Business / Economic / Financial
[ This link to a somewhat more cumulative blog posts page will precede current days news since most all topics remain current in terms of impact and longer-term effect and can be searched by topical index term more easily. The same is provided since the blog site has just been censored as to size by google which is typical for google as nsa / cia / gov’t shill as more are becoming aware of. The same is true for microsoft, another co. that’s seen their best days and relies on the government to maintain their monopoly. Up to now the better page is provided for ease of formatting and clarity thereby while the Washington Post page is the real deal but without formatting . The following is the cumulative archive of blog posts / topics for 2010 as the new year starts anew: or PDF formatted version ]
Congress begins debate on regulation of financial 'WMDs' (Washington Post) [ Wow! Sounds like a … ‘no-plan’! I mean, what do regulations, or even laws for that matter, even matter, which is what in large part matters, concerning what’s the matter with pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america. Fines and disgorgement through enforcement of the ‘already on the books’ laws for the blatant (and still extant, now marked to anything as per FASB legislated rule change regarding the toxic assets / worthless paper that continues to be cashed out by the perps with fed help) wall street frauds would have by multiples surpassed the budget cuts the ‘government’ is quibbling over as if same would barely put a dent in the unsustainable debt levels, deficits. How pathetic! ] A House committee is examining how regulators are writing rules that could determine the safety, efficiency and cost of derivatives.
Obama careful in crackdown (Washington Post) [ Sounds like a page out of the former american-installed shah of Iran’s play-book … The important difference here is the life and death continued struggle of Iran against the Zionist israeli / american regimes (look at what the latter regimes do, not what they say) … Indeed, the great american/israeli hope for Iran, ‘son of shah’ … pshaw! I have a special affinity for Egypt, a land of great wisdom with the richest of histories and culture and wisdom of the ages in wisely, at one time, holding Cats in their highest regard and esteem! ] President Obama cautiously criticized the Iranian government Tuesday for carrying out a deadly crackdown on street demonstrations, as hard-line legislators in Tehran called for the execution of several prominent opposition leaders. (Afp/getty Images)
Americans climb out of debt, save more (Washington Post) [ There is what is known in basic economics as the so-called “paradox of thrift’ and the negative portends for the economy the natural concomitant. There is no getting away from that age-old economic equation Gross Domestic Product is the sum of all spending on goods and services in a nation's economy in a year. The formula for GDP is: GDP = C + I + G + (Ex - Im), where “C” equals spending by consumers, “I” equals investment by businesses, “G” equals government spending and “(Ex - Im)” equals net exports, that is, the value of exports minus imports. Net exports may be negative. Of late, the C component has risen to near 71%, fueled by unsustainable credit. Private investment owing to a structural shift has lagged for want of real (profitable domestic) investment opportunities (the wall street computer-programmed high frequency churn-and-earn is NOT a component here but rather a net negative owing to the lesser propensity to consume of the frauds on wall street), and we all know the direction of government spending. Read more: GDP and the Players Three: All Together Now: C + I + G — . That said, this (saving) is still good for americans generally since the government has long since all but stopped concerning themselves with the dire predicament of the vast majority of the nation and citizens. ] The recession that just rocked the U.S. economy happened in part because Americans were borrowing and spending more than they could afford. Now, three years after the downturn began, families are moving faster than many analysts had expected to put their finances in order by paying down debt and boosting their savings.
Jump in global food prices pushes millions into poverty (Washington Post) [ There’s no mystery here … the inevitable consequence of the world’s adoption of america’s funny-money new age alchemy of spinning paper into fools’ gold … Indeed, the prognostications have been hot and heavy, from hyperinflationary depression to … as investor Marc Faber noted last year, this funny money intervention by the Federal Reserve is going to create a final crisis that will destroy the U.S. financial system. The Fed “will print and print and print until the final crisis wipes out the whole system,” Faber warned. Now this fraudulent bubble that the frauds on wall street commission and sell into is great for the frauds on wall street but bad for everyone else since that value has to be made up somewhere, by some one … guess (the obvious)… and if you can’t (guess), you haven’t been paying attention! ] Data released by the IMF show the cost of grain and other staples is near its historic high.
