capitol...
'There Is Fear For Scott Walker's Safety'...
Dem Sen: We'll stay away for weeks...
WALKOUT: Milwaukee Schools closed; teachers call in 'sick'...
REPORT: Average city teacher compensation tops $100,000...
DNC playing role in protests...
Jesse to the Rescue: Jackson rallies protesters...
'A real Martin Luther King moment'...
Union Fight Heats Up...
Republicans vow to cut spending in state capitols...
Protests Spread to Ohio...
'Coming To Minnesota'...
Idaho offical target of threats over education reform plan...
Egypt in America?
'Day of Rage' Hits Wisconsin over state unions...
Madison schools closed; 1,100 teachers call in 'sick'...
Obama: 'Assault on Unions'...
Obama-founded OFA spearheading effort to defeat bill...
Boehner: 'Suspend these tactics'...
Gov. Walker calls on Dems to return, vote...
Protesters, supporters clash in Ohio over union bill...
Activists swarm Boehner's Capitol Hill home; Chant 'don't tread on DC'..
Carney: Stimulus 'Goals Have Been Met'...
GALLUP: Unemployment hits 10%...
Feds Borrow Additional $29,660/Household Since Obama Signed Stimulus...
Ratings Downgrades Loom for Cash-Strapped States...
Hillary Clinton: Israeli Settlements 'Illegitimate'… [We know that hill … We’ve known that for quite some time along with their illegal nukes, war crimes, etc…The whole world knows that hill… so don’t just talk about it … DO SOMETHING! ] ...
Offended Mubarak refuses calls from Obama...
Ahmadinejad: Obama can't spell his own name (True … it’s ‘w o b a m a’ with ‘the b for b*** s***’ his surname … he’s so pathetic and a total caricature / joke!) ...
Egypt's protests flare despite military warning...
Libya set for 'day of anger'...
Thousands of police confront protesters in Yemen...
Riot police storm Bahrain camp; 2 reported dead...
ABCNEWS Correspondent Beaten...
100 Egyptians reach Italy amid Arab exodus...
CARTER: Muslim 'hood nothing 'to be afraid of'...
PAPER: Senate hearing turns into farce as American ignorance on Egypt revealed...
Poll: Majority of Republicans Doubt Obama's Birthplace...
Agents Shot in Mexico...
GAO: Feds have 'operational control' of 44% of border; just 15% 'air tight'...
DAY 3: 'Watson' the computer creams human 'JEOPARDY!' champs...
REPORT: Steve Jobs receiving treatment at cancer center... PAPER: 'Reportedly sicker than previously admitted'...
ISSA MAKES A MOVE: New subpoena seeks records on sweetheart loans...
U.S. Government Shuts Down 84,000 Websites, ‘By Mistake’
'Kill Switch' Internet bill alarms privacy experts...
TSA agents busted at JFK for stealing $160,000 from bags...
Hillary Clinton donors indicted...
Man mugs 96-year-old -- for $5...
France Wants New Global Finance System; End of Dollar Dominance...
Fannie, Freddie bailout: $153 billion and counting...
GALLUP: Unemployment at 10.3%...
Muslim Bros plan political party...
Present Two Faces...
Pakistan Islamists warn of protests if US prisoner freed...
SECSTATE JR: Sen Kerry arrives in Pakistan, expresses 'regret', 'sorrow'...
World Bank: Food prices at 'dangerous levels'...
Gov't Motors to pay out $189 million in bonuses; some workers to get 50% payoffs..
Deficit Expected to Jump to $1.65 Trillion...
...'slow train wreck coming'
BUDGET BLOWOUT: How big is $3.73 trillion? $12,000 from each American...
ANALYSIS: $1.5 trillion tax hike over 10 years...
AIRLINES: New fees would be $2 billion tax increase on flyers...
Sessions: Obama failed on budget...
Long Spending Fight...
Produce prices to skyrocket with freeze in Mexico, Southwest...
Clothing Prices to Rise 10% Starting in Spring...
China Replaced Japan in 2010 as Number 2 Economy...
China plans Colombian rail link to challenge Panama canal...
The March On Berlusconi...
Berlusconi indicted in prostitution probe...
Malware 'Aimed at Iran Hit Five Sites'...
Mubarak 'falls into coma after final speech'...
Egyptian military orders last protesters out of 'Liberation Square'...
Consolidates power...
Delivers ultimatum...
Boy wrestler forfeits match to female opponent... [ What a homo! Wow! I feel sorry for those guys she actually beat (20 of them – her record was 20 and 13) … they’ll probably never get over it … nor should they … I have to rethink my regard for Iowa, Iowa state wrestling now presuming such stalwart championship teams to be the products of out-of-state imports … as for the guy who forfeited, he could have easily and gently taken her down (you can easily do that with a lesser opponent), got her in a double grapevine and grind her in a certain way into the mat, and when she was in the throws of convulsive orgasm, she’d unwittingly arch her back, thereby pressing her own shoulder blades to the mat, thereby pinning herself, thus enabling the homo to say in a manner of speaking that he was making heterosexual love not war with her ……… how pathetic and preposterous this was … and, let me remind the homo that God doesn’t care that you wrestle a girl who wants to wrestle! ]
House approves dramatic cuts in federal spending Vote sets up showdown with Dems; threat of shutdown looms (Washington Post) [ As they say on SNL, ‘What’s up with that?’. Come on! Wake up! That doesn’t even cover the interest on a $14 trillion debt. And, how disingenuous of the author to write, ‘largest cut of its kind since WWII’… Not in percentage terms by a long shot! … Timid Tuesday: Is it Safe? Davis ‘… This is how we pay off our current debts and I think bondholders are simply happy to get anything out of a country that admits it owes $15Tn (1/4 of global GDP) but probably owes closer to $60Tn (entire global GDP) in the form of unfunded liabilities. The funniest thing about this (and you have to laugh) is to see Conservative pundits get on TV and talk about how we need to cut $100Bn worth of discretionary spending to "fix" this (while continuing to spend $1Tn on the military and $1Tn on tax cuts for the top 1% each year). There is no fixing this and even a Republican said you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. THIS HOUSE OF CARDS IS TEETERING FOLKS – PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! ‘ ] After all-night debate, House votes 235-189 to approve plan to cut $60 billion in federal funding in what'd be the largest cut of its kind since WWII.
The Four Horsemen of the Dow: Dave's Daily ‘No, I wasn't alive to watch the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame play football but I did watch the DJIA today. As you know this is a "price weighted" index. Four companies that rose today were among the priciest: BA, CAT, CVX and TRV. The rest were mixed to flat. Imagine if TPTB added AAPL or GOOG to the index. But, for most Americans, the DJIA is what they see most every day if they care. Cynically, as some say, it's just "window dressing for the tourists" to wit the current headline at the WSJ: "Stocks Close at 2 ½ Year High". Does it really matter that four stocks accounted for the positive headline? If, you're looking deeper into what's really going on in markets, sure it should. But many investors aren't that curious especially when interest rates remain near zero and POMO is ubiquitous encouraging investors to take more risks. No matter unemployment shows no sign of improving, housing is still in the dumps and key strategic countries (Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria and Tunisia) are all aflame. There wasn't any economic data today other than Bernanke defending his policies. And, there was little earnings news. The dollar was weak and most commodities were strong while bonds sold-off. In case you're interested I'll be doing a webinar for SFO Magazine "Around the World with ETFs". You may register here to listen and comment for free. Volume for an options expiration day was light but perhaps ahead of a three day weekend is understandable. Breadth was pretty flat per the WSJ.’
Stock Melt-Up Continues to Ignore Warnings [ While I generally warn against short-selling as an investment strategy for all but the most successful speculators (there are very, very few), if there ever was a time to try your luck at same, that time is now! We’re now beyond the absurd in these overbought, overvalued, contrived, manipulated markets. See also, Dave infra, ‘…Further, the Philly Fed (riiiiight … that global hub of manufacturing activity) came in much higher than expected although inside the numbers the prices paid vs prices received disparity was the greatest since 1979. That wasn't a great time for corporate profits. Even though there's some "discussion" within the Fed over the effectiveness of QE operations another heavy dose of POMO was released to trading desks again Thursday. …’ Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail? Matt Taibbi | Financial crooks brought down the world’s economy — but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them. This is a not too big to fail, but a too willing to pay bribes to jail - reality. (This really is beyond the pale, particularly when they trumpet prosecution of $225 million in medicare frauds while wall street’s continuing fraud in the trillions remains unprosecuted – there is no excuse whatsoever – pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america is done!). ] Minyanville ‘Suttmeier, chief market strategist at The stock melt-up has the major equity averages above this week’s pivots putting the focus on the Nasdaq and its quarterly risky level at 2853. The Dow Transports broke above the potential double-top. Stocks are ignoring the ValuEngine Valuation Warning and extreme overbought technical market indicators. The 10-Year yield failed at my weekly risky level at 3.568 after holding my annual value level at 3.791 last week. Comex gold is above my annual pivot at $1356.5 and closed above its 50-day simple moving average at $1372.2. Nymex crude oil remains below my semiannual pivot at $87.52, but is now oversold. The euro is above its 50-day simple moving average at 1.3377 with this week’s risky level at 1.3636.
New Highs for the Move for the Major Equity Averages
- The Dow Industrial Average (12,288) remains extremely overbought and closed above its weekly pivot at 12,274 testing 12,303.16. The 21-day simple moving average rises to 12,063 with today’s risky level at 12,399.
- The S&P 500 (1336.3) closed above its weekly pivot at 1335.6, setting a new high for the move at 1337.61. The 21-day simple moving average rises to 1306.1 with today’s risky level at 1344.4.
- The Nasdaq (2826) closed back above this week’s pivot at 2811 with my quarterly risky level at 2853. The 21-day simple moving average rises to 2756 with today’s risky level at 2840.
- Dow Transports (5286) tested and held its weekly pivot at 5206 on Tuesday, then breaks above its January 18 high at 5256.80 to 5306.54 on Wednesday. Today’s risky level is 5317.
- The Russell 2000 (828.37) is above its weekly pivot at 811.80 with its July 2007 high at 862.00. Today’s risky level is 837.39.
We continue to trade under a ValuEngine Valuation Warning -- Sixteen of 16 sectors overvalued with only 32.4% of all stocks undervalued on Wednesday, below the 35% threshold by this measure. This also means that 67.6% of all stocks are overvalued.
10-Year Note -- (3.619) Is between my annual value level at 3.791 and my weekly risky level at 3.568.
Comex Gold -- ($1375.3) My annual pivot is $1356.5 with the 50-day simple moving average at $1372.2 with my monthly risky level at $1412.4.
Nymex Crude Oil -- ($85.00) Continues to trade below my semiannual pivot at $87.52 and is now oversold on its daily chart with today’s value level at $82.85.
The Euro -- (1.3567) Still above its 50-day simple moving average at 1.3377 with my weekly risky level at 1.3636.
Housing Starts and Permits Remain Soft -- Housing Starts increased 14.6% in January, but the gain was entirely due to a 77.7% increase in the multifamily sector. Single family starts declined 1.0% to a 413,000 annual rate with single family permits down 4.8%. Overall building permits declined 10.4%.
More Information From the NAHB Housing Market Index -- If you look at the National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index going back to 1985 it never went below 20 until October 2007. During the 1988 to 1992 mini-crisis the lowest reading was 20 in January 1991. For the current popping of the housing bubble this index peaked at 72 in June 2005, when the CEOs of the publicly traded home builders described the housing market as the best they have ever seen.
Back in June 2005 ValuEngine had the home builders extremely overvalued and I noted their weekly price charts were extremely overbought. I wrote a piece calling for a summer 2005 peak for the home builder stocks, which proved to be a prudent market call. The NAHB HMI has been 20 or below since September 2007 and has been between 13 and 16 the past nine months. The exception was a 22 reading in the height of the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit in May 2010.
The Mortgage Bankers Association reported that their weekly Mortgage Applications Survey decreased 9.5% with the Refinance Index down 11.4%, to the lowest reading since July 3, 2009. The Purchase Index decreased 5.9%, and is 18.2% lower than a year ago. A major drag is attributed to the above 5% mortgage rate, up nearly a full percentage point from the October 2010 low, in the midst of when Fed Chief Bernanke was touting that the pending QE2 program would push longer-term yields lower to help consumers. The only thing that QE2 has done is inflate an equity market to an overvalued and overbought inflating financial bubble!
The minutes from the latest Fed Meeting indicates that unemployment and tight credit conditions continues to be a drag on the housing market. History repeats: Housing peaked in mid-2005 and the recovery has been nil. Community banks peaked at the end of 2006, and Bank Failure Friday continues. Regional Banks peaked in March 2007, and toxic assets remain in the banking system. Fed policy with that ridiculously low funds rate and QE2 is masking problems that will still plague the US economy for the next several years.’
January Weather's Economic Impact: Catalyst for Overdue Market Correction? [ As pointed out infra, the Index of Leading Indicators was up only a miniscule .1% . All components are particularly vulnerable to manipulation, false reporting, and outright fraud, particularly in light of the absolute desperation of those involved in the reporting along with to whom and of course the fraudulently manipulated to the upside stock prices which are a significant component and the ultimate bootstrap, so to speak. The election also figured prominently in the manipulation and even if believed (I don’t), still not so hot and a far more grim scenario is but around the corner. That scenario is : Reality! Investopedia: What Does Composite Index of Leading Indicators Mean? An index published monthly by the Conference Board used to predict the direction of the economy's movements in the months to come. The index is made up of 10 economic components, whose changes tend to precede changes in the overall economy. These 10 components include:
1. the average weekly hours worked by manufacturing workers
2. the average number of initial applications for unemployment insurance
3. the amount of manufacturers' new orders for consumer goods and materials
4. the speed of delivery of new merchandise to vendors from suppliers
5. the amount of new orders for capital goods unrelated to defense
6. the amount of new building permits for residential buildings
7. the S&P 500 stock index8. the inflation-adjusted monetary supply (M2)
9. the spread between long and short interest rates
10. consumer sentiment ] Kaminis‘As we suspected, January weather is proving to have hampered economic activity. Blizzards and super storms rampaged across much of the nation last month, and economic reports are now showing the effects born to the economy. The latest such report, and broad reaching measure to make this case, is Leading Economic Indicators, but we've also seen data from companies like FedEx (FDX) offering good reason to adjust expectations and portfolios. As a publisher, I can give you firsthand testimony to the economic effects of January's weather. Almost all of my advertisers have reported dead business through the month, which has weighed on our own cash flow as well. January offered a rude awakening as to just how perilous are the operations of small businessmen, who have weathered the worst part of the recession, but are still just scraping by, and with little leeway for error.Economic reports should continue to prove out that the harsh weather that battered all of the country in January, especially the population concentrated Northeast, provided a speed bump to economic growth. The few January reports that have reached the wire to-date offer enough support to our case, but the stock market has not shown ill-effect as yet.The Leading Indicators Index, just reported for January, showed only a 0.1% increase. The meek result compared against December's revised 0.8% increase and November's 1.1% rise. The Conference Board, which puts the LEI together, reported that while the economic trend is expansionary, current economic conditions remain weak. The cumulative change in the LEI over the last six months is a solid 3.0%. However, the Board reported that the Coincident Economic Index, which measures current conditions, rose just 0.1%, following a 0.3% increase in December and 0.2% rise in November. Furthermore, the Conference Board's Lagging Economic Index dropped 0.1%.The factors behind the softness in January were listed as weaker housing permits and poor labor market indicators. We've posited here before that the weather likely played a role in weird results from the Labor Department last month, if not keeping depressed job searchers buried at home. We've likewise warned that the weather might throw off January's housing data, some of which has already been released, with more to come next week.Other reports have more clearly depicted the sad season we describe here. Industrial Production, reported Wednesday for January, produced a 0.1% decrease where economists were looking for a 0.5% increase. Capacity Utilization also confounded economists, falling to 76.1% from a revised 76.2% rate in December. Economists were looking for an improvement to 76.3%. Now, Industrial Production actually softened partly due to lower utility production on warmer average temperatures in January, which is a counter to our argument. Though, Factory Production in isolation and excluding motor vehicle production, rose modestly 0.1%, agreeing with our theory somewhat.
The softer data piles on. The month's Housing Starts data showed a slippage in permitting activity, as the pace slowed to 562K, from 627K in December. Furthermore, single-family home authorizations fell 4.8% to 421K. The pace of single-family housing starts also fell 1% to 413K. January's Retail Sales (and sales excluding autos) rose 0.3%, but both figures missed the economists' consensus expectations for 0.5% increases.As economists seem to have overlooked the weather in January, they have likely conveyed a certain optimism to strategists, who have likewise guided portfolio managers and analysts. As more data points are reported for January, and if they are reported significantly off, then stocks could sell off briefly over the short-short-term on a shift in understanding.Indeed, some companies have been directly impacted by the weather already, and others will likely report earnings impact in their Q1 releases. FedEx cut its projected fiscal third quarter EPS forecast to a range of $0.70 to $0.90, from $0.95 to $1.15, due to in part to "winter storms." Analysts had been looking for EPS of $1.02 on average, based on Bloomberg's data. Whether directly or indirectly, and based on my anecdotal witness, I think we can expect companies to report weather impacted results for this quarter. With economists, strategists and analysts potentially all off the mark, there's risk to stocks.Given the January weather is not an ongoing issue, you can look for analysts to blow off any negative surprises, and to guide investors to stick with their recommendations as they also save face. The weather is still considered a temporary and insignificant factor in valuation (though that's increasingly debatable given climate change), and so any damage to stocks should be only a trading hit that might open opportunities for long-term buying interests in good names. However, most technical charts, including those by our technical analyst, show a market overdue for a correction. Thus, perhaps we have here a catalyst.’
February 18, 2011: Market Summary [Caveat: This market is worse than overbought. This market is fraudulently manipulated, overvalued as preceded all other crashes and this time will be no different and in some ways worse owing to the structural shift away from pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america. ] Investopedia ‘The past several weeks have been very difficult for traders who believe that the markets are headed for a pullback. It seems like any signs of weakness have been quickly overcome by the bulls and the markets continue to chug along as they race to new highs. While it is prudent to preach caution when the markets are in such a strong uptrend, the simple fact is that there is no evidence yet of a market top. It is wise for traders to respect this strength and simply recognize that the environment is overbought. In his famous quote, John Keynes stated that “the markets can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” …’
21 Signs That The Once Great U.S. Economy Is Being Gutted, Neutered, Defanged, Declawed And Deindustrialized Once upon a time… The Economic Collapse Feb 12, 2011 ‘Once upon a time, the United States was the greatest industrial powerhouse that the world has ever seen. Our immense economic machinery was the envy of the rest of the globe and it provided the foundation for the largest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the world. But now the once great U.S. economic machine is being dismantled piece by piece. The U.S. economy is being gutted, neutered, defanged, declawed and deindustrialized and very few of our leaders even seem to care. It was the United States that once showed the rest of the world how to mass produce televisions and automobiles and airplanes and computers, but now our industrial base is being ripped to shreds. Tens of thousands of our factories and millions of our jobs have been shipped overseas. Many of our proudest manufacturing cities have been transformed into “post-industrial” hellholes that nobody wants to live in anymore.