So be it? Milbank: Boehner and his party's proposal for budget cuts would reverse the economic recovery. (Washington Post) [ Come on! Wake up! Think of it this way, in simple terms. Already bankrupt, you further bankrupt yourself by spending money you don’t really have which gives that ‘warm and fuzzy feeling’ (albeit to the next election) and obfuscates the cold, hard reality. That a structural shift has occurred in economic / financial terms (that ‘sucking sound’) there is no question. At some point, if there are glass half-full people in the bunch (I am not one of them and believe this structural shift is ‘forever’ and defacto bankrupt america’s decline is irrevocable owing to pervasive corruption, fraud, criminal complicity, etc.. Kind of like madoff’s ponzi scheme (at some point they always unravel / can’t cover and in the current news madoff the fraud said the banks knew and you can take that to the bank since madoff said it) … But isn’t it also true that we all know and that america’s jig is up! Should the hole continue to be dug so irretrievably deep that digging the way out is absolutely impossible ( I and others already believe that point’s been surpassed, and these cuts so small as to be almost insignificant … Davis ‘… This is how we pay off our current debts and I think bondholders are simply happy to get anything out of a country that admits it owes $15Tn (1/4 of global GDP) but probably owes closer to $60Tn (entire global GDP) in the form of unfunded liabilities. The funniest thing about this (and you have to laugh) is to see Conservative pundits get on TV and talk about how we need to cut $100Bn worth of discretionary spending to "fix" this (while continuing to spend $1Tn on the military and $1Tn on tax cuts for the top 1% each year). There is no fixing this and even a Republican said you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. THIS HOUSE OF CARDS IS TEETERING FOLKS – PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! ‘ ) Obama proposes $3.7 trillion budget (Washington Post) [ What the heck! It’s only ‘helicopter ben’ monopoly money anyway; that paper stuff (Globalists Push SDRs as World Reserve Currency As investor Marc Faber noted last year, this funny money intervention by the Federal Reserve is going to create a final crisis that will destroy the U.S. financial system. The Fed “will print and print and print until the final crisis wipes out the whole system,” Faber warned. IMF calls for dollar alternative The International Monetary Fund issued a report Thursday on a possible replacement for the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Budget makes deep cuts, cautious trades (Washington Post) [ I still have great difficulty wrapping my mind around the cut in the (relatively minuscule) heating oil program for the poor (after all, that’s potentially lethal to such disenfranchised groups) … Drudgereport:White House to Slash Heating Program for Poor…but still no pros of massive frauds on wall street which fines and disgorgement of would yield huge amounts to cover spending... [ Howard Davidowitz on the Economy: "Here Are the Numbers ... WE'RE BROKE!" 11-25-10 ‘The U.S. economy "is a complete disaster," Howard Davidowitz declared here in July, the most recent in a string of dire predictions from Tech Ticker's most entertaining guest.On the eve of Thanksgiving, I asked Davidowitz if he had any regrets, or was ready to throw in the towel given recent signs of economic revival. Are you kidding me? "Here are the numbers...we're broke," Davidowitz declares, noting the U.S. government goes $5 billion deeper into debt every day and is facing $1 trillion-plus annual deficits for the next decade. "In other words, we're bankrupt."As with the economy, Davidowitz is unwaveringly consistent in his views on President Obama, calling him "deranged, dysfunctional and discredited."Results of the midterm election show "the people of this country think we are in a catastrophe," he says. "I'm with them."Check the accompanying video for more of Howard's unfettered opinions and stay tuned for additional clips from this interview. And...Happy Thanksgiving! Aaron Task is the host of Tech Ticker. You can follow him on Twitter at @atask or email him at’ Timid Tuesday: Is it Safe? ]
] Fed chairman offers dire warnings about the damage Congress could wreak if it refrains from raising the government's debt limit this spring. ] The $3.7 trillion plan proposes to trim or terminate more than 200 federal programs to make room for increases aimed at boosting the economy. Speaking of Monopoly / atlantic city, n.j., maryanne trump barry and sam alito, et als have done all right for themselves as the corrupt judiciary usually does, one way or another. Indeed, judicial retirement funds for these plushly accoutered lifetime appointees is up 25.9% and the general operating fund up 6.6% (source, … the trumps are getting it up front and on the back end, which is typical in a pervasivly corrupt system as defacto bankrupt america … abolish the courts . Connecticut, California join probe of Ally (Washington Post) [ I’d be much more impressed if they initiated a probe of more readily discernible criminal offenses in violation of the RICO Act (Other newark / new jersey and new york, n.y. metro, viz., ie., connecticut, and of course, d.c., d.c. metro, viz., ie., virginia experience … corrupt federal judges as maryanne trump barry, sam alito, shiff, matz (california), hall, underhill, dorsey, etc.. Defacto bankrupt america’s so-called system is pervasively corrupt and broken (AP) Abolish the corrupt, costly, economically wasteful lifetime extravagantly appointed federal courts - see RICO case ) ] Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers)Covering Up for Other Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers). In Productive Societies as China, Japan, etc., Fraudulent Liars (sic-lawyers) and the Fraudulent u.s. System They're a Part of Are Unheard Of/Non-existent. List of Files Regarding Filed Attorney Grievance Against Fraud coan et als Or Here For A Clearer View Of Filed Grievance Complaint, Response, Exhibits, and Related RICO Filings Note the Committee of Frauds/Liars (sic-lawyers). Included are DOJ Rep., State Court Rep., State Atty. General Office Rep., and even a Vegetable Garden yale law prof who probably never practiced law in his life. How Pathetic! ] Justice: FBI improperly opened probes (Washington Post) [ I just hope they’re as zealous (in probing readily discernible crime) with regard to my RICO matters and the corruption in the (judicial / legal) process since, in the final analysis, it will have been the corruption within that will have brought the nation down irrevocably and totally.]
WeAreChange Confronts Dick Cheney on 9/11 Standdown Order Aaron Dykes | Activist group confronts former vice president Dick Cheney about inconsistencies in 9/11 testimony and actions in PEOC bunker. ‘Infowars.comFebruary 15, 2010The testimony of Norman Mineta before the 9/11 Commission leaves compelling questions about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s actions on the day of 9/11. Then Transportation Secretary Mineta witnessed Cheney refuse to contradict an apparent standdown order as an aide warned of something incoming at the Pentagon. Cheney has given conflicting reports about what time he entered the PEOC bunker. Mineta later confirmed his suppressed 9/11 Commission testimony and refuted Cheney’s account of arriving later.During the CPAC conference, confronted Cheney about these questions, which he refused to address.“Hey Mr. Cheney, what did you do in the underground bunker on 9/11? Dick Cheney we know what you did on 9/11 with the standdown order. Norman Mineta testified against you on the 9/11 Commission report. What happened on 9/11?”When he was being forced out, founder Luke Rudkowski calmly asked security not to push him; security backed off after asking him, ‘Are you being polite?’
Luke Rudkowski and James Lane of We Are Change confront Dick Cheney in Washington D.C. at CPAC 2/10/2011.
WeAreChangeOklahoma – Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney (CPAC 2011)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3610.01A issued June 1, 2001 on “Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects (Click each document for a larger image)
Cheney dodged the continuing questions by exiting with his entourage into an elevator. As a woman started repeating “Thank you Mr. Cheney for all you’ve done,” Rudkowski interjected that he was a ‘terrorist.’ Certainly, the use of admittedly elevated terror alerts throughout the Bush administration to stoke the fear card and score political dominion alone is reason to justify this label. The implications of what really happened on 9/11, and in relation to Cheney’s apparent standdown order, is even more compelling. Notably, a change in the standard operating procedure for the chain of command during the event of a hijacked aircraft was changed in June 2001, including subjecting NORAD’s response to DoD approval (SEE BELOW).
The former Vice President’s re-entry into the public limelight, after years of dealing with heart issues, is what appears to be an attempt to re-brand the Bush Administration in time to retain neo-con power in the coming GOP presidential primary field, where tea party politics and candidates like Ron Paul have obviously taken root with conservative voters in the years of the Obama administration. This confrontation occurred during the same CPAC convention where Ron Paul won the presidential straw poll and Dick Cheney was heckled and called a “war-monger” during a pep rally where Donald Rumsfeld was given the “Defender of the Constitution Award.”
From Norman Mineta’s testimony:
“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?’
Mexican Troops Conduct Vehicle Search On U.S. Soil Paul Joseph Watson | Yet another military incursion by a foreign power as Homeland Security is more concerned about training Americans to spy on each other
Russia says foreign power may have caused spy satellite loss The Russian space agency suggested Monday that a foreign power may have been behind the space accident that disabled one of the country’s most modern military satellites earlier this month.
Obama refers to himself as 'The Gipper'… [ Riiiight! …anything you say wobmama the b for b*** s***… or maybe the bipper, the chipper, or the yankee clipper (the new joltin’ joe) …sounds like he’s losing it! ] ...
Egypt's protests flare despite military warning...
Libya set for 'day of anger'...
Thousands of police confront protesters in Yemen...
Riot police storm Bahrain camp; 2 reported dead...
ABCNEWS Correspondent Beaten...
100 Egyptians reach Italy amid Arab exodus...
CARTER: Muslim 'hood nothing 'to be afraid of'...