Meanwhile, wave after wave of shiny new factories is going up in nations such as China, India and Brazil. This is great for those countries, but for the millions of American workers that desperately needed the jobs that have been sent overseas it is not so great.
This is the legacy of globalism. Multinational corporations now have the choice whether to hire U.S. workers or to hire workers in countries where it is legal to pay slave labor wages. The “great sucking sound” that Ross Perot warned us about so long ago is actually happening, and it has left tens of millions of Americans without good jobs.
So what is to become of a nation that consumes more than it ever has and yet continues to produce less and less?
Well, the greatest debt binge in the history of the world has enabled us to maintain (and even increase) our standard of living for several decades, but all of that debt is starting to really catch up with us.
The American people seem to be very confused about what is happening to us because most of them thought that the party was going to last forever. In fact, most of them still seem convinced that our brightest economic days are still ahead.
After all, every time we have had a “recession” in the past things have always turned around and we have gone on to even greater things, right?
Well, what most Americans simply fail to understand is that we are like a car that is having its insides ripped right out. Our industrial base is being gutted right in front of our eyes.
Most Americans don’t think much about our “trade deficit”, but it is absolutely central to what is happening to our economy. Every year, we buy far, far more from the rest of the world than they buy from us.
In 2010, the U.S. trade deficit was just a whisker under $500 billion. This is money that we could have all spent inside the United States that would have supported thousands of American factories and millions of American jobs.
Instead, we sent all of those hundreds of billions of dollars overseas in exchange for a big pile of stuff that we greedily consumed. Most of that stuff we probably didn’t need anyway.
Since we spent almost $500 billion more with the rest of the world than they spent with us, at the end of the year the rest of the world was $500 billion wealthier and the American people were collectively $500 billion poorer.
That means that the collective “economic pie” that we are all dividing up is now $500 billion smaller.
Are you starting to understand why times suddenly seem so “hard” in the United States?
Meanwhile, jobs and businesses continue to fly out of the United States at a blinding pace.
This is a national crisis.
We simply cannot expect to continue to have a “great economy” if we allow our economy to be deindustrialized.
A nation that consumes far more than it produces is not going to be wealthy for long.
The following are 21 signs that the once great U.S. economy is being gutted, neutered, defanged, declawed and deindustrialized….
#1 The U.S. trade deficit with the rest of the world rose to 497.8 billion dollars in 2010. That represented a 32.8% increase from 2009.
#2 The U.S. trade deficit with China rose to an all-time record of 273.1 billion dollars in 2010. This is the largest trade deficit that one nation has had with another nation in the history of the world.
#3 The U.S. trade deficit with China in 2010 was 27 times larger than it was back in 1990.
#4 In the years since 1975, the United States had run a total trade deficit of 7.5 trillion dollars with the rest of the world.
#5 The United States spends more than 4 dollars on goods and services from China for every one dollar that China spends on goods and services from the United States.
#6 In 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of all U.S. economic output. In 2008, it represented only 11.5 percent and it continues to fall.
#7 The number of net jobs gained by the U.S. economy during this past decade was smaller than during any other decade since World War 2.
#8 The Bureau of Labor Statistics originally predicted that the U.S. economy would create approximately 22 million jobs during the decade of the 2000s, but it turns out that the U.S. economy only produced about 7 million jobsduring that time period.
#9 Japan now manufactures about 5 million more automobiles than the United States does.
#10 China has now become the world’s largest exporter of high technology products.
#11 Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is actually lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.
#12 The United States now has 10 percent fewer “middle class jobs” than it did just ten years ago.
#13 According to Tax Notes, between 1999 and 2008 employment at the foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies increased an astounding 30 percent to 10.1 million. During that exact same time period, U.S. employment at American multinational corporations declined 8 percent to 21.1 million.
#14 Back in 1970, 25 percent of all jobs in the United States were manufacturing jobs. Today, only 9 percent of the jobs in the United States are manufacturing jobs.
#15 Back in 1998, the United States had 25 percent of the world’s high-tech export market and China had just 10 percent. Ten years later, the United States had less than 15 percent and China’s share had soared to 20 percent.
#16 The number of Americans that have become so discouraged that they have given up searching for work completely now stands at an all-time high.
#17 Half of all American workers now earn $505 or less per week.
#18 The United States has lost a staggering 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.
#19 Since 2001, over 42,000 U.S. factories have closed down for good.
#20 In 2008, 1.2 billion cellphones were sold worldwide. So how many of them were manufactured inside the United States? Zero.
#21 Ten years ago, the “employment rate” in the United States was about 64%. Since then it has been constantly declining and now the “employment rate” in the United States is only about 58%. So where did all of those jobs go?
The world is changing.
We are bleeding national wealth at a pace that is almost unimaginable.
We are literally being drained dry.
Did you know that China now has the world’s fastest train and the world’s largest high-speed rail network?
They were able to afford those things with all of the money that we have been sending them.
How do you think all of those oil barons in the Middle East became so wealthy and could build such opulent palaces?
They got rich off of all the money that we have been sending them.
Meanwhile, once great U.S. cities such as Detroit, Michigan now look like war zones.
Back in 1985, the U.S. trade deficit with China was about 6 million dollars for the entire year.
As mentioned above, the U.S. trade deficit with China for 2010 was over 273billion dollars.
What a difference 25 years can make, eh?
What do you find when you go into a Wal-Mart, a Target or a dollar store today?
You find row after row after row of stuff made in China and in other far away countries.
It can be more than a bit difficult to find things that are actually made inside the United States anymore. In fact, there are quite a few industries that have completely and totally left the United States. For certain product categories it is now literally impossible to buy something made in America.
So what are we going to do with our tens of millions of blue collar workers?
Should we just tell them that their jobs are not ever coming back so they better learn phrases such as “Welcome to Wal-Mart” and “Would you like fries with that”?
For quite a few years, the gigantic debt bubble that we were living in kind of insulated us from feeling the effects of the deindustrialization of America.
But now the pain is starting to kick in.
It has now become soul-crushingly difficult to find a job in America today.
According to Gallup, the U.S. unemployment rate is currently 10.1% and when you throw in “underemployed” workers that figure rises to 19.6%.
Competition for jobs has become incredibly fierce and it is going to stay that way.
The great U.S. economic machine is being ripped apart and dismantled right in full view of us all.
This is not a “conservative” issue or a “liberal” issue. This is an American issue.
The United States is rapidly being turned into a “post-industrial” wasteland.
It is time to wake up America.’
This is that unmentionable reality as I alluded to earlier on close scrutiny of the data, ‘that stock prices have been manipulated to the upside beyond any and all rational basis‘ and as I previously wrote: Perception vs. Reality: Four Reasons to Remain Cautious on U.S. Equities [ Hey, Abbott … That’s Lou Costello calling him from the other side … Wake up! … Just kidding … but I’m not kidding when I say that contrary to Abbott’s view, infra, if you’re not a successful market timer you should rethink your position as an equity investor. Moreover, in contradistinction to Mr. Abbott’s implication, if you’re not a successful speculator (there are very few), you should rethink your position as a short seller: reason…, you could be wiped out, lose more than your principal, forced to cover (that’s why the same is considered a contrary market indicator, particularly in these manipulated, contrived markets). When I did my MBA thesis (1977, NYU, GBA, Eve.Prog., Finance), a review of the data revealed even then (and much more so now with computer programmed market manipulation) that the market remained biased / propped up (artificially, especially now with computerized manipulation) to the upside for far longer periods of time than for the downside which meant that dollar-cost averaging (through regular, periodic investment, for example), meant you were accumulating shares at higher prices generally for longer periods of time skewing the average cost to the upside (dollar-cost-averaging in declining markets was ok if analysis / forecast saw resurgence based on fundamentals - now absent – which is timing, as even senile wall street / gov’t shill Buffet would attest, that ‘greedy when others are fearful thing’). Abbott discusses perception which is the psychological factor involved in security evaluation / analysis; but investors need not and should become nuts themselves, particularly when as now, the inmates are running the asylum. ] Abbott ‘Perception determines short-term market movements. The difference between perception and reality determines the direction of major market trends. Though I generally try to avoid making macro prognostications, I believe bottom-up analysis can be informative about the current level of stock prices. I want to share what my recent work tells me about where stocks are (and where they might be headed). I will outline some various nuggets of collective wisdom that are taken for granted right now by stock bulls, and I will attempt to demonstrate how reality is likely to differ from these perceptions.
First, a disclaimer. This is not a market timing call. At all times, I stay away from market timing predictions. I think that's a loser's game in the long run. Even if I'm correct about the discrepancies between the following perceptions and realities, there's no saying when people will change their minds or shift their focuses. That said, let's dive in.
Perception vs. Reality #1
Perception: Low Interest Rates, Questionable Bond Outlook Means Stocks are Attractive
Reality: Interest Rates Are Being Artificially and Deliberately Manipulated
It's no secret that the Federal Reserve's low interest rate policy and quantitative easing efforts have held interest rates very low for very long. However, when people talk about stock market implications of bond yields, they rarely mention the fact that bond yields are artificially low. In an unmanipulated market, bond prices and stock valuations should be related, but I regard that connection as highly dubious right now. Investors who say that stocks deserve higher multiples (lower earnings yields) because bond yields are so low may well be setting themselves up for disappointing returns/frustrating losses when bond prices normalize. Again, this isn't a market timing call, and yields may remain low for quite some time. But, eventually this discrepancy will correct itself, and stock performance is likely to suffer at that time.
Perception vs. Reality #2
Perception: Earnings Growth Has Been Strong and Will Remain That Way
Reality: Top-Line Growth Will Have to Pick Up; Cost-Cutting has Run Its Course
Earnings growth has certainly been robust, but much of the strength has come from companies running lean cost structures and wringing as much efficiency as possible out of their employees and their assets. Though the recession has ended, the economy is not yet healthy enough to fuel strong sales growth. Companies can only boost profits by cutting costs and increasing productivity for so long. Therefore, top-line growth will have to play a larger role going forward than it has over the past 4-6 quarters. Whether or not economic growth is strong enough to drive revenue increases is unsure, but the current level of stock prices undoubtedly assumes it is. Any stagnation of the recovery and concomitant sluggish sales will likely hit stock prices.
Perception vs. Reality #3
Perception: European Debt Crisis Drives Short-Term Volatility, but It's Not a Long-Term Concern
Reality: Crisis May Be a Harbinger of What's to Come in the U.S. if States, the Feds Don't Improve Balance Sheets
So far, turmoil in Greece and Ireland has served only as a temporary headwind to U.S. stocks. In keeping with the investment world's increasingly short-term focus, people seem more concerned with what fiscal crises in Europe mean for U.S. stocks over the coming days and months than with what they might mean down the road. I believe that this interpretation misses the mark. Since the U.S. fiscal situtation is generally considered to be stronger than that in many European countries, U.S. federal and municipal debt issuance has been relatively smooth, and interest rates have only risen modestly. If the U.S. doesn't get serious about its fiscal woes, eventually the crisis will arrive on American shores. There's no way of telling when this might happen, but the current level of stock prices seems to imply that it never will.
Here's the problem with that. To fix the federal balance sheet and/or to improve state and municipal balance sheets, legislators will have to raise taxes and/or cut spending. Tax hikes and spending cuts both reduce consumer spending. This hurts growth. There's no way around this. Stocks can certainly continue to rise for some time, but austerity will be bearish if/when it comes. If it doesn't come, we're in for a much bigger crisis some time down the road.
Perception vs. Reality #4
Perception: Everywhere You Look, You See Good Companies at Cheap Prices
Reality: It's Hard to Find Genuine Bargains, but There are Intriguing Short Prospects Everywhere
There is no shortage of stock market commentators who claim that they see bargains everywhere they look. Perhaps I'm not looking in the right places, but I've been having a difficult and increasingly impossible time finding good companies at reasonable prices. I use similar criteria to assess long and short investments, and I find intriguing shorts in lots of sectors right now. This tells me that valuations are stretched. Certainly they can become more so before we get a selloff, but every day that stocks rally, they get more expensive.
I've written on Seeking Alpha about a number of stocks which I regard as expensive (CRM, OPEN, GMCR), and take my word for it: there are plenty more than these whose shares I do not want to own at present levels. A few weeks ago, I also mused about the Facebook-Goldman deal and argued that this valuation is indicative of excessive investor enthusiasm. Bargains are hard to find, and as valuations go up, so does positive sentiment. While this is not a prediction of an impending correction or bear market, it is a message of caution for people who think stocks are cheap right now.
All that said, I always try to consider both sides of any investment issue, and there are some reasons for optimism. Job growth has shown signs of improvement, and some economic data have been increasingly (though not uniformly) positive. The Federal Reserve remains accommodative, and I'm skeptical about whether or not there is political will for austerity. For these reasons, stocks could continue onward and upward. That said, I see too many reasons for caution, and investors are turning a blind eye to these concerns as their complacency rises.’
12 Economic Collapse Scenarios That We Could Potentially See In 2011 What could cause an economic collapse in 2011? Well, unfortunately there are quite a few “nightmare scenarios” that could plunge the entire globe into another massive financial crisis.
The Economic Collapse Jan 20, 2011 ‘What could cause an economic collapse in 2011? Well, unfortunately there are quite a few “nightmare scenarios” that could plunge the entire globe into another massive financial crisis. The United States, Japan and most of the nations in Europe are absolutely drowning in debt. The Federal Reserve continues to play reckless games with the U.S. dollar. The price of oil is skyrocketing and the global price of food just hit a new record high. Food riots are already breaking out all over the world. Meanwhile, the rampant fraud and corruption going on in world financial markets is starting to be exposed and the whole house of cards could come crashing down at any time. Most Americans have no idea that a horrific economic collapse could happen at literally any time. There is no way that all of this debt and all of this financial corruption is sustainable. At some point we are going to reach a moment of “total system failure”.
So will it be soon? Let’s hope not. Let’s certainly hope that it does not happen in 2011. Many of us need more time to prepare. Most of our families and friends need more time to prepare. Once this thing implodes there isn’t going to be an opportunity to have a “do over”. We simply will not be able to put the toothpaste back into the tube again.
So we had all better be getting prepared for hard times. The following are 12 economic collapse scenarios that we could potentially see in 2011….
#1 U.S. debt could become a massive crisis at any moment. China is saying all of the right things at the moment, but many analysts are openly worried about what could happen if China suddenly decides to start dumping all of the U.S. debt that they have accumulated. Right now about the only thing keeping U.S. government finances going is the ability to borrow gigantic amounts of money at extremely low interest rates. If anything upsets that paradigm, it could potentially have enormous consequences for the entire world financial system.
#2 Speaking of threats to the global financial system, it turns out that “quantitative easing 2″ has had the exact opposite effect that Ben Bernanke planned for it to have. Bernanke insisted that the main goal of QE2 was to lower interest rates, but instead all it has done is cause interest rates to go up substantially. If Bernanke this incompetent or is he trying to mess everything up on purpose?
#3 The debt bubble that the entire global economy is based on could burst at any time and throw the whole planet into chaos. According to a new report from the World Economic Forum, the total amount of credit in the world increased from $57 trillion in 2000 to $109 trillion in 2009. The WEF says that now the world is going to need another $100 trillion in credit to support projected “economic growth” over the next decade. So is this how the new “global economy” works? We just keep doubling the total amount of debt every decade?
#4 As the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve continue to pump massive amounts of new dollars into the system, the floor could fall out from underneath the U.S. dollar at any time. The truth is that we are already starting to see inflation really accelerate and everyone pretty much acknowledges that official U.S. governments figures for inflation are an absolute joke. According to one new study, the cost of college tuition has risen 286% over the last 20 years, and the cost of “hospital, nursing-home and adult-day-care services” rose 269% during those same two decades. All of this happened during a period of supposedly “low” inflation. So what are price increases going to look like when we actually have “high” inflation?
#5 One of the primary drivers of global inflation during 2011 could be the price of oil. A large number of economists are now projecting that the price of oil could surge well past $100 dollars a barrel in 2011. If that happens, it is going to put significant pressure on the price of almost everything else in the entire global economy. In fact, as I have explained previously, the higher the price of oil goes, the faster the U.S. economy will decline.
#6 Food inflation is already so bad in some areas of the globe that it is setting off massive food riots in nations such as Tunisia and Algeria. In fact, there have been reports of people setting themselves on fire all over the Middle East as a way to draw attention to how desperate they are. So what is going to happen if global food prices go up another 10 or 20 percent and food riots spread literally all over the globe during 2011?
#7 There are persistent rumors that simply will not go away of massive physical gold and silver shortages. Demand for precious metals has never been higher. So what is going to happen when many investors begin to absolutely insist on physical delivery of their precious metals? What is going to happen when the fact that far, far, far more “paper gold” and “paper silver” has been sold than has ever actually physically existed in the history of the planet starts to come out? What would that do to the price of gold and silver?
#8 The U.S. housing industry could plunge the U.S. economy into another recession at any time. The real estate market is absolutely flooded with homes and virtually nobody is buying. This massive oversupply of homes means that the construction of new homes has fallen off a cliff. In 2010, only 703,000 single family, multi-family and manufactured homes were completed. This was a new record low, and it was down 17% from the previous all-time record which had just been set in 2009.
#9 A combination of extreme weather and disease could make this an absolutely brutal year for U.S. farmers. This winter we have already seen thousands of new cold weather and snowfall records set across the United States. Now there is some very disturbing news emerging out of Florida of an “incurable bacteria” that is ravaging citrus crops all over Florida. Is there a reason why so many bad things are happening all of a sudden?
#10 The municipal bond crisis could go “supernova” at any time. Already, investors are bailing out of bonds at a frightening pace. State and local government debt is now sitting at an all-time high of 22 percent of U.S. GDP. According to Meredith Whitney, the municipal bond crisis that we are facing is a gigantic threat to our financial system….
“It has tentacles as wide as anything I’ve seen. I think next to housing this is the single most important issue in the United States and certainly the largest threat to the U.S. economy.”
Former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan is convinced that things are so bad that literally 90% of our states and cities could go bankrupt over the next five years….
#11 Of course on top of everything else, the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble could burst at any time. Right now we are watching the greatest financial casino in the history of the globe spin around and around and around and everyone is hoping that at some point it doesn’t stop. Today, most money on Wall Street is not made by investing in good business ideas. Rather, most money on Wall Street is now made by making the best bets. Unfortunately, at some point the casino is going to come crashing down and the game will be over.
#12 The biggest wildcard of all is war. The Korean peninsula came closer to war in 2010 than it had in decades. The Middle East could literally explode at any time. We live in a world where a single weapon can take out an entire city in an instant. All it would take is a mid-size war or a couple of weapons of mass destruction to throw the entire global economy into absolute turmoil.