PAPER: Senate hearing turns into farce as American ignorance on Egypt revealed...
Poll: Majority of Republicans Doubt Obama's Birthplace...
Agents Shot in Mexico...
GAO: Feds have 'operational control' of 44% of border; just 15% 'air tight'...
DAY 3: 'Watson' the computer creams human 'JEOPARDY!' champs...
REPORT: Steve Jobs receiving treatment at cancer center... PAPER: 'Reportedly sicker than previously admitted'...
ISSA MAKES A MOVE: New subpoena seeks records on sweetheart loans...
U.S. Government Shuts Down 84,000 Websites, ‘By Mistake’
'Kill Switch' Internet bill alarms privacy experts...
TSA agents busted at JFK for stealing $160,000 from bags...
Hillary Clinton donors indicted...
Man mugs 96-year-old -- for $5...
France Wants New Global Finance System; End of Dollar Dominance...
Fannie, Freddie bailout: $153 billion and counting...
GALLUP: Unemployment at 10.3%...
Muslim Bros plan political party...
Present Two Faces...
Pakistan Islamists warn of protests if US prisoner freed...
SECSTATE JR: Sen Kerry arrives in Pakistan, expresses 'regret', 'sorrow'...
World Bank: Food prices at 'dangerous levels'...
Gov't Motors to pay out $189 million in bonuses; some workers to get 50% payoffs..
Deficit Expected to Jump to $1.65 Trillion...
...'slow train wreck coming'
BUDGET BLOWOUT: How big is $3.73 trillion? $12,000 from each American...
ANALYSIS: $1.5 trillion tax hike over 10 years...
AIRLINES: New fees would be $2 billion tax increase on flyers...
Sessions: Obama failed on budget...
Long Spending Fight...
Produce prices to skyrocket with freeze in Mexico, Southwest...
Clothing Prices to Rise 10% Starting in Spring...
China Replaced Japan in 2010 as Number 2 Economy...
China plans Colombian rail link to challenge Panama canal...
The March On Berlusconi...
Berlusconi indicted in prostitution probe...
Malware 'Aimed at Iran Hit Five Sites'...
Mubarak 'falls into coma after final speech'...
Egyptian military orders last protesters out of 'Liberation Square'...
Consolidates power...
Delivers ultimatum...
John Hussman: Rich Valuations and Poor Market Returns Hussman ‘Last week, the S&P 500 Index ascended to a Shiller P/E in excess of 24 (this "cyclically-adjusted P/E" or CAPE represents the ratio of the S&P 500 to 10-year average earnings, adjusted for inflation). Prior to the mid-1990's market bubble, a multiple in excess of 24 for the CAPE was briefly seen only once, between August and early-October 1929. Of course, we observed richer multiples at the heights of the late-1990's bubble, when investors got ahead of themselves in response to the introduction of transformative technologies such as the internet. After a market slide of more than 50%, investors again pushed the Shiller multiple beyond 24 during the housing bubble and cash-out financing free-for-all that ended in the recent mortgage collapse. And here we are again. This is not to say that we can rule out yet higher valuations, but with no transformative technologies driving the economy, little expansion in capital investment, and ongoing retrenchment in consumer balance sheets, I can't help but think that the "virtuous cycle" rhetoric of Ben Bernanke is an awfully thin gruel by comparison. We should not deserve to be called "investors" if we fail to recognize that valuations are richer today than at any point in history, save for the few months before the 1929 crash, and a bubble period that has been rewarded by zero total return for the S&P 500 since 2000. Indeed, the stock market has lagged the return on low-yielding Treasury bills since August 1998. I am not sure that even members of my own profession have learned anything from this.
Based on our standard methodology (elaborated in numerous prior weekly comments), we presently estimate that the S&P 500 is priced to achieve an average total return over the coming decade of just 3.15% annually. Again, we've seen weaker projected returns over the past decade. But then again, the S&P 500 lost about 5% annually in the decade following the 2000 peak, and even including the recent advance, has achieved an annual total return since 2000 of almost exactly zero. So despite periodic speculative runs, rich valuations have an annoying way of ruining the fun. Equally important, even during extended speculative periods as we observed in the late-1990's, those advances have tended to suffer deep and abrupt intermediate-term corrections once elevated valuations are joined by overbought conditions, overbullish sentiment, and rising interest rates, as we observe today.’