Once again, let us hope that none of these economic collapse scenarios happens in 2011.
However, we have got to realize that we can’t keep dodging these bullets forever.
As bad as 2010 was, the truth is that it went about as good as any of us could have hoped. Things are still pretty stable and times are still pretty good right now.
But instead of using these times to “party”, we should be using them to prepare.
A really, really vicious economic storm is coming and it is going to be a complete and total nightmare. Get ready, hold on tight, and say your prayers.’
Poor Recovery: The Problem Is Institutional [ Well it’s true that the problem is institutional as in pervasively corrupt, incompetent, nonproductive in real terms relative to their cost / damage (still no pros on the wall street fraud which is ongoing in terms of the last crisis, the worthless paper marked to anything, and the current bubble fraud that’s high-frequency computerized churn-and-earn high-frequency commissioned / sold into, 360 tons of $100 bills disappear in Iraq, etc.. What do they get paid for?) ( Peter Schiff: Washington a parasite to economy ‘US foreclosures hit record highs in 2010, but that may not be the worst of it. 2011 may be even worse. Meanwhile, JP Morgan Chase exceeded market expectations, announcing a 47% rise in quarterly profits and released details on a $28.1 billion pay and bonus pool. Peter Schiff, the President of Euro Pacific Capital said Washington and Wall Street are becoming one force and are sucking the underlying American dry like a parasite’.); but the problem is structural, as in transfer of jobs, industries, etc. (among the sources of the huge over-compensation to wall street, company executives), never to return in any meaningful sense; and as in the defacto bankruptcy of the nation with insurmountable record debt / deficits or stated another way, broke. Unlike in the past, once beyond the propaganda, rhetoric, and smoke and mirrors / obfuscation, there is no prospective way for america to grow its way out, nor are there funds in real money with which to do it. Quite simply, america’s broke / bankrupt in every which way. ] Loundsbury ‘Harold Meyerson, Op Ed Columnist at The Washington Post, has hit the nail right on the head, in the opinion of GEI. Meyerson says the debate about whether the recession and poor recovery is a cyclical problem or a structural problem is misguided. He says the problem is institutional - - - and is he ever right!
In a column last week, Myerson points out that the devastation of The Great Recession has fallen disproportionately on the blue collar population, those without a college degree. And he traces the rolling over of median family income in this century, not just in the downturn, but since the turn of the century. Even at the peak, in 2007, median family income was less than in 2000.
What Meyerson doesn't point out is that average incomes have faired better in the 21st century and in all of the past 50 years. In fact, average family income has risen more than 2.5 times as much and median income over the last 30 years. Why is this important? Because the more there is a fat tail of ever higher incomes for a few, the greater the difference between average and median income becomes.
Myerson says:
The great sociologist William Julius Wilson has long argued that the key to the unraveling of the lives of the African American poor was the decline in the number of "marriageable males" as work disappeared from the inner city. Much the same could now be said of working-class whites in neighborhoods that may not look like the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit but in which productive economic activity is increasingly hard to find.
This grim new reality has yet to inform our debate over how to come back from this mega-recession. Those who believe our downturn is cyclical argue that job-creating public spending can restore us to prosperity, while those who believe it's structural - that we have too many carpenters, say, and not enough nurses - believe that we should leave things be while American workers acquire new skills and enter different lines of work. But there's a third way to look at the recession: that it's institutional, that it's the consequence of the decisions by leading banks and corporations to stop investing in the job-creating enterprises that were the key to broadly shared prosperity.
Since Meyerson has chosen income disparity as a cornerstone of his argument, let's look at how incomes have grown over the last 50 years. These are shown in the following graph, not adjusted for inflation.
click to enlarge images [chart]
Real median income and average income seem to grow similarly in the 1950s and 1960s, the growth of average income starts to pull away in the mid-1960s and appears to continue to gain gound for the the next 40+ years. The more average income deviates from median income the more money is found in the high income tail on the distribution curve. This is often called a "fat tail", which is very appropriate in this discussion because that is where the fat cats are. The fat tail has not gotten so because ten times as many people equaled the incomes of the former fat cats, but more because a few fat cats have received 10 times the income. This is exemplified by the often quoted statistic that average CEO salaries were 40x average worker pay 50 years ago and today are more like 400x.
The change income distribution that seems to be appearing in the above graph becomes more apparent in the following graph where real income gains are shown for the last six decades starting with the ten years from 1949 - 1959 (the 1950s) and ending with 1999 - 2009 (the 2000s). [chart]
The 1950s and 60s were real boom years. Starting with the 1970s a lower level of income growth was established, but even that lower level could not be maintained in the 2000s.
After the 1950s every decade has seen average real income grow more than the median. The fat tail has gotten fatter over the past half century in every decade, without exception. Yes the average did decline in the 2000s, but the median declined 76% more!
The most dramatic pattern of change is evident when the data is divided into two halves: 1949 to 1979 and 1979 - 2009. This is done in the following graph: [chart]
For thirty years after World War II the wealth of the country increased in a balanced manner. The average income containing the greater contribution from the top earners of the day, grew at a rate very similar to the income growth of the broader population, represented by the median.
Yes there were "fat cats" and they had significantly larger incomes than the bulk of the population. And these top incomes grew over those three decades, but at almost the same rate as the majority of the populace.
Then something happened. From 1979-2009 it appears that the American pie suddenly got smaller. In the later three decades the real median income growth was less than 10% of the rate seen from 1949 to 1979. And as the pie got smaller, the fat cats took a much larger share. The average income grew at a rate 254% that of the median income. You might say that, as the cow gave less milk, the top of the economic ladder skimmed more and more cream off the top.
Meyerson identifies the force majuere to be corporate America:
Our multinational companies still invest, of course - just not at home. A study by the Business Roundtable and the U.S. Council Foundation found that the share of the profits of U.S.-based multinationals that came from their foreign affiliates had increased from 17 percent in 1977 and 27 percent in 1994 to 48.6 percent in 2006. As the companies' revenue from abroad has increased, their dependence on American consumers has diminished. The equilibrium among production, wages and purchasing power - the equilibrium that Henry Ford famously recognized when he upped his workers' pay to an unheard-of $5 a day in 1913 so they could afford to buy the cars they made, the equilibrium that became the model for 20th-century American capitalism - has been shattered. Making and selling their goods abroad, U.S. multinationals can slash their workforces and reduce their wages at home while retaining their revenue and increasing their profits. And that's exactly what they've done.
Meyerson doesn't get into some of the other areas that might be brought to bear on the current condition of the American economy:
- He doesn't address the fact that the U.S. ranks below some third world countries in education.
- He doesn't discuss the increasing burden of health care, both because costs have been running out of control and because an ever increasing portion of the population is kept from making the contribution they might have otherwise because of poor health.
- He doesn't discuss the capture of much potential domestic capital by financial engineers who find it much easier to get rich in a rigged casino than to make money the old fashioned way.
Part of the problem is that Americans have fallen into the way of the easiest path, where, either by credit card or by making quick trades, the desires of the moment are satisfied with no seemingly current cost.
It seems that few want to think about the needs of tomorrow. This is true starting with the masses who kiss off the idea of working hard in school to prepare for what they will need 20 years down the road. This is also true of the "capitalist" who finds that skimming a few percent off each of many deals a year to get quick, large quarterly returns is much easier than investing and building something that will will make much larger returns extending over decades and producing things of real economic utility.
There are a number of things that Meyerson does not address, but if you want to hit one nail at a time, I think he has picked the baddest nail in the plank. He finishes his column thusly:
Our economic woes, then, are not simply cyclical or structural. They are also - chiefly - institutional, the consequence of U.S. corporate behavior that has plunged us into a downward cycle of underinvestment, underemployment and under-consumption. Our solutions must be similarly institutional, requiring, for starters, the seating of public and worker representatives on corporate boards. Short of that, there will be no real prospects for reversing America's downward mobility.
If we were to address all the other issues I mentioned previously and did not address the institutional problem Meterson has identified, we would not ultimately solve our economic puzzle.’
20 Shocking New Economic Records That Were Set In 2010 2010 was quite a year, wasn’t it? 2010 will be remembered for a lot of things, but for those living in the United States, one of the main things that last year will be remembered for is economic decline…The Economic Collapse Jan 14, 2011 ‘2010 was quite a year, wasn’t it? 2010 will be remembered for a lot of things, but for those living in the United States, one of the main things that last year will be remembered for is economic decline. The number of foreclosure filings set a new record, the number of home repossessions set a new record, the number of bankruptcies went up again, the number of Americans that became so discouraged that they simply quit looking for work reached a new all-time high and the number of Americans on food stamps kept setting a brand new record every single month. Meanwhile, U.S. government debt reached record highs, state government debt reached record highs and local government debt reached record highs. What a mess! In fact, even many of the “good” economic records that were set during 2010 were indications of underlying economic weakness. For example, the price of gold set an all-time record during 2010, but one of the primary reasons for the increase in the price of gold was that the U.S. dollar was rapidly losing value. Most Americans had been hoping that 2010 would be the beginning of better times, but unfortunately economic conditions just kept getting worse.
So will things improve in 2011? That would be nice, but at this point there are not a whole lot of reasons to be optimistic about the economy. The truth is that we are trapped in a period of long-term economic decline and we are now paying the price for decades of horrible decisions.
Amazingly, many of our politicians and many in the mainstream media have declared that “the recession is over” and that the U.S. economy is steadily improving now.
Well, if anyone tries to tell you that the economy got better in 2010, just show them the statistics below. That should shut them up for a while.
The following are 20 new economic records that were set during 2010….
#1 An all-time record of 2.87 million U.S. households received a foreclosure filing in 2010.
#2 The number of homes that were actually repossessed reached the 1 million mark for the first time ever during 2010.
#3 The price of gold moved above $1400 an ounce for the first time ever during 2010.
#4 According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, approximately 1.53 million consumer bankruptcy petitions were filed in 2010, which was up 9 percent from 1.41 million in 2009. This was the highest number of personal bankruptcies we have seen since the U.S. Congress substantially tightened U.S. bankruptcy law several years ago.
#5 At one point during 2010, the average time needed to find a job in the United States had risen to an all-time record of 35.2 weeks.
#6 Back in 1970, 25 percent of all jobs in the United States were manufacturing jobs. Today, only 9 percent of the jobs in the United States are manufacturing jobs, which is believed to be a new record low.
#7 The number of Americans working part-time jobs “for economic reasons” was the highest it has been in at least five decades during 2010.
#8 The number of American workers that are so discouraged that they have given up searching for work reached an all-time high near the end of 2010.
#9 Government spending continues to set new all-time records. In fact, at the moment the U.S. government is spending approximately 6.85 million dollars every single minute.
#10 The number of Americans on food stamps surpassed 43 million by the end of 2010. This was a new all-time record, and government officials fully expect the number of Americans enrolled in the program to continue to increase throughout 2011.
#11 The number of Americans on Medicaid surpassed 50 million for the first time ever in 2010.
#12 The U.S. Census Bureau originally announced that 43.6 million Americans are now living in poverty and according to them that was the highest number of Americans living in poverty that they had ever recorded in 51 years of record-keeping. But now the Census Bureau says that they miscalculated and that the real number of poor Americans is actually 47.8 million.
#13 According to the FDIC, 157 banks failed during 2010. That was the highest number of bank failures that the United States has experienced in any single year during the past decade.
#14 The Federal Reserve brought in a record $80.9 billion in profits during 2010. They returned $78.4 billion of that to the U.S. Treasury, but the real story is that thanks to the Federal Reserve’s continual debasement of our currency, the U.S. dollar was worth less in 2010 than it ever had been before.
#15 It is projected that the major financial firms on Wall Street will pay out an all-time record of $144 billion in compensation for 2010.
#16 Americans now owe more than $881 billion on student loans, which is a new all-time record.
#17 In July, sales of new homes in the United States declined to the lowest level ever recorded.
#18 According to Zillow, U.S. housing prices have now declined a whopping 26 percent since their peak in June 2006. Amazingly, this is even farther than house prices fell during the Great Depression. From 1928 to 1933, U.S. housing prices only fell 25.9 percent.
#19 State and local government debt reached at an all-time record of 22 percent of U.S. GDP during 2010.
#20 The U.S. national debt has surpassed the 14 trillion dollar mark for the first time ever and it is being projected that it will soar well past 15 trillion during 2011.
There are some people that have a hard time really grasping what statistics actually mean. For people like that, often pictures and charts are much more effective. Well, that is one reason I like to include pictures and graphs in many of my articles, and below I have posted my favorite chart from this past year. It shows the growth of the U.S. national debt from 1940 until today. I honestly don’t know how anyone can look at this chart and still be convinced that our nation is not headed for a complete financial meltdown….[chart]
14 Eye Opening Statistics Which Reveal Just How Dramatically The U.S. Economy Has Collapsed Since 2007 Most Americans have become so accustomed to the “new normal” of continual economic decline that they don’t even remember how good things were just a few short years ago. ‘The Economic Collapse Jan 10, 2011
’Most Americans have become so accustomed to the “new normal” of continual economic decline that they don’t even remember how good things were just a few short years ago. Back in 2007, unemployment was very low, good jobs were much easier to get, far fewer Americans were living in poverty or enrolled in welfare programs and government finances were in much better shape. Of course most of this prosperity was fueled by massive amounts of debt, but at least times were better. Unfortunately, things have really deteriorated over the last several years. Since 2007, unemployment has skyrocketed, foreclosures have set new all-time records, personal bankruptcies have soared and U.S. government debt has gotten completely and totally out of control. Poll after poll has shown that Americans are now far less optimistic about the future than they were in 2007. It is almost as if the past few years have literally sucked the hope out of millions upon millions of Americans.
Sadly, our economic situation is continually getting worse. Every month the United States loses more factories. Every month the United States loses more jobs. Every month the collective wealth of U.S. citizens continues to decline. Every month the federal government goes into even more debt. Every month state and local governments go into even more debt.
Unfortunately, things are going to get even worse in the years ahead. Right now we look back on 2005, 2006 and 2007 as “good times”, but in a few years we will look back on 2010 and 2011 as “good times”.
We are in the midst of a long-term economic decline, and the very bad economic choices that we have been making as a nation for decades are now starting to really catch up with us.
So as horrible as you may think that things are now, just keep in mind that things are going to continue to deteriorate in the years ahead.
But for the moment, let us remember how far we have fallen over the past few years. The following are 14 eye opening statistics which reveal just how dramatically the U.S. economy has collapsed since 2007….
#1 In November 2007, the official U.S. unemployment rate was just 4.7 percent. Today, the official U.S. unemployment rate is 9.4 percent.
#2 In November 2007, 18.8% of unemployed Americans had been out of work for 27 weeks or longer. Today that percentage is up to 41.9%.
#3 As 2007 began, there were just over 1 million Americans that had been unemployed for half a year or longer. Today, there are over 6 million Americans that have been unemployed for half a year or longer.
#4 Nearly 10 million Americans now receive unemployment insurance, whichis almost four times as many as were receiving it back in 2007.
#5 More than half of the U.S. labor force (55 percent) has “suffered a spell of unemployment, a cut in pay, a reduction in hours or have become involuntary part-time workers” since the “recession” began in December 2007.
#6 According to one analysis, the United States has lost a total of approximately 10.5 million jobs since 2007.
#7 As 2007 began, only 26 million Americans were on food stamps. Today, an all-time record of 43.2 million Americans are enrolled in the food stamp program.
#8 In 2007, the U.S. government held a total of $725 billion in mortgage debt. As of the middle of 2010, the U.S. government held a total of $5.148 trillion in mortgage debt.
#9 In the year prior to the “official” beginning of the most recent recession in 2007, the IRS filed just 684,000 tax liens against U.S. taxpayers. During 2010, the IRS filed over a million tax liens against U.S. taxpayers.
#10 From the year 2000 through the year 2007, there were 27 bank failures in the United States. From 2008 through 2010, there were 314 bank failures in the United States.
#11 According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the number of U.S. families with children living in homeless sheltersincreased from 131,000 to 170,000 between 2007 and 2009.
#12 In 2007, one poll found that 43 percent of Americans were living “paycheck to paycheck”. Sadly, according to a survey released very close to the end of 2010, approximately 55 percent of all Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck.
#13 In 2007, the “official” federal budget deficit was just 161 billion dollars. In 2010, the “official” federal budget deficit was approximately 1.3 trillion dollars.
#14 As 2007 began, the U.S. national debt was just under 8.7 trillion dollars. Today, the U.S. national debt has just surpassed 14 trillion dollars and it continues to soar into the stratosphere.
So is there any hope that we can turn all of this around?
Unfortunately, the massive amount of debt that we have piled up as a society over the last several decades has made that impossible.
If you add up all forms of debt (government debt, business debt, individual debt), it comes to approximately 360 percent of GDP. It is the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world.
If the federal government and our state governments stop borrowing and spending so much money, our economy would collapse. But if they keep borrowing and spending so much money they will continually make the eventual economic collapse even worse.
We are in the terminal stages of the most horrific debt spiral the world has ever seen, and when the debt spiral gets stopped the house of cards is going to finally come down for good.
So enjoy these times while you still have them. Yes, today is not nearly as prosperous as 2007 was, but today is most definitely a whole lot better than 2015 or 2020 is going to be.
Sadly, we could have avoided this financial disaster completely if only we had listened more carefully to those that founded this nation. Once upon a time, Thomas Jefferson said the following….
I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution. I would be willing to depend on that alone for the reduction of the administration of our government to the genuine principles of its Constitution; I mean an additional article, taking from the federal government the power of borrowing.’
Tipping Point: 25 Signs That The Coming Financial Collapse Is Now Closer Then Ever The financial collapse that so many of us have been anticipating is seemingly closer then ever. Over the past several weeks, there have been a host of ominous signs for the U.S. economy.
The Economic Collapse
Dec 17, 2010
The financial collapse that so many of us have been anticipating is seemingly closer then ever. Over the past several weeks, there have been a host of ominous signs for the U.S. economy. Yields on U.S. Treasuries have moved up rapidly and Moody’s is publicly warning that it may have to cut the rating on U.S. government debt soon. Mortgage rates are also moving up aggressively. The euro and the U.S. dollar both look incredibly shaky. Jobs continue to be shipped out of the United States at a blistering pace as our politicians stand by and do nothing. Confidence in U.S. government debt around the globe continues to decline. State and local governments that are drowning in debt across the United States are savagely cutting back on even essential social services and are coming up with increasingly “creative” ways of getting more money out of all of us. Meanwhile, tremor after tremor continues to strike the world financial system. So does this mean that we have almost reached a tipping point? Is the world on the verge of a major financial collapse?
Let’s hope not, but with each passing week the financial news just seems to get eve worse. Not only is U.S. government debt spinning wildly toward a breaking point, but many U.S. states (such as California) are in such horrific financial condition that they are beginning to resemble banana republics.
But it is not just the United States that is in trouble. Nightmarish debt problems in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Belgium and several other European nations threaten to crash the euro at any time. In fact, many economists are now openly debating which will collapse first – the euro or the U.S. dollar.
Sadly, this is the inevitable result of constructing a global financial system on debt. All debt bubbles eventually collapse. Currently we are living in the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world, and when this one bursts it is going to be a disaster of truly historic proportions.
So will we reach a tipping point soon? Well, the following are 25 signs that the financial collapse is rapidly getting closer….
#1 The official U.S. unemployment rate has not been beneath 9 percent since April 2009.
#2 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are currently 6.3 million vacant homes in the United States that are either for sale or for rent.
#3 It is being projected that the U.S. trade deficit with China could hit 270 billion dollars for the entire year of 2010.
#4 Back in 2000, 7.2 percent of blue collar workers were either unemployed or underemployed. Today that figure is up to 19.5 percent.
#5 The Chinese government has accumulated approximately $2.65 trillion in total foreign exchange reserves. They have drained this wealth from the economies of other nations (such as the United States) and instead of reinvesting all of it they are just sitting on much of it. This is creating tremendous imbalances in the global economy.
#6 Since the year 2000, we have lost 10% of our middle class jobs. In the year 2000 there were approximately 72 million middle class jobs in the United States but today there are only about 65 million middle class jobs.
#7 The United States now employs about the same number of people in manufacturing as it did back in 1940. Considering the fact that we had 132 million people living in this country in 1940 and that we have well over 300 million people living in this country today, that is a very sobering statistic.
#8 According to CoreLogic, U.S. housing prices have now declined for three months in a row.
#9 The average rate on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage soared 11 basis points just this past week. As mortgage rates continue to push higher it is going to make it even more difficult for American families to afford homes.
#10 22.5 percent of all residential mortgages in the United States were in negative equity as of the end of the third quarter of 2010.
#11 The U.S. monetary base has more than doubled since the beginning of the most recent recession.
#12 U.S. Treasury yields have been rising steadily during the 4th quarter of 2010 and recently hit a six-month high.
#13 Incoming governor Jerry Brown is scrambling to find $29 billion more to cut from the California state budget. The following quote from Brown about the desperate condition of California state finances is not going to do much to inspire confidence in California’s financial situation around the globe….
“We’ve been living in fantasy land. It is much worse than I thought. I’m shocked.”
#14 24.3 percent of the residents of El Centro, California are currently unemployed.
#15 The average home in Merced, California has declined in value by 63 percent over the past four years.
#16 Detroit Mayor Dave Bing has come up with a new way to save money. He wants to cut 20 percent of Detroit off from essential social services such as road repairs, police patrols, functioning street lights and garbage collection.
#17 The second most dangerous city in the United States – Camden, New Jersey – is about to lay off about half its police in a desperate attempt to save money.
#18 In 2010, 55 percent of Americans between the ages of 60 and 64 were in the labor market. Ten years ago, that number was just 47 percent. More older Americans than ever find that they have to keep working just to survive.
#19 Back in 1998, the United States had 25 percent of the world’s high-tech export market and China had just 10 percent. Ten years later, the United States had less than 15 percent and China’s share had soared to 20 percent.
#20 The U.S. government budget deficit increased to a whopping $150.4 billion last month, which represented the biggest November budget deficit on record.
#21 The U.S. government is somehow going to have to roll over existing debt and finance new debt that is equivalent to 27.8 percent of GDP in 2011.
#22 The United States had been the leading consumer of energy on the globe for about 100 years, but this past summer China took over the number one spot.
#23 According to an absolutely stunning new poll, 40 percent of all U.S. doctors plan to bail out of the profession over the next three years.
#24 As 2007 began, there were just over 1 million Americans that had been unemployed for half a year or longer. Today, there are over 6 million Americans that have been unemployed for half a year or longer.
#25 All over the United States, local governments have begun instituting “police response fees”. For example, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has come up with a plan under which a fee of $365 would be charged if police are called to respond to an automobile accident where no injuries are involved. If there are injuries as a result of the crash that is going to cost extra.
16 Nightmarish Economic Trends To Watch Carefully In 2011 The American Dream Dec 15, 2010 ‘If you only watch the “economic pundits” on television, it can be very confusing to figure out exactly what is happening with the U.S. economy. One pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a little bit better over the past month and claim that we have entered a time of solid recovery. Another pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a little worse over the past month and claim that we are headed for trouble. So what is the truth? Well, if you really want to get a clear idea of what is really going on you have to look at the long-term trends. There are some economic trends which just keep getting worse year after year after year, and it is those trends that tell the real story of the decline of our economic system.
As you examine the long-term trends, you quickly come to realize that the U.S. is trapped in an endless spiral of debt, the middle class is being wiped out, the U.S. dollar is being destroyed and America is rapidly becoming a post-industrial wasteland.
Posted below are 16 nightmarish economic trends to watch carefully in 2011. It is becoming exceedingly apparent that unless something is done rapidly we are heading for an economic collapse of unprecedented magnitude….
#1 Do you want to see something scary? Just check out the chart below. Since the beginning of the economic downturn, the U.S. monetary base has more than doubled. But don’t worry – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has promised us that this could never cause inflation. In fact, Bernanke says that we need to inject even more dollars into the economy. So if you are alarmed by the chart below, you are just being irrational according to Bernanke….
#2 Thousands of our factories, millions of our jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars of our national wealth continue to be shipped overseas. In 1985, the U.S. trade deficit with China was 6 million dollars for the entire year. In the month of August alone, the U.S. trade deficit with China was over 28 billion dollars. Nobel economist Robert W. Fogel of the University of Chicago is projecting that the Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2040 if current trends continue.
#3 The United States is rapidly becoming a post-industrial wasteland. Back in 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of all U.S. economic output. In 2008, it represented only 11.5 percent and it continues to fall. Sadly, the truth is that America is being deindustrialized. As of the end of 2009, less than 12 million Americans worked in manufacturing. The last time that less than 12 million Americans were employed in manufacturing was in 1941.
#4 The number of Americans that have been out of work for an extended period of time has absolutely exploded over the last few years. As 2007 began, there were just over 1 million Americans that had been unemployed for half a year or longer. Today, there are over 6 million Americans that have been unemployed for half a year or longer.
#5 The middle class continues to be squeezed out of existence. According to a poll taken in 2009, 61 percent of Americans ”always or usually” live paycheck to paycheck. That was up substantially from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.
#6 The number of Americans living in poverty is absolutely skyrocketing. 42.9 million Americans are now on food stamps, and one out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one anti-poverty program run by the federal government. Unfortunately, many of those that have been hardest hit by this economic downturn have been children. According to one new study, approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years.
#7 Many American families have been pushed beyond the breaking point during this economic downturn. Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008. The final number for 2010 is expected to be even higher.
#8 The U.S. real estate market continues to stagnate. During the third quarter of 2010, 67 percent of mortgages in Nevada were “underwater”, 49 percent of mortgages in Arizona were “underwater” and 46 percent of mortgages in Florida were “underwater”. So what happens if home prices go down even more?
#9 More elderly Americans than ever are being forced to put off retirement and continue working. In 2010, 55 percent of Americans between the ages of 60 and 64 were in the labor market. Ten years ago, that number was just 47 percent. Unfortunately, it looks like this problem will only get worse in the years ahead. In America today, approximately half of all workers have less than $2000 saved up for retirement.
#10 In the United States today, there are simply far too many retirees and not nearly enough workers to support them. Back in 1950 each retiree’s Social Security benefit was paid for by 16 workers. Today, each retiree’s Social Security benefit is paid for by approximately 3.3 workers. By 2025 it is projected that there will be approximately two workers for each retiree.
#11 Financial assets continue to become concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. For example, the “big four” U.S. banks (Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo) had approximately 22 percent of all deposits in FDIC-insured institutions back in 2000. As of the middle of 2009 that figure was up to 39 percent.
#12 The Federal Reserve has been destroying the value of the U.S. dollar for decades. Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the U.S. dollar has lost over 95 percent of its purchasing power. An item that cost $20.00 in 1970 would cost you $112.35 today. An item that cost $20.00 in 1913 would cost you $440.33 today.
#13 Commodity prices continue to soar into the stratosphere. Ten years ago, the price of a barrel of oil hovered around 20 to 30 dollars most of the time. Today, the price of oil is rapidly closing in on 100 dollars a barrel and there are now fears that it could soon go much higher than that.
#14 Federal government spending is completely and totally out of control. The U.S. government budget deficit increased to a whopping $150.4 billion last month, which represented the biggest November deficit on record. But our politicians can’t seem to break their addiction to debt. In fact, Democrats are trying to ram through a 1,924 page, 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill in the final days of the lame-duck session of Congress before the Republicans take control of the House of Representatives next year.
#15 The U.S. national debt is rapidly closing in on 14 trillion dollars. It is more than 13 times larger than it was just 30 short years ago. According to an official U.S. Treasury Department report to Congress, the U.S. national debt is projected to climb to an estimated $19.6 trillion by 2015.
#16 Unfortunately, the official government numbers grossly understate the horrific nature of the crisis we are facing. John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics has calculated that if the federal government would have used GAAP accounting standards to measure the federal budget deficit for 2009, it would have been approximately 8.8 trillion dollars. Not only that, but John Williams now says that U.S. government debt is so wildly out of control that it is mathematically impossible for us to “grow” our way out of it….
The government’s finances not only are out of control, but the actual deficit is not containable. Put into perspective, if the government were to raise taxes so as to seize 100% of all wages, salaries and corporate profits, it still would be showing an annual deficit using GAAP accounting on a consistent basis. In like manner, given current revenues, if it stopped spending every penny (including defense and homeland security) other than for Social Security and Medicare obligations, the government still would be showing an annual deficit. Further, the U.S. has no potential way to grow out of this shortfall.
The more one examines the U.S. economic situation, the more depressing it becomes. The U.S. financial system is trapped inside a horrific debt spiral and we are headed straight for economic oblivion.
If our leaders attempt to interrupt the debt spiral it will plunge our economy into a depression. If our leaders attempt to keep the debt spiral going for several more years it will just make the eventual crash even worse. Either way, we are headed for a financial implosion that will be truly historic.
The debt-fueled good times that we have been enjoying for the last several decades are rapidly coming to an end. Unfortunately for the tens of millions of Americans that are already suffering, our economic problems are only going to get worse in the years ahead.’
Jobless Recovery?: 25 Unemployment Statistics That Are Almost Too Depressing To Read ‘… Unemployment is up again! That’s right – even though Wall Street is swimming in cash and the Obama administration is declaring that “the recession is over”, the U.S. unemployment rate has gone even higher. So are you enjoying the jobless recovery? Economic Collapse Blog Dec 4, 2010 ‘Guess what? Unemployment is up again! That’s right – even though Wall Street is swimming in cash and the Obama administration is declaring that “the recession is over”, the U.S. unemployment rate has gone even higher ... Times are really, really tough and unfortunately the long-term outlook is very bleak. We should have compassion on those who are out of work right now, because soon many of us may join them.
The following are 25 unemployment statistics that are almost too depressing to read….
#1 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. unemployment rate for November was 9.8 percent. This was up from 9.6 percent in October, and it continues a trend of depressingly high unemployment rates. The official unemployment number has been at 9.5 percent or higher for well over a year at this point.
#2 In November 2006, the “official” U.S. unemployment rate was just 4.5 percent.
#3 Most economists had been expecting the U.S. economy to add about 150,000 jobs in November. Instead, it only added 39,000.
#4 In the United States today, there are over 15 million people who are “officially” considered to be unemployed for statistical purposes. But everyone knows that the “real” number is even much larger than that.
#5 As 2007 began, there were just over 1 million Americans that had been unemployed for half a year or longer. Today, there are over 6 million Americans that have been unemployed for half a year or longer.
#6 The number of “persons not in the labor force” in the United States recently set another new all-time record.
#7 It now takes the average unemployed American over 33 weeks to find a job.
#8 When you throw in “discouraged workers” and “underemployed workers”, the “real” unemployment rate in the state of California is actually about 22 percent.
#9 In America today there are not nearly enough jobs for everyone. In fact, there are now approximately 5 unemployed Americans for every single job opening.
#10 According to The New York Times, Americans that have been unemployed for five weeks or less are three times more likely to find a new job in the coming month than Americans that have been unemployed for over a year.
#11 The U.S. economy would need to create 235,120 new jobs a month to get the unemployment rate down to pre-recession levels by 2016. Does anyone think that there is even a prayer that is going to happen?
#12 There are 9 million Americans that are working part-time for “economic reasons”. In other words, those Americans would gladly take full-time jobs if they could get them, but all they have been able to find is part-time work.
#13 In 2009, total wages, median wages, and average wages all declined in the United States.
#14 As of the end of 2009, less than 12 million Americans worked in manufacturing. The last time that less than 12 million Americans were employed in manufacturing was in 1941.
#15 The United States has lost at least 7.5 million jobs since the recession began.
#16 Today, only about 40 percent of Ford Motor Company’s 178,000 workers are employed in North America, and a big percentage of those jobs are in Canada and Mexico.
#17 In 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of U.S. economic output. In 2008, it represented 11.5 percent.
#18 Earlier this year, one poll found that 28% of all American households had at least one member that was looking for a full-time job.
#19 In the United States today, over 18,000 parking lot attendants have college degrees.
#20 The United States has lost a staggering 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.
#21 As the employment situation continues to stagnate, millions of American families have decided to cut back on things such as insurance coverage. For example, the percentage of American households that have life insurance coverage is at its lowest level in 50 years.
#22 Unless Congress acts, and there is no indication that is going to happen, approximately 2 million Americans will stop receiving unemployment checks over the next couple of months.
#23 A poll that was released by the Pew Research Center back in June discovered that an astounding 55 percent of the U.S. labor force has experienced either unemployment, a pay decrease, a reduction in hours or an involuntary move to part-time work since the economic downturn began.
#24 According to Richard McCormack, the United States has lost over 42,000 factories (and counting) since 2001.
#25 In the United States today, 317,000 waiters and waitresses have college degrees.
But this is what we get for creating the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world. For decades we have been digging a deeper hole for ourselves by going into increasingly larger amounts of debt. In America today, our entire economy is based on debt. Even our money is debt. We were fools if we ever thought this could go on forever. Just think about it. Have you ever gone out and run up a bunch of debt? It can be a lot of fun sitting behind the wheel of a new car, running your credit cards up to the limit and buying a beautiful big house that you cannot afford. But in the end what happens? It always catches up with you. Well, our collective debt is starting to catch up with us. There is a sea of red ink on every level of American society. It is only a matter of time before it destroys our economy. IF YOU THINK THAT THINGS ARE BAD NOW, JUST WAIT. THINGS ARE GOING TO GET A WHOLE LOT WORSE. A HORRIFIC ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IS COMING, AND IT IS GOING TO BE VERY, VERY PAINFUL.’
Howard Davidowitz on the Economy: "Here Are the Numbers ... WE'RE BROKE!" 11-25-10 ‘The U.S. economy "is a complete disaster," Howard Davidowitz declared here in July, the most recent in a string of dire predictions from Tech Ticker's most entertaining guest.On the eve of Thanksgiving, I asked Davidowitz if he had any regrets, or was ready to throw in the towel given recent signs of economic revival. Are you kidding me? "Here are the numbers...we're broke," Davidowitz declares, noting the U.S. government goes $5 billion deeper into debt every day and is facing $1 trillion-plus annual deficits for the next decade. "In other words, we're bankrupt."As with the economy, Davidowitz is unwaveringly consistent in his views on President Obama, calling him "deranged, dysfunctional and discredited."Results of the midterm election show "the people of this country think we are in a catastrophe," he says. "I'm with them."Check the accompanying video for more of Howard's unfettered opinions and stay tuned for additional clips from this interview. And...Happy Thanksgiving! Aaron Task is the host of Tech Ticker. You can follow him on Twitter at @atask or email him at’
Timid Tuesday: Is it Safe? Davis ‘… This is how we pay off our current debts and I think bondholders are simply happy to get anything out of a country that admits it owes $15Tn (1/4 of global GDP) but probably owes closer to $60Tn (entire global GDP) in the form of unfunded liabilities. The funniest thing about this (and you have to laugh) is to see Conservative pundits get on TV and talk about how we need to cut $100Bn worth of discretionary spending to "fix" this (while continuing to spend $1Tn on the military and $1Tn on tax cuts for the top 1% each year). There is no fixing this and even a Republican said you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. THIS HOUSE OF CARDS IS TEETERING FOLKS – PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! ‘
17 Things Worrying Investors Lloyd's Wall of Worry
Worry Count: 17
CHINA: 1,330,044,605 people can’t be wrong.
The PIIGS: Fasten your seatbelts. It’s gonna be a long, bumpy, expensive, weird, (insert your own adjective here) freak show of a ride.
CALIFORNIA AND THE OTHER 49 STATES: Not yet as dire as “The PIIGS”. Might I suggest the classier moniker of “The Prosciuttos” for the American basket-case states?
QE II: Gobble?
U.S. ECONOMY: The “Punky Brewster” of the global economic landscape.
UNEMPLOYMENT: Only thing worse than losing your job, losing your unemployment check. At least there’s the holiday season to cheer everyone up (read: heavy sarcasm).
TAXES: Praying to the Financial Market Gods that we don’t have another TARP-like vote fiasco.
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION PART II: Still two years before the Pres. election and the peanut gallery is already pleading for a Hail Mary Pass to get them back in the game.
HFT: Instead of beating up these liquidity supplying traders, let’s honor them with their very own stock exchange. But wait -- with no retail saps to pick-off they will never get that Day 1 opening bell tick. Perfect.
XMAS 2010: As my professor friend Nick says, “Nowadays Americans are dining off of two menus – The Million Dollar and the $0.99 Cent.” And both are pissed about it.
CURRENCIES: Poor Mr. Greenback. Does someone need a hug?
HOUSING CRISIS: Price Stabilization – Are we there yet? Just a little bit more. Are we there yet? Just a little bit more. Are we there yet? Just a little bit more….
INFLATION/DEFLATION: Fed Chief Ben B. comes out swinging from his heels in defense of inflation promotion. Don’t punch yourself out as this one is likely to go the distance.
COMMODITIES: Corrected but still sky high; fortunately these prices are only affecting core, basic, life-sustaining necessities and sparing our electronic gadgets and plus-sized SUVs. Whew!
INSIDER TRADING: Another black eye for Hedge Funds. I estimate that makes black eye number 6,597.
INTEREST RATES: South Korea and China slowly turning up the dial to “11”. On the other hand the U.S. has removed the dial altogether. This never ends well….
NORTH KOREA: Here we go again. (and now Egypt, etc.)