Negative Stock Session Follows Disappointing Data Midnight Trader ‘4:30 PM, Feb 15, 2011 --
- NYSE down 21.48 (-0.26%) to 8,383.67
- DJIA down 41.55 (-0.3%) to 12,227
- S&P 500 down 4.31 (-0.32%) to 1,328
- Nasdaq down 12.83 (-0.46%) to 2,804
Hang Seng down 0.96%
Nikkei up 0.2%
FTSE down 0.38%
The Undeniable Signs of Inflation Kaminis ‘January's Import and Export Price Report showed significant price increases in both imports and exports, and unfortunately, across both overall measures and those excluding food and fuel. We posit that the chatter that has overwhelmed the financial airwaves of late, making an argument we made years ago mind you, is worth listening to once again. Inflation portends to blindside the market and its caretakers, the group of merry men who shrug off all evil until it is upon them.
Inflation chatter is all the rage again on the financial airwaves. You will recall our important work on this subject from several years ago. If not for a near depression that depressed prices as demand was desolated, the inflation topic would probably have been the highest concern globally over the last few years. However, now that the global economy is recovering, and with China firing up all engines, inflation signs and concerns are resurfacing. Once again, the scent is first found in raw material resources, including rare earth metals, but also in the high use commodities of energy and agriculture. Those factors were at play again in driving January 2011 Import and Export Prices higher. For now, talking-head speak-easies are blowing off the possibility of feed through to finished goods, but it won't be the first train that runs them over either. Stick with The Greek, and I'll do my best to keep you out of the way of the loco.
More signs of economic recovery, and also inflation, were found in the latest import/export prices data, reported today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for January. Import prices gained 1.5% in January, marking the fourth consecutive month of plus one percent increases. That is something that last occurred in July 2008, which to help you recall the period, was a time in which the now extinct Washington Mutual beast still roamed the earth, though in small numbers.
The drivers of import price growth are the same now as they were then, commodities, including energy. Fuel import prices increased 3.9% in January, a snail's pace compared to the 14.1% jump that characterized the previous three months. But January's pace is not to be ignored, and neither is the 12.4% increase of the past year, a period characterized by economic recovery.
Behind the gains in energy prices were a 3.4% increase in petroleum prices, which have since been dwarfed on Middle East upheaval. And look deeper, as Natural Gas prices advanced 13% through the month. It was a period in which much of the US got buried in snow. In fact, cold and snowy weather so affected fuel usage, that natural gas recently fell below its five-year average for this time of year. As reported by the EIA in its weekly update, for the period ending February 4, Natural Gas Inventory stood 45 Bcf below the five-year average. If things were to continue to trend, we might test the bottom of the historical price range, though the weather is warming significantly across the country this week. Still, the hijacking of several oil tankers in a short span of time, along with raised Middle East worries, have oil supply uncertainty adding to push natural gas prices higher with oil; it being a regionally sourced commodity that is increasingly a replacement resource for oil.
Drunken train track wandering market guides should take note of the horn in the distance, as non-fuel import prices increased by 0.8% in January. The noteworthy rise was driven by industrial supplies and materials (unfinished metals and chemicals drove this), finished goods, and foods, feeds, and beverages. Consumer goods prices moved 0.3% ahead, with the largest contributors to the increase coming from a 0.9% hike in apparel, footwear, and household goods prices, and a 4.0% rise in jewelry prices. Prices for automotive vehicles rose 0.5%, led by a 1.2% increase in parts prices. Here we see examples of price increase that affect every consumer.
Price increase is still mostly found in raw materials or unfinished goods, but in the case of rising cotton prices, it is finding its way through to textiles and clothing (apparel up 0.9%). Meanwhile, the government just approved increased ethanol usage in gasoline, which in the past led to mayhem within the whole of agriculture. While December's increase in non-fuel import prices was just 0.3%, November's also marked 0.8%, another measure that draws comparisons to 2008.
Export Prices
Export prices also increased significantly in January, rising 1.2%. The advance for the full year was 6.8%, the largest 12-month increase since that same late 2007 (Sept.) through 2008 (Sept.) period; just before the walls came completely tumbling in on the economy. As the economy improves, it also affects demand for agricultural goods. It is not that people eat more, though that is certainly the case as well (especially for the malnourished), but also that they eat more proteins and more processed foods. As families rise in class, which is occurring in China and India, they also consume more, and more proteins. This in turn pushes prices higher for proteins and for the feeds used to raise livestock, which are likewise derived from agriculture.
Meanwhile, what seems to be climate change driven drought in Russia and this year in China, restricting important supply sources, will only increase pressure on the whole of agricultural goods, and inevitably processed foods. Agricultural export prices rose 3.2% in January, adding to a dramatic 12-month advance of 22.6%. Price increase was driven by advances in soybeans, corn and wheat. While cotton declined fractionally in January, it has more than doubled over the past year. And a recent freeze in Mexico has completely wiped out some vegetable crops and will certainly drive prices higher for Americans.