Consumer confidence down, - Loonie closes above U.S. dollar … dollar for first time closes below parity on Canadian loonie … hey, hey, hey … 'Huge' stock decline — but not yet MarketWatch - Commentary: Adens … ‘mega trend’ looks grim … The Adens expect a hyperinflationary collapse … ‘ Oh come on! Manipulated dollar decline with inflated earnings, stock prices thereby, etc., … we’ve seen this all before … the last few crashes … Jobless rate jumps to 9.8% as hiring slows (Washington Post) [ The reality is not a mystery! The nation’s been thrown under the bus for the greater good (wealth) of the very few (frauds on wall street, etc.); wall street giving out record bonuses from their accomplished fraud (with no-recession b.s. bernanke help) of $144 BILLION: Come on! This is gettin’ even more downright ridiculous (if that’s even possible)! Pending home foreclosure / distress sales up, oil prices (and oil stocks) up, debased dollar down, plus a little familiar ‘better than expected’ thrown in along with prospects of a ‘no-recession bernanke’ market-frothing bull session on 60 minutes and, voila, suckers’ rally into the close to keep the suckers suckered! What’s good for the frauds on wall street is bad for just about everyone else which includes the vast majority of people and businesses, domestically and globally, as current dollar manipulation / debasement ultimately results in higher costs and loss of purchasing power (ie., oil, etc.). Clearly, this is one of those fraudulent wealth transfers to the frauds on wall street et als which will ultimately be paid for by those who least are in a position to afford it, courtesy of the ever more worthless Weimar dollar, etc., inflating earnings, eps, lowering p/e multiples, etc., see infra. This is an especially great time to sell / take profits while you can since there's much worse to come! Previous: Rosy numbers on consumer sentiment, unemployment (far better than private forecasts) from the government prior to the holiday so-called ‘shop till you drop’? How can anyone believe anything they say? Najerian interviewed by Motek chimes in with the reason for good retail cheer; viz., people have stopped paying their mortgages and are using the funds to purchase retail goods; while Davidowitz adds that with record numbers of americans on food stamps, real unemployment at 17+, and wall street giving out record bonuses from their accomplished fraud (with no-recession b.s. bernanke help) of $144 BILLION … the high end stores / jewelers will do well … daaaaah! And, with insiders and wall street frauds selling into the bubble as preceded last crash, this is an especially great opportunity to sell / take profits! Suckers’ rally on light volume, full moon, and government complicity (false data / reports) to keep suckers suckered (easy for the wall street frauds to do with just a mouse click / push of the button – and, they know all those technical trade lines that are easy to program in this current phase of the scam/fraud with the debased dollar). Keep in mind, the totally mindless blather from the ‘cottage industries’ of and fraudulent wall street itself in talking up lower P/E multiples when the same is a direct result of the debasement of the dollar and the consequent manipulation / translation (not real, see Davis, infra) which preceded the financial crisis / last crash. Unemployment, trade, deficit, etc., numbers continue decidedly worse than expected along with other negative data (and in the ‘wrong direction’, that spin accorded ‘down but not as bad as before’ b*** s*** ) yet the market has rallied like no tomorrow with used home foreclosure / distressed sales, though abated owing to ‘foreclosuregate’, the other ‘heralded’ good news. Moreover, the dumbo lemmings of Europe have jumped on the fraudulent defacto bankrupt american crazy train propelled to the precipice also as if no tomorrow. This is about keeping the suckers sucked in with the help of a market-frothing pre-election debased dollar for favorable currency translation and paper (but not real when measured in, ie., gold, etc.) profits which preceded the last crisis, inflating a bubble as in the last crisis to facilitate the churn-and-earn, particularly with computerized (and high frequency) trades and which commissions they’ll get again on the way down. There is nothing to support these overbought stock prices, fundamentally or otherwise. These are desperate criminals ‘at work’. Even wall street shill, the senile Buffett is saying we’re still in a recession (depression) [ Davis: ‘… all profits are inflated by 10% (from falling, debased dollar) and that 10% is the E that gets divided from the P and gives us a much better price/multiple to hang our hats on and that gets investors to BUYBUYBUY …’ The bull market that never was / were beyond wall street b.s. when measured in gold ] This is a great opportunity to sell / take profits (these lower dollar, hyperinflationary currency manipulations / translations to froth paper stocks will end quite badly as in last crash)! This is a global depression. This is a secular bear market in a global depression. The past up moves were manipulated bull (s***) cycles (at best) in a secular bear market. This has been a typically manipulated bubble as has preceded the prior crashes with great regularity that the wall street frauds and insiders commission and sell into. This is a typical wall street ‘programmed computerized high-frequency churn and earn pass the hot potato scam / fraud as in prior crashes ( widely reported, high-frequency trading routinely accounts for more than 50% of daily U.S. equity trading volume and regularly approaches 70%. )’. This national decline, economic and otherwise, will not end until justice is served and the wall street frauds et als are criminally prosecuted, jailed, fined, and disgorgement imposed.The Stock Market's Long Decline Has Begun Smith ]
Analyst: Oil Will Hit $300 in a Decade, Regardless of Egypt Read more: Analyst: Oil Will Hit $300 in a Decade, Regardless of Egypt Weeden & Co. oil analyst Charles Maxwell says oil prices are bound to move steadily higher during the next decade, eventually hitting $300 a barrel, regardless of whatever happens in Egypt.
47 Statistics That Indicate That Economic Stress Points In 2011 Could Be Setting The Stage For A Global Economic Meltdown In 2012 Is the world approaching a devastating global economic meltdown? Right now there are a large number of factors that are creating economic stress points all over the globe.‘The American Dream Feb 16, 2011 Is the world approaching a devastating global economic meltdown? Right now there are a large number of factors that are creating economic stress points all over the globe. All of the crazy money printing that the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been doing is putting inflationary pressure on agricultural commodities, oil and precious metals. Massive floods, horrific droughts and extreme weather patterns all over the globe are ruining crops and creating food shortages. Some nations are now actually hoarding food, and in other nations rising prices have sparked food riots. The price of oil has been moving back towards $100 a barrel, and if it stays at a high level for an extended period of time that is going to have very serious consequences for the global economy. In addition, the growing sovereign debt crisis could erupt again at any time. Half a dozen nations in Europe are on the verge of insolvency, Japan’s national debt is now well over 200 percent of GDP, and the global financial system is growing increasingly concerned about the exploding national debt of the United States. The truth is that the entire world financial system is a house of cards balanced on a razor’s edge and it could come down at any time.
Sadly, very little has changed since the world financial system experienced almost a complete meltdown back in 2008. Global financial markets are still a whirlpool of debt and speculation. One really bad week could put us right back where we were prior to the infamous Wall Street bailouts. Very little in our world is truly stable anymore. As we have seen recently in Egypt, the globe can literally change almost overnight. All it would take is for one really bad event to happen and world financial markets would instantly start imploding.
So when will the coming economic collapse happen? Nobody knows for sure, but the fact that the global economy is increasingly becoming less stable as we approach the year 2012 is making a lot of people very nervous.
The following are 47 statistics that indicate that economic stress points in 2011 could be setting the stage for a global economic meltdown in 2012….
#1 According to the United Nations, global food prices set a new all-time record during the month of January.
#2 In early February the worst freeze in 60 years wiped out entire crops all across the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. Already, it has been reported that some U.S. supermarkets have doubled or even tripled prices for certain produce items.
#3 It is being reported that due to the recent horrible freeze in Mexico cases of tomatoes that would usually cost shop owners between 12 and 15 dollars are now going for up to $40.
#4 One of China’s key agricultural provinces is facing its worst drought in 200 years.
#5 The Food and Agriculture Organization says that up to two-thirds of China’s wheat crop could be at risk of failing due to weather conditions.
#6 Officials in Mexico are estimating that four million tons of corn have been lost because of the recent freeze. That represents a full 16 percent of Mexico’s annual corn harvest.
#7 The price of corn has doubled over the last six months and it recently hit a new all-time high.
#8 The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced that corn supplies are the tightest that they have been in 15 years.
#9 It appears that Chinese imports of corn will be about 9 times larger than the U.S. Department of Agriculture originally projected them to be for 2011.
#10 The price of wheat has more than doubled over the past year and it hit a 30-month high on Monday.
#11 In the event of a global catastrophe, current global stockpiles of wheat would only be able to feed the world for 82 days.
#12 According to Forbes, the price of soybeans is up about 50% since last June.
#13 The price of cotton has more than doubled over the past year.
#14 The commodity price of orange juice has doubled since 2009.
#15 The price of sugar is the highest it has been in 30 years.
#16 The United Nations is projecting that the global price of food will increase by another 30 percent by the end of 2011.
#17 In the U.K., the official rate of inflation is now twice as high as the target rate of inflation.
#18 Inflation in China is starting to get out of control. For example, food prices in China rose 10.3 percent during the month of January.
#19 Almost 14 percent of all credit card accounts in the United States are currently 90 days or more delinquent.
#20 New home sales in the state of California were at the lowest level ever recorded in the month of January.
#21 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of job openings in the United States declined for a second straight month during December.
#22 Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income.
#23 It is estimated that there are about 5 million homeowners in the United States that are at least two months behind on their mortgages, and it is being projected that over a million American families will be booted out of their homes this year alone.
#24 Today, 46% of all Americans carry a credit card balance from month to month.
#25 700,000 Americans have signed up for a credit card that has interest rates that go as high as 59.9%.
#26 Americans now owe more than $889 billion on student loans, which is even more than they owe on credit cards.
#27 The FDIC is “insuring” U.S. bank deposits that total 5.4 trillion dollars with a deposit insurance fund that is currently sitting at approximately negative 8 billion dollars.
#28 The Social Security trust fund will run a deficit of 56 billion dollars this year. Just a couple of years ago government planners were promising that we would not have any Social Security deficits until at least 2016 or 2017.
#29 When you adjust wages for inflation, middle class workers in the United States make less money today than they did back in 1971.
#30 4.2 million Americans have been unemployed for one year or longer at this point.
#31 The number of Americans that have become so discouraged that they have given up searching for work completely now stands at an all-time high.
#32 According to a recent Gallup poll, 35 percent of Americans believe that unemployment is currently the most important problem in the United States. Another 29 percent believe that the economy is currently our biggest problem.
#33 Gallup also says that 19.6 percent of the workforce in America is currently either unemployed or underemployed.
#34 The U.S. government says that 504,000 Americans “dropped out of the labor force” in January.
#35 The Obama administration is projecting that the federal budget deficit will be 1.65 trillion dollars for fiscal 2011.
#36 It is estimated that the total U.S. national debt will be greater than 100 percent of GDP by the end of this fiscal year.
#37 The U.S. government relies on foreign nations such as China and Japan to finance 40 percent of all new government debt.
#38 State and local government debt is now sitting at an all-time high of 22 percent of U.S. GDP.
#39 The Chinese are now hoarding gold like there is no tomorrow. In fact, Chinese demand for gold has now risen to approximately 25% of total global production.
#40 According to a recent report from the World Economic Forum, the world is going to need another $100 trillion in credit to support projected “economic growth” over the next decade.
#41 According to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, visits to soup kitchens are up 24 percent over the past year.
#42 One out of every seven Americans is now on food stamps.
#43 One out of every six elderly Americans now lives below the federal poverty line.
#44 During the last school year, almost half of all school children in the state of Illinois came from families that were considered to be “low-income”.
#45 According to a survey released very close to the end of 2010, 55 percentof all Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. A major economic downturn could quickly wipe out millions of families.
#46 Gasoline prices in the United States are now the highest that they have ever been in the middle of February.
#47 Faith in our economic system continues to decline. According to one new report, only 26 percent of Americans now trust the U.S. financial system.’
World Bank President Zoellick Says Surging Food Prices Have Pushed 44 Million People Into Extreme Poverty Countries in Latin America and Africa, including Bolivia and Mozambique, are most at risk of food riots as prices advance, the United Nations reported.
Ongoing Dollar Devastation Sends Silver Above $31, Only $18.45 From Hunt Brother High It is good to see that things are back to normal. The now irrelevant, and very soon to be former reserve currency is getting pummeled as stocks go up on 410,000 initial jobless claims nearly 2 years after the end of the recession.
Replace the Federal Reserve Altogether A Good Idea Rather than have designation to what the Fed is doing we believe to a great extent the term quantitative easing will fade from the major media and Fed announcements, probably to be replaced by a term such as accommodation.
Obama’s 2012 Budget: Tool Of Class War Paul Craig Roberts | Continues Wall Street’s war against poor & middle classes.
Geithner Helping the Chinese? Reuters | Diplomatic cables lay bare China’s growing influence as largest U.S. creditor.
Video: Why Isn’t Wall St. in Jail? [ This truly will prove to be the story of the century (albeit an abbreviated one and a turning point toward america’s intractable decline) owing to what will ultimately be the lynch-pin of global economic / financial collapse ushering in an era of great scarcity in more ways than can be imagined. The pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt american nation / government has literally underwritten this massive fraud at the expense of the vast majorities directly and indirectly, precluded prosecution while obfuscating the substantial crimes, literally becoming accomplices thereby. There is absolutely no excuse for what is essentially a defalcation and abrogation of duty. I was watching a somewhat obscure film recently which (though elsewhere on this page and site I’ve set forth alarming crime statistics clearing showing america as number 1 in all categories by wide margins) which set forth the statistic that america has 85% of the world’s serial killers (and I’d go further in saying it is likely that america has a similar lead in war crimes, etc.) ] MSNBC | Cenk Uygur talks to Matt Taibbi about his latest Rolling Stone article.
Is China Hoarding Gold In Anticipation Of A Global Financial Implosion? 10 Facts About Gold Fever In China That May Surprise You China officially has gold fever. Chinese demand for gold in 2011 is being called “explosive” and “voracious”. China imported five times as much gold in 2010 as it did in 2009, and this year gold sales in China are projected to easily set another new all-time record.
Dollar on the edge of the abyss The dollar is now poised on the edge of the abyss.
Silver rises to 30-year high as mints start to ration coins Silver jumped to a 30-year high amid record levels of investor buying that has drained mints of silver coins.
(2-18-11) Dow 12,391 +73 Nasdaq 2,833 +2 S&P 500 1,343 +2 [CLOSE- OIL $89.71 (-54% for year 2008) (RECORD TRADING HIGH $147.27) GAS $3.11 (reg. gas in LAND OF FRUITS AND NUTS $3.35 REG./ $3.53 MID-GRADE/ $3.62 PREM./ $3.68 DIESEL) / GOLD $1,387 (+24% for year 2009) / SILVER $32.52 (+47% for year 2009) PLATINUM $1,830 (+56% for year 2009) Metal News for the Day / DOLLAR= .73 EURO, 83 YEN, .61 POUND STERLING, ETC. (How low can you go - LOWER)/ 10 YR NOTE YIELD 3.59% …..… AP Business Highlights ...Yahoo Market Update... T. Rowe Price Weekly Recap – Stocks / Bonds / Currencies - Domestic / International This Is a Secular Bear Market and The End of Buy and Hold … and Hope MARKET MANIPULATION AND HOW THE LATEST BUBBLE-FRAUD PRE-COMING CRASH IS BEING ACCOMPLISHED 3-11-10 6 Theories On Why the Stock Market Has Rallied 3-9-10 [archived website file] Risks Lurk for ETF Investors The bull market that never was/were beyond wall street b.s. when measured in gold Property Values Projected to Fall 12% in 2010 Jan 31, 2010 The Week Ahead: Risk Is Off the Cliff; Unwind Has Begun Jan 31, 2010 01-13-10 Forecast for 2010 from Seeking Alpha Contributor THE COMING MARKET CRASH / CORRECTION 1-28-10 Maierhofer (01-15-10) 11 Clear Signs Economy Sinking Economic Black Hole 1-22-10: 20 Reasons Why The U.S. Economy Is Dying And Is Simply Not Going To Recover Current Economic / Fiscal Charts forecast for 2009 1-7-10 Crash is coming! ‘WORST ECONOMIC COLLAPSE EVER’ Must Read Economic / Financial Data This Depression is just beginning The coming depression… MUST READ: JEREMY GRANTHAM’S QUARTERLY UPDATE 25 January 2010 (850 on the S&P) by TPC The Next Wave of Collapse is Coming Sooner than you think Sliding Back Into the Great Depression ABSOLUTELY, ABSURDLY, RIDICULOUS! SELL / TAKE PROFITS WHILE YOU CAN SINCE MUCH, MUCH WORSE TO COME!
National / World
Alex Jones: NWO orchestrated protests RT America | Protests were orchestrated by the NWO and use this as fury in the streets to roll in another layer to the police state.
Obama’s FY 2012 Budget Is A Tool Of Class War Obama’s new budget is a continuation of Wall Street’s class war against the poor and middle class. The effect of the Federal Reserve’s “quantitative easing” on inflation, interest rates, and the dollar’s foreign exchange value are yet to hit. When they do, Americans will get a lesson in poverty.
Joel Skousen On Election 2012 – Deception & War Author and political commentator Joel Skousen gives an in-depth discussion on how the election process is controlled by the establishment, with a particular focus on the 2012 election and the co-opted Tea Party movement. Skousen gives a detailed explanation of how he thinks the 2012 election will play out, with either Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin emerging as the victorious Republican candidate.
Don’t Be Evil? 10 Ways In Which Google Runs The World Steve Watson & Paul Watson | The company was seeded with CIA money and is literally an a corporate arm of the intelligence community.
Deception at the Fed Ron Paul | For the past three decades, the Federal Reserve has been given a dual mandate: keeping prices stable and maximizing employment.
Horowitz and the Neocons Fear Patriot Ron Paul [ Unfortunately for the zionists, reality is anti-semitic in that reality calls a spade a spade! ] Kurt Nimmo | Neocon opportunist defames Ron Paul as anti-Semite.
Returning National Guard Troops Set To Smash Wisconsin Protest? Paul Joseph Watson | 300 soldiers head back to state fresh from Iraq after Gov. Walker put Guard on alert last week to prepare for strikes.
US troops set for longer Afghan stay [ Defacto bankrupt america can afford it … riiiiight! ] | Surge is likely to stay in place long beyond Obama’s plan to pull troops this year.
Saudis Worried Protests Will Hit Home [ For the sake of the saudi Arabian people, more than just protests should come to fruition! ] AFP | Saudi royal warns Arab world uprisings could cause harm unless they reform.
Bahrain authorities launch surprise attack on protesters [There’s the america and saudi Arabia effect; far less than democratic and far more deadly in the mideast among other places; talk about hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation as the saudis; time for the saudis to go the way of dictator Mubarak and take the war criminal americans with them. ] Los Angeles Times Tear gas canisters bombard sleeping protesters in Manama's Pearl Square. At least two men are reported killed Video: Bahrain protesters look to emulate Egypt revolt euronews Riot Police Attack Bahrain Protesters Voice of America
‘Saudi Arabia sending troops to Bahrain’ Saudi Arabia is sending troops to Bahrain in a move to crack down on pro-democracy protesters who took to the streets in the capital Manama, a political analyst says. [SAUDIS TOLD OBAMA 'NOT TO HUMILIATE MUBARAK' [ Sounds like they’re hearing footsteps…Previous: Egyptian capital teeters on anarchy Mubarak asks cabinet to resign as anti-regime protests intensify (Washington Post) [ Mubarak should have been looking in the mirror as he asked his cabinet to resign … 30 years is a long time, and coincidentally, time for him to go. In Egypt: Access denied (Washington Post) [The day part of the Internet died: Egypt goes dark [I disagree! Part of the internet didn’t die, but rather the order to so darken the nation heralded the demise, at 30 years and counting, of the so-called leadership in the persona of Mubarak. Time for him to go! After all, he’s been in a position, with Egypt among the only Mideast nations to have signed a peace treaty with israel, to have stepped up with substantial credibility in taking a strong position against israeli transgressions, violations of international law / u.n. resolutions, war crimes, etc., which beyond soft-touch, he failed to do. And, of all places, he sends his family to Orwellian england; he still loves those colonial masters … how pathetic. I mean, 30 years … how free-flowing does anyone think the election process is at this point … and one could ask the same regarding the entrenched powers that be in pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america, to be fair. Then there’s saudi arabia; talk about do nothing hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation; I suspect only when foreign corporations say so. The only Mideast nations showing backbone are Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria, and, of course the perennially propaganda painted bad-boy Iran among possibly some of the smaller emirates, ie., Qatar, etc., (I lack sufficient information regarding these other nations). ] (AP) Internet cutoff fails to silence Egypt protests (AP) - ]
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld booed at GOP convention in D.C. New York Daily News | Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were booed on Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Ron Paul At CPAC: ‘Government is in the process of failing’ Is he running for US Senate? Is he signaling his bid for US president? Or is he hinting at something deeper within the US political climate? Milbank: Donald trumps CPAC | Gibbs gone (Washington Post) [ Trump’s a loser, dressed up and propped up by and to shill for a declining, fallen nation in the most corrupt regions of the country (every fallen nation has such); of that there is no question …"Over the years I've participated in many battles and have really almost come out very, very victorious every single time," the Donald said. (Except for the bankruptc[ies], that is. [ trump’s never won a battle that wasn’t fixed in advance (including the ‘pre-packaged bankrupcies’ crammed down the throats of objecting creditors – jersey general ] ) "I've beaten many people and companies, and I've won many wars," he added. (Though he didn't serve in the military.) "I have fairly [according to mobster rules; ie., bribery, money laundering, etc.] but intelligently [ as any other mob boss … trump is total b*** s***, a fraud, and lightweight … and, despite the façade, quite insecure … trump’s a total mental case … He truly is the ‘poster-boy’ of american decline and part of the problem, not the solution! …trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … NEWS FLASH: Direct from Lost Angeles Learning Annex – Presenting mobster t_rump of new yoke, new joyzey, and now caleefornia mob fame with his continuing message for the past several years: buy real estate (and watch the values go down…..riiiiight!).
Bank sues Trump over Chicago tower loan...
Trump casino to miss interest payment...
trump’s fired (from ‘his own company’)
Gunfire Erupts Inside trump Taj Mahal Casino, 1 Dead - Second Such Incident In A Year At N.J. Mainstay Ends With Employee Killed – What else would you you expect from a mobster’s casino in mob-infested jersey!
Trump luxury resort folds, leaving buyers defrauded…litigation has commenced…send for sister maryanne, the corrupt federal judge to preside, coverup, etc., she’s in n.y./n.j./pa 3rd circuit ct appeals, understands drug money laundering/fraud and handles her own motions to recuse her and like mobster trump should be in jail ... (see RICO Case)
] earned many billions of dollars [ at whose expense ], which in a sense was both a scorecard and acknowledgment of my abilities [ to fool most of the people, all of the time. ] ." TRUMP DRAWS CHEERS, BOOS AT CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE...
PONDERING PRESIDENTIAL RUN... [Don’t make me laugh! … Donald T_rump Would Impose 25% Tax on China Imports if President [ trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … Indeed, that trump even posits the possibility of a run when he should be in jail is a testament to just how big a laughingstock pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s become! [ If he was mobster in chief, mobster and scoundrel trump wraps himself in populist american flag and offers up an (too little too late – typical lightweight) implausible solution to keep ‘the juice’ flowing though he’d already be in jail in a rational, non-declining nation with meaningful laws. All China has to do is dump (and not prospectively buy) their ever more and declining in value day-by-day (from dollar debasement policies) u.s. paper / bonds and overnight and the u.s. economy consequently thereby collapse. [ When you come right down to it, this has been america’s most significant export. Indeed, this irrevocable structural shift, hailed by cia men hw bush and clinton (clinton couldn’t have survived with them) by way of NAFTA as the greatest thing since sliced bread was indeed in no uncertain terms condemned and warned against by Perot, a man of honor who, unlike his opponents, could not be bought, which is the reason, in pervasively corrupt america, he could never have been elected. Interestingly, you may have noticed the good (but not great, other than the spotlight on pervasive bribery including judges, police, politicians, etc., being far too light) the film ‘The Untouchables’ getting a wide re-airing of late, purporting to be a significant part of american folklore / history / culture. However, the reality is that in america, and certainly today, the real story with impact is that of ‘The Touchables’. The reality is that Elliot Ness died a broken man; bankrupt, unable to even win election to the mayoralty of his then current hometown. He was incorruptible; and hence, in the real america, unelectable at the least if not also all but unemployable (he and his are among those few genetic anomalies in america as I’ve previously alluded to. How far america has fallen from even false perception! Pervasively corrupt, meaningfully lawless america can’t even fake it anymore. See, for example, , and of course, corrupt legal / judicial processes, etc., Defacto bankrupt, fraudulent america also spends more on offensive (defensive a misnomer / propaganda) military spending than all the nations of the world combined, and by a large margin at that. Do you see a pattern emerging here [ I unfortunately only belatedly did, and the feds, fed employees, cia, all 3 branches of the u.s. government, etc., are included in this evolved american trait of inherent criminality in the most nefarious sense … The pervasively corrupt american illegal system … corrupt u.s. courts / (lawyers) / judges: Their lifetime plush appointments should be abolished, which corrupt entities are unheard of in productive societies as China, Japan, etc.. Time to abolish these drags on society and eliminate their lifetime stipends and costly bureaucracies. Rules of law mean nothing to these typically corrupt americans. Most, including sam alito of the u.s. supreme court, concerning drug money laundering and obstruction of justice in the 3rd circuit ( also maryanne trump barry who covered-up drug money laundering through her brother’s casinos in a civil RICO case) should have gone to or belong in jail. Contrary to popular belief, they do it for the money, personal money, big, cash, untraceable money. The fog of war is great for such things (360 tons $100 bills flown into Iraq and missing, etc.). [ ]. america’s just a fraudulent and failed defacto bankrupt nation. ] “I would announce, without equivocation, a 25% tax increase on anything purchased from China.” ]
‘Cheney Stand Down Order’ #1 on Google Trends Infowars | Search term about Dick Cheney’s 9/11 actions reaches top of Google.
The Suez Canal Workers Stage Sit-in as U.S. Warships Dispatched Kurt Nimmo | Military in control of government has vowed to not allow labor strikes to paralyze the world’s most populous Arab nation.
TSA Workers Admit To Stealing Huge Amounts Of Cash From Passengers Steve Watson & Paul Watson | It has been revealed that TSA workers admit to stealing cash and possessions from passengers.
WeAreChange Confronts Dick Cheney on 9/11 Standdown Order Aaron Dykes | Activist group confronts former vice president Dick Cheney about inconsistencies in 9/11 testimony and actions in PEOC bunker. ‘Infowars.comFebruary 15, 2010The testimony of Norman Mineta before the 9/11 Commission leaves compelling questions about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s actions on the day of 9/11. Then Transportation Secretary Mineta witnessed Cheney refuse to contradict an apparent standdown order as an aide warned of something incoming at the Pentagon. Cheney has given conflicting reports about what time he entered the PEOC bunker. Mineta later confirmed his suppressed 9/11 Commission testimony and refuted Cheney’s account of arriving later.During the CPAC conference, confronted Cheney about these questions, which he refused to address.“Hey Mr. Cheney, what did you do in the underground bunker on 9/11? Dick Cheney we know what you did on 9/11 with the standdown order. Norman Mineta testified against you on the 9/11 Commission report. What happened on 9/11?”When he was being forced out, founder Luke Rudkowski calmly asked security not to push him; security backed off after asking him, ‘Are you being polite?’
Luke Rudkowski and James Lane of We Are Change confront Dick Cheney in Washington D.C. at CPAC 2/10/2011.
WeAreChangeOklahoma – Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney (CPAC 2011)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3610.01A issued June 1, 2001 on “Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects (Click each document for a larger image)
Cheney dodged the continuing questions by exiting with his entourage into an elevator. As a woman started repeating “Thank you Mr. Cheney for all you’ve done,” Rudkowski interjected that he was a ‘terrorist.’ Certainly, the use of admittedly elevated terror alerts throughout the Bush administration to stoke the fear card and score political dominion alone is reason to justify this label. The implications of what really happened on 9/11, and in relation to Cheney’s apparent standdown order, is even more compelling. Notably, a change in the standard operating procedure for the chain of command during the event of a hijacked aircraft was changed in June 2001, including subjecting NORAD’s response to DoD approval (SEE BELOW).
The former Vice President’s re-entry into the public limelight, after years of dealing with heart issues, is what appears to be an attempt to re-brand the Bush Administration in time to retain neo-con power in the coming GOP presidential primary field, where tea party politics and candidates like Ron Paul have obviously taken root with conservative voters in the years of the Obama administration. This confrontation occurred during the same CPAC convention where Ron Paul won the presidential straw poll and Dick Cheney was heckled and called a “war-monger” during a pep rally where Donald Rumsfeld was given the “Defender of the Constitution Award.”
From Norman Mineta’s testimony:
“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?’
Bank regulators update Senate (Washington Post) [ Update, riiiiight! … sounds like a plan! … for the spectator sport called the u.s. senate … what an over-rated, over-compensated, over-stayed bunch of incompetent boobs. Time for shorter terms and term limits for these failed, flawed, and venal politicians; along with the paycuts they richly deserve. Their solution to most problems … leave it to the perps as they bilk the nation but contribute mightily to their campaign funds. ] Lawmakers hope to set nationwide requirements for foreclosures.
Boehner draws line on spending bill (Washington Post) [ Lines … riiiiight! … republicans are great ones for drawing lines … Poppy bush’s line in sand ( everyone who really knows the real story knows that bush’s cia station chief, april glaspie gave sadam hussein the green light to invade Kuwait over their dispute concerning Kuwait’s slant-drilling of Iraqi oil reserves … to contrive the conflict. ), lines of war-criminal dumbya bush of with us or aggin’ us, etc., but we can thank both parties in terms of their bi-partisan contribution to ever-growing unemployment LINES. Yes, unemployment numbers were quite bad this day, but the frauds on wall street with fed help you’ll ultimately pay for rallied anyway. Jobless Recovery?: 25 Unemployment Statistics That Are Almost Too Depressing To Read ‘… Unemployment is up again! That’s right – even though Wall Street is swimming in cash and the Obama administration is declaring that “the recession is over”, the U.S. unemployment rate has gone even higher. So are you enjoying the jobless recovery? Economic Collapse Blog ‘Guess what? Unemployment is up again! That’s right – even though Wall Street is swimming in cash and the Obama administration is declaring that “the recession is over”, the U.S. unemployment rate has gone even higher ... Times are really, really tough and unfortunately the long-term outlook is very bleak. We should have compassion on those who are out of work right now, because soon many of us may join them.The following are 25 unemployment statistics that are almost too depressing to read…. See infra for list Stock Melt-Up Continues to Ignore Warnings [ While I generally warn against short-selling as an investment strategy for all but the most successful speculators (there are very, very few), if there ever was a time to try your luck at same, that time is now! We’re now beyond the absurd in these overbought, overvalued, contrived, manipulated markets. See also, Dave infra, ‘…Further, the Philly Fed (riiiiight … that global hub of manufacturing activity) came in much higher than expected although inside the numbers the prices paid vs prices received disparity was the greatest since 1979. That wasn't a great time for corporate profits. Even though there's some "discussion" within the Fed over the effectiveness of QE operations another heavy dose of POMO was released to trading desks again Thursday. …’ Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail? Matt Taibbi | Financial crooks brought down the world’s economy — but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them. ( This is not a too big to fail, but a too willing to pay bribes to jail - reality. This really is beyond the pale, particularly when they trumpet prosecution of $225 million in medicare frauds while wall street’s continuing fraud in the trillions remains unprosecuted – there is no excuse whatsoever – pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america is done!). ] Minyanville ‘Suttmeier, chief market strategist at The stock melt-up has the major equity averages above this week’s pivots putting the focus on the Nasdaq and its quarterly risky level at 2853. The Dow Transports broke above the potential double-top. Stocks are ignoring the ValuEngine Valuation Warning and extreme overbought technical market indicators. The 10-Year yield failed at my weekly risky level at 3.568 after holding my annual value level at 3.791 last week. Comex gold is above my annual pivot at $1356.5 and closed above its 50-day simple moving average at $1372.2. Nymex crude oil remains below my semiannual pivot at $87.52, but is now oversold. The euro is above its 50-day simple moving average at 1.3377 with this week’s risky level at 1.3636.
New Highs for the Move for the Major Equity Averages
- The Dow Industrial Average (12,288) remains extremely overbought and closed above its weekly pivot at 12,274 testing 12,303.16. The 21-day simple moving average rises to 12,063 with today’s risky level at 12,399.
- The S&P 500 (1336.3) closed above its weekly pivot at 1335.6, setting a new high for the move at 1337.61. The 21-day simple moving average rises to 1306.1 with today’s risky level at 1344.4.
- The Nasdaq (2826) closed back above this week’s pivot at 2811 with my quarterly risky level at 2853. The 21-day simple moving average rises to 2756 with today’s risky level at 2840.
- Dow Transports (5286) tested and held its weekly pivot at 5206 on Tuesday, then breaks above its January 18 high at 5256.80 to 5306.54 on Wednesday. Today’s risky level is 5317.
- The Russell 2000 (828.37) is above its weekly pivot at 811.80 with its July 2007 high at 862.00. Today’s risky level is 837.39.
We continue to trade under a ValuEngine Valuation Warning -- Sixteen of 16 sectors overvalued with only 32.4% of all stocks undervalued on Wednesday, below the 35% threshold by this measure. This also means that 67.6% of all stocks are overvalued.
10-Year Note -- (3.619) Is between my annual value level at 3.791 and my weekly risky level at 3.568.
Comex Gold -- ($1375.3) My annual pivot is $1356.5 with the 50-day simple moving average at $1372.2 with my monthly risky level at $1412.4.
Nymex Crude Oil -- ($85.00) Continues to trade below my semiannual pivot at $87.52 and is now oversold on its daily chart with today’s value level at $82.85.
The Euro -- (1.3567) Still above its 50-day simple moving average at 1.3377 with my weekly risky level at 1.3636.
Housing Starts and Permits Remain Soft -- Housing Starts increased 14.6% in January, but the gain was entirely due to a 77.7% increase in the multifamily sector. Single family starts declined 1.0% to a 413,000 annual rate with single family permits down 4.8%. Overall building permits declined 10.4%.
More Information From the NAHB Housing Market Index -- If you look at the National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index going back to 1985 it never went below 20 until October 2007. During the 1988 to 1992 mini-crisis the lowest reading was 20 in January 1991. For the current popping of the housing bubble this index peaked at 72 in June 2005, when the CEOs of the publicly traded home builders described the housing market as the best they have ever seen.
Back in June 2005 ValuEngine had the home builders extremely overvalued and I noted their weekly price charts were extremely overbought. I wrote a piece calling for a summer 2005 peak for the home builder stocks, which proved to be a prudent market call. The NAHB HMI has been 20 or below since September 2007 and has been between 13 and 16 the past nine months. The exception was a 22 reading in the height of the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit in May 2010.
The Mortgage Bankers Association reported that their weekly Mortgage Applications Survey decreased 9.5% with the Refinance Index down 11.4%, to the lowest reading since July 3, 2009. The Purchase Index decreased 5.9%, and is 18.2% lower than a year ago. A major drag is attributed to the above 5% mortgage rate, up nearly a full percentage point from the October 2010 low, in the midst of when Fed Chief Bernanke was touting that the pending QE2 program would push longer-term yields lower to help consumers. The only thing that QE2 has done is inflate an equity market to an overvalued and overbought inflating financial bubble!
The minutes from the latest Fed Meeting indicates that unemployment and tight credit conditions continues to be a drag on the housing market. History repeats: Housing peaked in mid-2005 and the recovery has been nil. Community banks peaked at the end of 2006, and Bank Failure Friday continues. Regional Banks peaked in March 2007, and toxic assets remain in the banking system. Fed policy with that ridiculously low funds rate and QE2 is masking problems that will still plague the US economy for the next several years.’
Imams wage political battle against U.S. (Washington Post) [ Yeah! Are not these native Afghans freedom fighters in the highest, truest, and most noble sense of the term. I mean, pervasively corrupt / defacto bankrupt america’s destructive and corrupting influence is unequivocal (including the resurgent heroin trade that had all been eradicated by the Taliban). This unlawful incursion is a lose, lose scenario for all parties; and, america’s / israel’s / nato’s zionist aspirations in the region are among the most self-destructive, self-defeating policies in world history. ] For the U.S. government, and for the 100,000 American troops fighting in Afghanistan, the messages delivered last Friday could hardly have been worse.