That is not the end of the story though, as prices for non-agricultural exports also advanced considerably, rising 0.9% in January. Higher prices for industrial supplies and materials, capital goods, and automotive vehicles more than offset a 0.4 percent drop in prices for consumer goods. Higher airfares also contributed to the overall increase, and those of course are impacted and related to increased fuel costs. Consumer goods prices might also benefit from dollar play (longer term), and also economies of scale gained as sales grow. Nonagricultural goods prices are up 5.3% over the last 12 months; that's pretty inflationary for dollar pegged trading partners.
Prices of goods imported from China increased 0.3% for the fourth month in a row. Chinese goods are up 1.4% over the past year. That's healthy price rise, and you will see more of this if the US government gets its way with regard to the Yuan. You might see more US jobs return too, but that is debatable, since they might simply find a new foreign home, say maybe Indonesia. Prices of goods from Japan and all our major trading partners were up, with significant increases from the EU, Mexico and Canada, due to fuel.
The pace of price increases should intensify as competition for scarce resources squeezes them. With factors at play like civil unrest, wild weather and even pirating and regulation (like with off-shore oil drilling), it seems clear to me that the inflation train is roaring our way. We think dollar dilution, and the Fed's inflated view of its ability to reverse the curse, should also burden the economy in the future, especially if US Treasuries lose their luster globally. Meanwhile, outside of recent stock market gains, wealth is down due to home value declines. Income should be down also, given high unemployment. Banks may be opening up a bit, but it should take some time, to maybe never, before free capital flow comes to be again (and good riddance). Thus, there's a tight rein around economic horsepower.
We must look towards the expansion of the developing world as the cure for what ails us. In this regard, the birth of new democracies is a good thing, but global instability and weak human nature are ugly flies in that ointment, and could ruin everything.’
Silver Markets and Real Money: Dave's Daily ‘I'm old enough to have had a silver certificate and being a kid never gave it much thought. In 1960, with silver prices at $1.29 meant holders could redeem their certificates for silver. This just wouldn't do. So in 1964, the government halted redemption of Silver Certificates for Silver Dollar coins. By June 1968 all redemption in silver ceased. Obviously with holders demanding silver prices would continue to rise given less supply. Then being old enough to be in the business in 1979 I watched my Quotron terminal as the Hunt Bros. drove prices up to a high of $48.70 before their attempt to corner the market came apart. The unwinding of these positions as margin calls hit holders was quite a chaotic spectacle for someone just five years in the business. Well, enough history. Today, with silver in backwardation (current front month prices greater than back month contracts) there's a supply problem which is bullish. Some are suggesting that Asians are buying silver and gold ETFs to demand delivery. That would be something! Adding fuel to precious metals rallies are signs of higher inflation in Asia and today with London reporting 4% annual rate. Again rumors are swirling there is some major "watershed" event for the "yen". What it is, I don't know and the purveyor of this news didn't provide details either. Sometimes rumors are "early truths" or just shenanigans. Meanwhile, back at Wall & Broad, stocks saw selling even as the Fed tossed in more POMO for Da Boyz. The sour selling mood was triggered by a worse than expected Retail Sales report that bulls were quick to blame on weather. Is Chucky the Consumer running out of credit? Exxon is finding less oil at least in places where it's permitted to look. This and Retail Sales drove prices lower. Volume was again quite light while breadth per the WSJ was negative.’
"We Are Apple" and Five Other Horrifying Corporate Anthems That Will Stun You Into Submission Minyanville ‘For all the talk these days about being a "team player," it wouldn't be a wholly terrible idea to take a look at some corporate anthems that would make even the most cynical employee's chest swell with pride. Or is that embarrassment?
Up first, a corporate anthem commissioned by Apple in 1984 to get employees amped up for the year's new offerings:
Next up, The Gazprom Song:
But wait, it only gets better from here. Ladies and gents, I present to you...the corporate song of Coal India Limited!
When you're done wiping the tears from your emotional eyes, take a look at what keeps Fujitsu employees motivated to get up every morning whatever the hell it is Fujitsu actually does:
Not to be outdone, IBM created this anthemic gem for its, uh...champions:
Not to be outdone, Ernst & Young entered the fray with this:
Below is where the AT&T, Unisys, and Hewlett-Packard corporate anthems were supposed to go, but a sense of general unease and off-the-charts depression set in and, for the sake of us all, let's just leave well enough alone.’