Clock is ticking (Washington Post) [ Oh come on! Don’t be a spoil-sport realist; after all, these are, unlike mubarak, young pro-saudi-american dictators and still have a bright future of repression / oppression / suppression ahead of them for the greater good of … status quo? … nobody really thinks so. Tick-Tock! ] Editorial: In Bahrain, America should press the government to cease its repression [ Don’t hold your breath. ]. Bahrain authorities launch surprise attack on protesters [There’s the america and saudi Arabia effect; far less than democratic and far more deadly in the mideast among other places; talk about hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation as the saudis; time for the saudis to go the way of dictator Mubarak and take the war criminal americans with them. ] Los Angeles Times Tear gas canisters bombard sleeping protesters in Manama's Pearl Square. At least two men are reported killed Video: Bahrain protesters look to emulate Egypt revolt euronews Riot Police Attack Bahrain Protesters Voice of America
‘Saudi Arabia sending troops to Bahrain’ Saudi Arabia is sending troops to Bahrain in a move to crack down on pro-democracy protesters who took to the streets in the capital Manama, a political analyst says. [SAUDIS TOLD OBAMA 'NOT TO HUMILIATE MUBARAK' [ Sounds like they’re hearing footsteps…Previous: Egyptian capital teeters on anarchy Mubarak asks cabinet to resign as anti-regime protests intensify (Washington Post) [ Mubarak should have been looking in the mirror as he asked his cabinet to resign … 30 years is a long time, and coincidentally, time for him to go. In Egypt: Access denied (Washington Post) [The day part of the Internet died: Egypt goes dark [I disagree! Part of the internet didn’t die, but rather the order to so darken the nation heralded the demise, at 30 years and counting, of the so-called leadership in the persona of Mubarak. Time for him to go! After all, he’s been in a position, with Egypt among the only Mideast nations to have signed a peace treaty with israel, to have stepped up with substantial credibility in taking a strong position against israeli transgressions, violations of international law / u.n. resolutions, war crimes, etc., which beyond soft-touch, he failed to do. And, of all places, he sends his family to Orwellian england; he still loves those colonial masters … how pathetic. I mean, 30 years … how free-flowing does anyone think the election process is at this point … and one could ask the same regarding the entrenched powers that be in pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america, to be fair. Then there’s saudi arabia; talk about do nothing hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation; I suspect only when foreign corporations say so. The only Mideast nations showing backbone are Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria, and, of course the perennially propaganda painted bad-boy Iran among possibly some of the smaller emirates, ie., Qatar, etc., (I lack sufficient information regarding these other nations). ] (AP) Internet cutoff fails to silence Egypt protests (AP) - ]
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld booed at GOP convention in D.C. New York Daily News | Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were booed on Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Ron Paul At CPAC: ‘Government is in the process of failing’ Is he running for US Senate? Is he signaling his bid for US president? Or is he hinting at something deeper within the US political climate? Milbank: Donald trumps CPAC | Gibbs gone (Washington Post) [ Trump’s a loser, dressed up and propped up by and to shill for a declining, fallen nation in the most corrupt regions of the country (every fallen nation has such); of that there is no question …"Over the years I've participated in many battles and have really almost come out very, very victorious every single time," the Donald said. (Except for the bankruptc[ies], that is. [ trump’s never won a battle that wasn’t fixed in advance (including the ‘pre-packaged bankrupcies’ crammed down the throats of objecting creditors – jersey general ] ) "I've beaten many people and companies, and I've won many wars," he added. (Though he didn't serve in the military.) "I have fairly [according to mobster rules; ie., bribery, money laundering, etc.] but intelligently [ as any other mob boss … trump is total b*** s***, a fraud, and lightweight … and, despite the façade, quite insecure … trump’s a total mental case … He truly is the ‘poster-boy’ of american decline and part of the problem, not the solution! …trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … NEWS FLASH: Direct from Lost Angeles Learning Annex – Presenting mobster t_rump of new yoke, new joyzey, and now caleefornia mob fame with his continuing message for the past several years: buy real estate (and watch the values go down…..riiiiight!).
Bank sues Trump over Chicago tower loan...
Trump casino to miss interest payment...
trump’s fired (from ‘his own company’)
Gunfire Erupts Inside trump Taj Mahal Casino, 1 Dead - Second Such Incident In A Year At N.J. Mainstay Ends With Employee Killed – What else would you you expect from a mobster’s casino in mob-infested jersey!
Trump luxury resort folds, leaving buyers defrauded…litigation has commenced…send for sister maryanne, the corrupt federal judge to preside, coverup, etc., she’s in n.y./n.j./pa 3rd circuit ct appeals, understands drug money laundering/fraud and handles her own motions to recuse her and like mobster trump should be in jail ... (see RICO Case)
] earned many billions of dollars [ at whose expense ], which in a sense was both a scorecard and acknowledgment of my abilities [ to fool most of the people, all of the time. ] ." TRUMP DRAWS CHEERS, BOOS AT CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE...
PONDERING PRESIDENTIAL RUN... [Don’t make me laugh! … Donald T_rump Would Impose 25% Tax on China Imports if President [ trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … Indeed, that trump even posits the possibility of a run when he should be in jail is a testament to just how big a laughingstock pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s become! [ If he was mobster in chief, mobster and scoundrel trump wraps himself in populist american flag and offers up an (too little too late – typical lightweight) implausible solution to keep ‘the juice’ flowing though he’d already be in jail in a rational, non-declining nation with meaningful laws. All China has to do is dump (and not prospectively buy) their ever more and declining in value day-by-day (from dollar debasement policies) u.s. paper / bonds and overnight and the u.s. economy consequently thereby collapse. [ When you come right down to it, this has been america’s most significant export. Indeed, this irrevocable structural shift, hailed by cia men hw bush and clinton (clinton couldn’t have survived with them) by way of NAFTA as the greatest thing since sliced bread was indeed in no uncertain terms condemned and warned against by Perot, a man of honor who, unlike his opponents, could not be bought, which is the reason, in pervasively corrupt america, he could never have been elected. Interestingly, you may have noticed the good (but not great, other than the spotlight on pervasive bribery including judges, police, politicians, etc., being far too light) the film ‘The Untouchables’ getting a wide re-airing of late, purporting to be a significant part of american folklore / history / culture. However, the reality is that in america, and certainly today, the real story with impact is that of ‘The Touchables’. The reality is that Elliot Ness died a broken man; bankrupt, unable to even win election to the mayoralty of his then current hometown. He was incorruptible; and hence, in the real america, unelectable at the least if not also all but unemployable (he and his are among those few genetic anomalies in america as I’ve previously alluded to. How far america has fallen from even false perception! Pervasively corrupt, meaningfully lawless america can’t even fake it anymore. See, for example, , and of course, corrupt legal / judicial processes, etc., Defacto bankrupt, fraudulent america also spends more on offensive (defensive a misnomer / propaganda) military spending than all the nations of the world combined, and by a large margin at that. Do you see a pattern emerging here [ I unfortunately only belatedly did, and the feds, fed employees, cia, all 3 branches of the u.s. government, etc., are included in this evolved american trait of inherent criminality in the most nefarious sense … The pervasively corrupt american illegal system … corrupt u.s. courts / (lawyers) / judges: Their lifetime plush appointments should be abolished, which corrupt entities are unheard of in productive societies as China, Japan, etc.. Time to abolish these drags on society and eliminate their lifetime stipends and costly bureaucracies. Rules of law mean nothing to these typically corrupt americans. Most, including sam alito of the u.s. supreme court, concerning drug money laundering and obstruction of justice in the 3rd circuit ( also maryanne trump barry who covered-up drug money laundering through her brother’s casinos in a civil RICO case) should have gone to or belong in jail. Contrary to popular belief, they do it for the money, personal money, big, cash, untraceable money. The fog of war is great for such things (360 tons $100 bills flown into Iraq and missing, etc.). [ ]. america’s just a fraudulent and failed defacto bankrupt nation. ] “I would announce, without equivocation, a 25% tax increase on anything purchased from China.” ]
‘Cheney Stand Down Order’ #1 on Google Trends Infowars | Search term about Dick Cheney’s 9/11 actions reaches top of Google.
The Suez Canal Workers Stage Sit-in as U.S. Warships Dispatched Kurt Nimmo | Military in control of government has vowed to not allow labor strikes to paralyze the world’s most populous Arab nation.
TSA Workers Admit To Stealing Huge Amounts Of Cash From Passengers Steve Watson & Paul Watson | It has been revealed that TSA workers admit to stealing cash and possessions from passengers.
WeAreChange Confronts Dick Cheney on 9/11 Standdown Order Aaron Dykes | Activist group confronts former vice president Dick Cheney about inconsistencies in 9/11 testimony and actions in PEOC bunker. ‘Infowars.comFebruary 15, 2010The testimony of Norman Mineta before the 9/11 Commission leaves compelling questions about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s actions on the day of 9/11. Then Transportation Secretary Mineta witnessed Cheney refuse to contradict an apparent standdown order as an aide warned of something incoming at the Pentagon. Cheney has given conflicting reports about what time he entered the PEOC bunker. Mineta later confirmed his suppressed 9/11 Commission testimony and refuted Cheney’s account of arriving later.During the CPAC conference, confronted Cheney about these questions, which he refused to address.“Hey Mr. Cheney, what did you do in the underground bunker on 9/11? Dick Cheney we know what you did on 9/11 with the standdown order. Norman Mineta testified against you on the 9/11 Commission report. What happened on 9/11?”When he was being forced out, founder Luke Rudkowski calmly asked security not to push him; security backed off after asking him, ‘Are you being polite?’
Luke Rudkowski and James Lane of We Are Change confront Dick Cheney in Washington D.C. at CPAC 2/10/2011.
WeAreChangeOklahoma – Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney (CPAC 2011)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3610.01A issued June 1, 2001 on “Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects (Click each document for a larger image)
Cheney dodged the continuing questions by exiting with his entourage into an elevator. As a woman started repeating “Thank you Mr. Cheney for all you’ve done,” Rudkowski interjected that he was a ‘terrorist.’ Certainly, the use of admittedly elevated terror alerts throughout the Bush administration to stoke the fear card and score political dominion alone is reason to justify this label. The implications of what really happened on 9/11, and in relation to Cheney’s apparent standdown order, is even more compelling. Notably, a change in the standard operating procedure for the chain of command during the event of a hijacked aircraft was changed in June 2001, including subjecting NORAD’s response to DoD approval (SEE BELOW).
The former Vice President’s re-entry into the public limelight, after years of dealing with heart issues, is what appears to be an attempt to re-brand the Bush Administration in time to retain neo-con power in the coming GOP presidential primary field, where tea party politics and candidates like Ron Paul have obviously taken root with conservative voters in the years of the Obama administration. This confrontation occurred during the same CPAC convention where Ron Paul won the presidential straw poll and Dick Cheney was heckled and called a “war-monger” during a pep rally where Donald Rumsfeld was given the “Defender of the Constitution Award.”
From Norman Mineta’s testimony:
“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?’
Obama joins Wisconsin budget battle Democratic lawmakers flee state in attempt to block anti-union bill (Washington Post) [ Looks like capital hill can pick up a few pointers from ‘dem dems … fleeing the state, that is … except in their case it’ll be fleeing the nation-state, or what’s left of same. Drudgereport: DEBT NOW EQUALS ENTIRE ECONOMY
Obama refers to himself as 'The Gipper'… [ Riiiight! …anything you say wobmama the b for b*** s***… or maybe the bipper, the chipper, or the yankee clipper (the new joltin’ joe) …sounds like he’s losing it! ] ...
'Day of Rage' Hits Wisconsin over state unions...
Madison schools closed; 1,100 teachers call in 'sick'...
Obama: 'Assault on Unions'...
Obama-founded OFA spearheading effort to defeat bill...
Boehner: 'Suspend these tactics'...
Gov. Walker calls on Dems to return, vote...
Protesters, supporters clash in Ohio over union bill...
Activists swarm Boehner's Capitol Hill home; Chant 'don't tread on DC'..
Carney: Stimulus 'Goals Have Been Met'...
GALLUP: Unemployment hits 10%...
Feds Borrow Additional $29,660/Household Since Obama Signed Stimulus...
Ratings Downgrades Loom for Cash-Strapped States...
] President accuses Scott Walker, the state's GOP governor, of unleashing an "assault" on unions in plan to roll back benefits for public workers.
Bubble Talk: Grantham Warns Of The Paradox Of Profit Margins Reese ‘In the second half of his year-end letter, GMO’s Jeremy Grantham takes a look at numerous asset bubbles throughout history, warning investors to ignore bubbles at their own peril. Grantham’s GMO manages more than $100 billion in assets.“Responding to the ebbs and flows of major cycles and saving your big bets for the outlying extremes is, in my opinion, easily the best way for a large pool of money to add value and reduce risk,” Grantham writes. “In comparison, waiting on the railroad tracks as the ‘Bubble Express’ comes barreling toward you is a very painful way to show your disdain for macro concepts and a blind devotion to your central skill of stock picking. The really major bubbles will wash away big slices of even the best Graham and Dodd portfolios.” Grantham says that bubbles form because of a cycle in which investment managers, feeling the career risk in making bold moves, fall prey to “herding”. It also involves what he calls “double counting”. Profit margins, he says, are mean-reverting, meaning that at times when margins are high, investors should be willing to pay less per dollar of earnings. In reality, what often happens, he says, is that when margins are high, inflating earnings, investors pay more for each dollar of earnings.“It is a classic fallacy of composition,” he says. “For an individual company, having an exceptional profit margin deserves a premium P/E against its competitors. But for the market as a whole, for which profit margins are beautifully mean reverting, it is exactly the reverse. This apparent paradox seems to fool the market persistently.”Also necessary for a bubble to form: a generous money supply, Grantham adds.Grantham also shows how bubbles — from the South Sea Stock Bubble of the early 1700s to the recent U.S. housing bubble — always go back to their original trend that was in place before the bubble formed.’
Great Inflation Debate: Core Producer Prices Run Hot Phillips ‘In the monthly battle over whether inflation is in the offing, the inflationistas got something to hold onto this morning. The monthly core producer prices for January — stripping out food and energy prices — came in at 0.5%, higher than 0.2% than economists had been expecting. Miller Tabak’s Peter Boockvar notes that the main rise in the core price was a 1.4% increase in prescription drug costs.
Alan Ruskin of Deutsche Bank writes:
Core intermediates and core crude were worryingly strong. In theory this pipeline pressure is not good for risk appetite and equities one way or the other. Either it dampens profit margins, or it is passed along to consumers, hurting real disposable income and encouraging policy tightening. Given a choice the market much prefers the former to the latter, not least because profit margins are less transparent, and determined even more by labor costs than raw materials. As such, pipeline price pressures will probably only seriously dampen enthusiasm for equities and risky assets when they start to show up more obviously in CPI or less clearly in industrial earnings.CPI will be on the economic docket on Thursday, with expectations for an increase of 0.3% in the headline number and 0.1% in the core figure. That number will be a lot more important to the markets. Yields on Treasurys are up a bit after the PPI report, but nothing major.’
World Bank President Zoellick Says Surging Food Prices Have Pushed 44 Million People Into Extreme Poverty Countries in Latin America and Africa, including Bolivia and Mozambique, are most at risk of food riots as prices advance, the United Nations reported.
Ongoing Dollar Devastation Sends Silver Above $31, Only $18.45 From Hunt Brother High It is good to see that things are back to normal. The now irrelevant, and very soon to be former reserve currency is getting pummeled as stocks go up on 410,000 initial jobless claims nearly 2 years after the end of the recession.
Replace the Federal Reserve Altogether A Good Idea Rather than have designation to what the Fed is doing we believe to a great extent the term quantitative easing will fade from the major media and Fed announcements, probably to be replaced by a term such as accommodation.
Is Apple’s Afterhours Weakness Based On The Assessment Of A Less Than Credible “Doctor?” As is by now well-known, Apple stock is underperforming after hours following reports of an allegedly sickly-looking Steve Jobs leaving the Stanford cancer center.
State of Denial On a day when crude oil passes $104 a barrel and gold crosses $1,380 an ounce, we would like to reflect on inflation in the currency supply and inflation in commodities. In the grand cosmic drama of international relations, every country seems to be dealing with inflation in their own idiosyncratic ways.
Jobless claims tick back above 400,000 CNNMoney | Number of Americans filing first-time claims for unemployment benefits edged up last week.
Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail? Matt Taibbi | Financial crooks brought down the world’s economy — but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them.
Consumer prices jump in January Los Angeles Times -US inflation index rises 0.4% from December, the second straight monthly climb. Core inflation rises 0.2%, the highest monthly gain since October 2009. Thursday Look Ahead: Markets on Inflation Watch The Fed Is Wrong, Inflation Is Here Forbes (blog)
National / World
Cancer causing chemicals found in cola coloring ingredient The “caramel coloring” used to color all the top cola brands isn’t natural caramel coloring at all. Instead, it’s made by reacting sugars with ammonia and sulfites at high temperatures. This reaction results in the formation of 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole, both of which are chemicals documented by the U.S. government to cause cancer in mammals.
Two-year-old girl feared among four dead in Bahrain as riot police engage in pre-dawn protest crackdown At least four people have been killed including a two-year-old girl in Bahrain after police carried out a raid on anti-government protesters.
Exclusive video: Cops shooting at protesters in deadly Yemen unrest Security forces have clashed with anti-government protesters in Yemen on the seventh consecutive day of demonstrations calling for the ouster of the president. Police have shot and killed two protesters in the Yemeni city of Aden as unrest in the capital Sanaa against President Ali Abdullah Saleh flared for a fourth straight day. The fatalities were among three people taken to Naqib hospital in Aden. Medics said both fatalities died of their wounds.
ABC Journalist Beaten, And At Least One Is Killed As Protests In Bahrain Turn Violent The situation in Bahrain is rapidly deteriorating.
Hosni Mubarak Not Dying, Had Breakfast on the Beach Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was well enough to have breakfast on the beach today and is doing well, a sharp contradiction to reports that the sidelined strongman had slipped into a coma and was dying, a well placed source told ABC News.
TSA Criminals Caught Stealing Cash, Arrested for Assault Steve Watson | Deviants, dregs of society stealing people’s belongings and feeling them up on behalf of the federal government.
Milestones of the Impending Police State Alex Jones | The engineered financial crisis necessitates a high-tech police state and further erosion of liberty.
Day Of Rage: Americans Finally Reacting To Economic Rape? Paul Joseph Watson | Cairo Moves To Madison: Protesters mass in hallways of Wisconsin state Capitol as debt black hole threatens riots. Last month we speculated how long it would take for the scenes on the streets of Cairo to be repeated in America. After all, Americans are facing similar levels of economic rape to those that prompted Egyptians to rise up and overthrow 30 year dictator Hosni Mubarak.
Teachers and Police Battle in Oaxaca, Mexico Kurt Nimmo | Oaxaca clash reminiscent of street battles over wages in 2006.
Baghdad wants U.S. to pay $1 billion for damage to city Iraq’s capital wants the United States to apologize and pay $1 billion for the damage done to the city not by bombs but by blast walls and Humvees since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein.
Betrayed! Tea Party Politicians Vote To Renew The Patriot Act For a moment, imagine that you are awakened one night by a heavily-armed team of federal agents dressed in all black breaking into your home.
Colin Powell demands answers over false Iraq intel: reports Ex-secretary of state Colin Powell called on the CIA and Pentagon to explain how he was given unreliable information which proved key to the US case for
Correspondent sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo CNN | CBS News correspondent Lara Logan was reporting on the protests in Egypt.
Fed upgrades economic outlook (Washington Post) [ Wow! Like the ‘no-recession / great recession / depression’ , what do expect these incompetent, and complicit wall street favored frauds to say. This is truly an existential moment of desperation for them and as before, they are disposed to anything that buys them time … I say: they’re out of time! 47 Statistics That Indicate That Economic Stress Points In 2011 Could Be Setting The Stage For A Global Economic Meltdown In 2012 Is the world approaching a devastating global economic meltdown? Right now there are a large number of factors that are creating economic stress points all over the globe.‘The American Dream Feb 16, 2011 Is the world approaching a devastating global economic meltdown? Right now there are a large number of factors that are creating economic stress points all over the globe. All of the crazy money printing that the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been doing is putting inflationary pressure on agricultural commodities, oil and precious metals. Massive floods, horrific droughts and extreme weather patterns all over the globe are ruining crops and creating food shortages. Some nations are now actually hoarding food, and in other nations rising prices have sparked food riots. The price of oil has been moving back towards $100 a barrel, and if it stays at a high level for an extended period of time that is going to have very serious consequences for the global economy. In addition, the growing sovereign debt crisis could erupt again at any time. Half a dozen nations in Europe are on the verge of insolvency, Japan’s national debt is now well over 200 percent of GDP, and the global financial system is growing increasingly concerned about the exploding national debt of the United States. The truth is that the entire world financial system is a house of cards balanced on a razor’s edge and it could come down at any time.
Sadly, very little has changed since the world financial system experienced almost a complete meltdown back in 2008. Global financial markets are still a whirlpool of debt and speculation. One really bad week could put us right back where we were prior to the infamous Wall Street bailouts. Very little in our world is truly stable anymore. As we have seen recently in Egypt, the globe can literally change almost overnight. All it would take is for one really bad event to happen and world financial markets would instantly start imploding.
So when will the coming economic collapse happen? Nobody knows for sure, but the fact that the global economy is increasingly becoming less stable as we approach the year 2012 is making a lot of people very nervous.
The following are 47 statistics that indicate that economic stress points in 2011 could be setting the stage for a global economic meltdown in 2012….
#1 According to the United Nations, global food prices set a new all-time record during the month of January.
#2 In early February the worst freeze in 60 years wiped out entire crops all across the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. Already, it has been reported that some U.S. supermarkets have doubled or even tripled prices for certain produce items.
#3 It is being reported that due to the recent horrible freeze in Mexico cases of tomatoes that would usually cost shop owners between 12 and 15 dollars are now going for up to $40.
#4 One of China’s key agricultural provinces is facing its worst drought in 200 years.
#5 The Food and Agriculture Organization says that up to two-thirds of China’s wheat crop could be at risk of failing due to weather conditions.
#6 Officials in Mexico are estimating that four million tons of corn have been lost because of the recent freeze. That represents a full 16 percent of Mexico’s annual corn harvest.
#7 The price of corn has doubled over the last six months and it recently hit a new all-time high.
#8 The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced that corn supplies are the tightest that they have been in 15 years.
#9 It appears that Chinese imports of corn will be about 9 times larger than the U.S. Department of Agriculture originally projected them to be for 2011.
#10 The price of wheat has more than doubled over the past year and it hit a 30-month high on Monday.
#11 In the event of a global catastrophe, current global stockpiles of wheat would only be able to feed the world for 82 days.
#12 According to Forbes, the price of soybeans is up about 50% since last June.
#13 The price of cotton has more than doubled over the past year.
#14 The commodity price of orange juice has doubled since 2009.
#15 The price of sugar is the highest it has been in 30 years.
#16 The United Nations is projecting that the global price of food will increase by another 30 percent by the end of 2011.
#17 In the U.K., the official rate of inflation is now twice as high as the target rate of inflation.
#18 Inflation in China is starting to get out of control. For example, food prices in China rose 10.3 percent during the month of January.
#19 Almost 14 percent of all credit card accounts in the United States are currently 90 days or more delinquent.
#20 New home sales in the state of California were at the lowest level ever recorded in the month of January.
#21 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of job openings in the United States declined for a second straight month during December.
#22 Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income.
#23 It is estimated that there are about 5 million homeowners in the United States that are at least two months behind on their mortgages, and it is being projected that over a million American families will be booted out of their homes this year alone.
#24 Today, 46% of all Americans carry a credit card balance from month to month.
#25 700,000 Americans have signed up for a credit card that has interest rates that go as high as 59.9%.
#26 Americans now owe more than $889 billion on student loans, which is even more than they owe on credit cards.
#27 The FDIC is “insuring” U.S. bank deposits that total 5.4 trillion dollars with a deposit insurance fund that is currently sitting at approximately negative 8 billion dollars.
#28 The Social Security trust fund will run a deficit of 56 billion dollars this year. Just a couple of years ago government planners were promising that we would not have any Social Security deficits until at least 2016 or 2017.
#29 When you adjust wages for inflation, middle class workers in the United States make less money today than they did back in 1971.
#30 4.2 million Americans have been unemployed for one year or longer at this point.
#31 The number of Americans that have become so discouraged that they have given up searching for work completely now stands at an all-time high.
#32 According to a recent Gallup poll, 35 percent of Americans believe that unemployment is currently the most important problem in the United States. Another 29 percent believe that the economy is currently our biggest problem.
#33 Gallup also says that 19.6 percent of the workforce in America is currently either unemployed or underemployed.
#34 The U.S. government says that 504,000 Americans “dropped out of the labor force” in January.
#35 The Obama administration is projecting that the federal budget deficit will be 1.65 trillion dollars for fiscal 2011.
#36 It is estimated that the total U.S. national debt will be greater than 100 percent of GDP by the end of this fiscal year.
#37 The U.S. government relies on foreign nations such as China and Japan to finance 40 percent of all new government debt.
#38 State and local government debt is now sitting at an all-time high of 22 percent of U.S. GDP.
#39 The Chinese are now hoarding gold like there is no tomorrow. In fact, Chinese demand for gold has now risen to approximately 25% of total global production.
#40 According to a recent report from the World Economic Forum, the world is going to need another $100 trillion in credit to support projected “economic growth” over the next decade.
#41 According to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, visits to soup kitchens are up 24 percent over the past year.
#42 One out of every seven Americans is now on food stamps.
#43 One out of every six elderly Americans now lives below the federal poverty line.
#44 During the last school year, almost half of all school children in the state of Illinois came from families that were considered to be “low-income”.
#45 According to a survey released very close to the end of 2010, 55 percentof all Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. A major economic downturn could quickly wipe out millions of families.
#46 Gasoline prices in the United States are now the highest that they have ever been in the middle of February.
#47 Faith in our economic system continues to decline. According to one new report, only 26 percent of Americans now trust the U.S. financial system.’
Deception at the Fed Dr. Ron Paul | The Federal Reserve has been given a dual mandate: keeping prices stable and maximizing employment. This policy relies in part on numerical chicanery. Obama proposes $3.7 trillion budget (Washington Post) [ What the heck! It’s only ‘helicopter ben’ monopoly money anyway; that paper stuff (Globalists Push SDRs as World Reserve Currency As investor Marc Faber noted last year, this funny money intervention by the Federal Reserve is going to create a final crisis that will destroy the U.S. financial system. The Fed “will print and print and print until the final crisis wipes out the whole system,” Faber warned. IMF calls for dollar alternative The International Monetary Fund issued a report Thursday on a possible replacement for the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The IMF said Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, could help stabilize the global financial system. ). Speaking of Monopoly / atlantic city, n.j., maryanne trump barry and sam alito, et als have done all right for themselves as the corrupt judiciary usually does, one way or another. Indeed, judicial retirement funds for these plushly accoutered lifetime appointees is up 25.9% and the general operating fund up 6.6% (source, … the trumps are getting it up front and on the back end, which is typical in a pervasivly corrupt system as defacto bankrupt america … abolish the courts . Connecticut, California join probe of Ally (Washington Post) [ I’d be much more impressed if they initiated a probe of more readily discernible criminal offenses in violation of the RICO Act (Other newark / new jersey and new york, n.y. metro, viz., ie., connecticut, and of course, d.c., d.c. metro, viz., ie., virginia experience … corrupt federal judges as maryanne trump barry, sam alito, shiff, matz (california), hall, underhill, dorsey, etc.. Defacto bankrupt america’s so-called system is pervasively corrupt and broken (AP) Abolish the corrupt, costly, economically wasteful lifetime extravagantly appointed federal courts - see RICO case ) ] Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers)Covering Up for Other Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers). In Productive Societies as China, Japan, etc., Fraudulent Liars (sic-lawyers) and the Fraudulent u.s. System They're a Part of Are Unheard Of/Non-existent. List of Files Regarding Filed Attorney Grievance Against Fraud coan et als Or Here For A Clearer View Of Filed Grievance Complaint, Response, Exhibits, and Related RICO Filings Note the Committee of Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers). Included are DOJ Rep., State Court Rep., State Atty. General Office Rep., and even a Vegetable Garden yale law prof who probably never practiced law in his life. How Pathetic! ] Justice: FBI improperly opened probes (Washington Post) [ I just hope they’re as zealous (in probing readily discernible crime) with regard to my RICO matters and the corruption in the (judicial / legal) process since, in the final analysis, it will have been the corruption within that will have brought the nation down irrevocably and totally.]
] Policymakers think the recovery is on "firmer footing." But they also expect high unemployment to persist at least through the end of 2013.
Panetta outlines plan for bin Laden (Washington Post) [ Yeah, and if panetta’s grandmother had wheels she’d be a trolley car. I mean, how much more irrelevant can the cia become, beyond their drug deals, arms deals, among other self-interested / perpetuating ops / commotions / promotions. In case they haven’t looked recently, pervasively corrupt america is defacto bankrupt; and in large part owing to their flawed, self-perpetuating strategies (oh, how they loved and miss the cold war). Who cares (about Osama bin Laden or his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri). Indeed, one way or another, it makes no difference. Moreover, take a look at the ‘stand-down’ order as discussed infra regarding ‘that pearl harbor event / neo-con wet dream’. They are so pathetic! A parallel universe? They only wish! ] CIA Director Leon Panetta told Congress on Wednesday that if Osama bin Laden or his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri is captured they will be held by the military and probably will be sent to Guantanamo Bay. (Reuters)
On national debt, interest is the monster (Washington Post) [ No! That’s not correct! This is a two-headed monster and the gargantuan principal amount the other head. Bondholders will never be paid (paper turned over for paper till the biggest ponzi scheme in world history comes tumblin’ down. Moreover, assumptions are wildly optimistic and totally unrealistic). Pervasively corrupt america is defacto bankrupt! That’s reality! Howard Davidowitz on the Economy: "Here Are the Numbers ... WE'RE BROKE!" 11-25-10 ‘The U.S. economy "is a complete disaster," Howard Davidowitz …Are you kidding me? "Here are the numbers...we're broke," Davidowitz declares, noting the U.S. government goes $5 billion deeper into debt every day and is facing $1 trillion-plus annual deficits for the next decade. "In other words, we're bankrupt."As with the economy, Davidowitz is unwaveringly consistent in his views on President Obama, calling him "deranged, dysfunctional and discredited."Results of the midterm election show "the people of this country think we are in a catastrophe," he says. "I'm with them." Timid Tuesday: Is it Safe? Davis ‘… This is how we pay off our current debts and I think bondholders are simply happy to get anything out of a country that admits it owes $15Tn (1/4 of global GDP) but probably owes closer to $60Tn (entire global GDP) in the form of unfunded liabilities. The funniest thing about this (and you have to laugh) is to see Conservative pundits get on TV and talk about how we need to cut $100Bn worth of discretionary spending to "fix" this (while continuing to spend $1Tn on the military and $1Tn on tax cuts for the top 1% each year). There is no fixing this and even a Republican said you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. THIS HOUSE OF CARDS IS TEETERING FOLKS – PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! ‘
] Starting in 2014, net interest payments will surpass the amount spent on education, transportation, energy and all other discretionary programs outside defense. In 2018, they will outstrip Medicare spending
House brainstorms for budget trims (Washington Post) [ Brainstorms? The mere mention of the word brain juxtaposed with the denizens of capital hill and one can’t help but conjure up images of multiple scarecrows scurry about that yellow brick road en route to see the wizard while singing in unison ‘if they only had a brain’. ]
In Bahrain, authorities move against protesters Police use tear gas, clubs and rubber bullets to disperse crowd (Washington Post) [ Bahrain authorities launch surprise attack on protesters [There’s the america and saudi Arabia effect; far less than democratic and far more deadly in the mideast among other places; talk about hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation as the saudis; time for the saudis to go the way of dictator Mubarak and take the war criminal americans with them. ] Los Angeles Times Tear gas canisters bombard sleeping protesters in Manama's Pearl Square. At least two men are reported killed Video: Bahrain protesters look to emulate Egypt revolt euronews Riot Police Attack Bahrain Protesters Voice of America
‘Saudi Arabia sending troops to Bahrain’ Saudi Arabia is sending troops to Bahrain in a move to crack down on pro-democracy protesters who took to the streets in the capital Manama, a political analyst says. [SAUDIS TOLD OBAMA 'NOT TO HUMILIATE MUBARAK' [ Sounds like they’re hearing footsteps…Previous: Egyptian capital teeters on anarchy Mubarak asks cabinet to resign as anti-regime protests intensify (Washington Post) [ Mubarak should have been looking in the mirror as he asked his cabinet to resign … 30 years is a long time, and coincidentally, time for him to go. In Egypt: Access denied (Washington Post) [The day part of the Internet died: Egypt goes dark [I disagree! Part of the internet didn’t die, but rather the order to so darken the nation heralded the demise, at 30 years and counting, of the so-called leadership in the persona of Mubarak. Time for him to go! After all, he’s been in a position, with Egypt among the only Mideast nations to have signed a peace treaty with israel, to have stepped up with substantial credibility in taking a strong position against israeli transgressions, violations of international law / u.n. resolutions, war crimes, etc., which beyond soft-touch, he failed to do. And, of all places, he sends his family to Orwellian england; he still loves those colonial masters … how pathetic. I mean, 30 years … how free-flowing does anyone think the election process is at this point … and one could ask the same regarding the entrenched powers that be in pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america, to be fair. Then there’s saudi arabia; talk about do nothing hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation; I suspect only when foreign corporations say so. The only Mideast nations showing backbone are Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria, and, of course the perennially propaganda painted bad-boy Iran among possibly some of the smaller emirates, ie., Qatar, etc., (I lack sufficient information regarding these other nations). ] (AP) Internet cutoff fails to silence Egypt protests (AP) - ]
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld booed at GOP convention in D.C. New York Daily News | Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were booed on Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Ron Paul At CPAC: ‘Government is in the process of failing’ Is he running for US Senate? Is he signaling his bid for US president? Or is he hinting at something deeper within the US political climate? Milbank: Donald trumps CPAC | Gibbs gone (Washington Post) [ Trump’s a loser, dressed up and propped up by and to shill for a declining, fallen nation in the most corrupt regions of the country (every fallen nation has such); of that there is no question …"Over the years I've participated in many battles and have really almost come out very, very victorious every single time," the Donald said. (Except for the bankruptc[ies], that is. [ trump’s never won a battle that wasn’t fixed in advance (including the ‘pre-packaged bankrupcies’ crammed down the throats of objecting creditors – jersey general ] ) "I've beaten many people and companies, and I've won many wars," he added. (Though he didn't serve in the military.) "I have fairly [according to mobster rules; ie., bribery, money laundering, etc.] but intelligently [ as any other mob boss … trump is total b*** s***, a fraud, and lightweight … and, despite the façade, quite insecure … trump’s a total mental case … He truly is the ‘poster-boy’ of american decline and part of the problem, not the solution! …trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … NEWS FLASH: Direct from Lost Angeles Learning Annex – Presenting mobster t_rump of new yoke, new joyzey, and now caleefornia mob fame with his continuing message for the past several years: buy real estate (and watch the values go down…..riiiiight!).
Bank sues Trump over Chicago tower loan...
Trump casino to miss interest payment...
trump’s fired (from ‘his own company’)
Gunfire Erupts Inside trump Taj Mahal Casino, 1 Dead - Second Such Incident In A Year At N.J. Mainstay Ends With Employee Killed – What else would you you expect from a mobster’s casino in mob-infested jersey!
Trump luxury resort folds, leaving buyers defrauded…litigation has commenced…send for sister maryanne, the corrupt federal judge to preside, coverup, etc., she’s in n.y./n.j./pa 3rd circuit ct appeals, understands drug money laundering/fraud and handles her own motions to recuse her and like mobster trump should be in jail ... (see RICO Case)
] earned many billions of dollars [ at whose expense ], which in a sense was both a scorecard and acknowledgment of my abilities [ to fool most of the people, all of the time. ] ." TRUMP DRAWS CHEERS, BOOS AT CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE...
PONDERING PRESIDENTIAL RUN... [Don’t make me laugh! … Donald T_rump Would Impose 25% Tax on China Imports if President [ trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … Indeed, that trump even posits the possibility of a run when he should be in jail is a testament to just how big a laughingstock pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s become! [ If he was mobster in chief, mobster and scoundrel trump wraps himself in populist american flag and offers up an (too little too late – typical lightweight) implausible solution to keep ‘the juice’ flowing though he’d already be in jail in a rational, non-declining nation with meaningful laws. All China has to do is dump (and not prospectively buy) their ever more and declining in value day-by-day (from dollar debasement policies) u.s. paper / bonds and overnight and the u.s. economy consequently thereby collapse. [ When you come right down to it, this has been america’s most significant export. Indeed, this irrevocable structural shift, hailed by cia men hw bush and clinton (clinton couldn’t have survived with them) by way of NAFTA as the greatest thing since sliced bread was indeed in no uncertain terms condemned and warned against by Perot, a man of honor who, unlike his opponents, could not be bought, which is the reason, in pervasively corrupt america, he could never have been elected. Interestingly, you may have noticed the good (but not great, other than the spotlight on pervasive bribery including judges, police, politicians, etc., being far too light) the film ‘The Untouchables’ getting a wide re-airing of late, purporting to be a significant part of american folklore / history / culture. However, the reality is that in america, and certainly today, the real story with impact is that of ‘The Touchables’. The reality is that Elliot Ness died a broken man; bankrupt, unable to even win election to the mayoralty of his then current hometown. He was incorruptible; and hence, in the real america, unelectable at the least if not also all but unemployable (he and his are among those few genetic anomalies in america as I’ve previously alluded to. How far america has fallen from even false perception! Pervasively corrupt, meaningfully lawless america can’t even fake it anymore. See, for example, , and of course, corrupt legal / judicial processes, etc., Defacto bankrupt, fraudulent america also spends more on offensive (defensive a misnomer / propaganda) military spending than all the nations of the world combined, and by a large margin at that. Do you see a pattern emerging here [ I unfortunately only belatedly did, and the feds, fed employees, cia, all 3 branches of the u.s. government, etc., are included in this evolved american trait of inherent criminality in the most nefarious sense … The pervasively corrupt american illegal system … corrupt u.s. courts / (lawyers) / judges: Their lifetime plush appointments should be abolished, which corrupt entities are unheard of in productive societies as China, Japan, etc.. Time to abolish these drags on society and eliminate their lifetime stipends and costly bureaucracies. Rules of law mean nothing to these typically corrupt americans. Most, including sam alito of the u.s. supreme court, concerning drug money laundering and obstruction of justice in the 3rd circuit ( also maryanne trump barry who covered-up drug money laundering through her brother’s casinos in a civil RICO case) should have gone to or belong in jail. Contrary to popular belief, they do it for the money, personal money, big, cash, untraceable money. The fog of war is great for such things (360 tons $100 bills flown into Iraq and missing, etc.). [ ]. america’s just a fraudulent and failed defacto bankrupt nation. ] “I would announce, without equivocation, a 25% tax increase on anything purchased from China.” ]
] At least two are killed, while those involved in the protests say others are critically injured. There is no official word on deaths or injuries.
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