Grant ‘February 15, a.m. (from --
Rising rates and reserve requirements in China may have tamped inflation somewhat in January. CPI came in at 4.9% y/y, but the market is always a little suspicious of Chinese data that misses expectations, especially when the news may have been leaked in advance. CPI was pretty much spot-on yesterday's whisper. PPI surged to a 6.6% y/y pace in January, up from 5.9% in Dec.Inflation in the UK is now officially running twice as hot as the Bank of England's target of 2.0%. Jan CPI accelerated to 4.0% y/y and BoE Governor Mervyn King sees potential for inflation to rise even further in the short-term. Here in America, import prices rose a higher than expected 1.5% in Jan, while export prices were up 1.2%. Inflation, which had largely been a problem in the emerging world, seems to be coming home to roost in the industrial world. Now the question becomes, will there be a policy response? Of course, this is exactly what Ben Bernanke's Fed wants. He recently suggested inflation around 2% would be appropriate, but perhaps Mr. King can now offer some insights on how hard it is to maintain target once that inflation train starts rolling.[chart]John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics tracks US CPI in the same way that the BLS did it historically. The chart above compares CPI calculated using 1990 methodology, versus the current methodology. It suggests that inflation is already more than double Bernanke's soft 2% target. If you use 1980 methodology, as the chart below does, the inflation picture is substantially worse. The implication is, when the BLS doesn't like the picture that's being painted, they change the methodology. As Mr. Williams says, if your real life experience suggests inflation is not benign, there's probably a reason for that. Visit for a dose of perspective.[chart]News late yesterday that the EU finance ministers had reached an agreement on a permanent bailout fund initially lifted the euro. However, subsequent speculation that it wasn't really a done-deal after all, combined with Q4 GDP misses in core-Europe, took the little breeze out of the single currency's sail. German, French and Italian GDP expanded just 0.4%, 0.3% and 0.1% respectively in Q4, all below market expectations. Greece slipped deeper into recession in Q4, with GDP falling an additional 1.4%. The Greek economy may have contracted as much as 4.5% last year, which would be the biggest drop in 50-years. Greece was the first EU country to get a bailout. At this rate, if there is indeed a new permanent bailout facility, Greece may be waiting when the door opens.This morning's US January retail sales was a miss at just +0.3%, on expectations ranging from +0.6 to +0.9. As is the case with every bad data point these days, weather was to blame. The market also continues to digest President Obama's $3.7 trillion FY2012 budget proposal. Perhaps not surprisingly, the President's plan to cut $1.1 trillion in spending over the next decade has drawn the ire from both sides of the political spectrum. Mr. Obama said this morning that he prefers to use a "a scalpel...not a machete," presumably to avoid too much pain (or political backlash). An op-ed in today's Washington Post calls it like it is: President Obama's budget kicks the hard choices further down the road.When we reach the end of the road and can kick the can no further, a machete may prove to be a tool too small for the job. Faced with the prospect of monumental pain that would be a direct result of decades of can kicking, the government may still opt for an alternative to fiscal responsibility. A devaluation of the dollar would be an increasingly attractive option, as the pain would be more fully shared than cuts to government services that would largely effect the poor and middle class, and tax hikes that would target the wealthy. Currency devaluation can also be accomplished without an act of Congress, so our politicians would have the political cover they need. Peter Grant is USAGOLD's resident economist and a well-known analyst globally in the forex and precious metals markets.’
Deception at the Fed Dr. Ron Paul | The Federal Reserve has been given a dual mandate: keeping prices stable and maximizing employment. This policy relies in part on numerical chicanery.
Barack Obama’s Budget For 2012: A Complete And Total Joke The Economic Collapse | Don’t question the wacky economic growth assumptions.
Greece reassures IMF on privatization UPI | IMF and the EU recently criticized Greece for its slow efforts to turn services over to private concerns.
Deutsche Boerse, NYSE Agree to Historic Merger Deutsche Boerse and NYSE Euronext announced the creation of the world’s largest exchange operator on Tuesday, dodging political issues that could threaten completion of a deal.
UK Inflation Surges to 4%, Highest Since Nov. 2008 British consumer price inflation surged to double the Bank of England’s target in January, official data showed on Tuesday, raising pressure on the central bank to look seriously at increasing interest rates.
Barack Obama’s Budget For 2012: A Complete And Total Joke Is Barack Obama trying to play a joke on all of us? The budget that the Obama administration has submitted for fiscal 2012 is so out of touch with reality that it may as well be a budget for “Narnia”, “Fantasy Island”, “Atlantis” or some other mythical land.
South Carolina Mulls New Currency To Protect Against Fed Collapse Continuing a pattern of attempts to assert South Carolina’s independence from the federal government, State Sen. Lee Bright, R-Roebuck, has introduced legislation that backs the creation of a new state currency that could protect the financial stability of the Palmetto State in the event of a breakdown of the Federal Reserve System.
National / World
‘Cheney Stand Down Order’ #1 on Google Trends Infowars | Search term about Dick Cheney’s 9/11 actions reaches top of Google.
The Suez Canal Workers Stage Sit-in as U.S. Warships Dispatched Kurt Nimmo | Military in control of government has vowed to not allow labor strikes to paralyze the world’s most populous Arab nation.
TSA Workers Admit To Stealing Huge Amounts Of Cash From Passengers Steve Watson & Paul Watson | It has been revealed that TSA workers admit to stealing cash and possessions from passengers.
WeAreChange Confronts Dick Cheney on 9/11 Standdown Order Aaron Dykes | Activist group confronts former vice president Dick Cheney about inconsistencies in 9/11 testimony and actions in PEOC bunker. ‘Infowars.comFebruary 15, 2010The testimony of Norman Mineta before the 9/11 Commission leaves compelling questions about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s actions on the day of 9/11. Then Transportation Secretary Mineta witnessed Cheney refuse to contradict an apparent standdown order as an aide warned of something incoming at the Pentagon. Cheney has given conflicting reports about what time he entered the PEOC bunker. Mineta later confirmed his suppressed 9/11 Commission testimony and refuted Cheney’s account of arriving later.During the CPAC conference, confronted Cheney about these questions, which he refused to address.“Hey Mr. Cheney, what did you do in the underground bunker on 9/11? Dick Cheney we know what you did on 9/11 with the standdown order. Norman Mineta testified against you on the 9/11 Commission report. What happened on 9/11?”When he was being forced out, founder Luke Rudkowski calmly asked security not to push him; security backed off after asking him, ‘Are you being polite?’
Luke Rudkowski and James Lane of We Are Change confront Dick Cheney in Washington D.C. at CPAC 2/10/2011.
WeAreChangeOklahoma – Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney (CPAC 2011)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3610.01A issued June 1, 2001 on “Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects (Click each document for a larger image)
Cheney dodged the continuing questions by exiting with his entourage into an elevator. As a woman started repeating “Thank you Mr. Cheney for all you’ve done,” Rudkowski interjected that he was a ‘terrorist.’ Certainly, the use of admittedly elevated terror alerts throughout the Bush administration to stoke the fear card and score political dominion alone is reason to justify this label. The implications of what really happened on 9/11, and in relation to Cheney’s apparent standdown order, is even more compelling. Notably, a change in the standard operating procedure for the chain of command during the event of a hijacked aircraft was changed in June 2001, including subjecting NORAD’s response to DoD approval (SEE BELOW).
The former Vice President’s re-entry into the public limelight, after years of dealing with heart issues, is what appears to be an attempt to re-brand the Bush Administration in time to retain neo-con power in the coming GOP presidential primary field, where tea party politics and candidates like Ron Paul have obviously taken root with conservative voters in the years of the Obama administration. This confrontation occurred during the same CPAC convention where Ron Paul won the presidential straw poll and Dick Cheney was heckled and called a “war-monger” during a pep rally where Donald Rumsfeld was given the “Defender of the Constitution Award.”
From Norman Mineta’s testimony:
“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?’
Mexican Troops Conduct Vehicle Search On U.S. Soil Paul Joseph Watson | Yet another military incursion by a foreign power as Homeland Security is more concerned about training Americans to spy on each other
Russia says foreign power may have caused spy satellite loss The Russian space agency suggested Monday that a foreign power may have been behind the space accident that disabled one of the country’s most modern military satellites earlier this month.
‘Saudi Arabia sending troops to Bahrain’ Saudi Arabia is sending troops to Bahrain in a move to crack down on pro-democracy protesters who took to the streets in the capital Manama, a political analyst says. [SAUDIS TOLD OBAMA 'NOT TO HUMILIATE MUBARAK' [ Sounds like they’re hearing footsteps…Previous: Egyptian capital teeters on anarchy Mubarak asks cabinet to resign as anti-regime protests intensify (Washington Post) [ Mubarak should have been looking in the mirror as he asked his cabinet to resign … 30 years is a long time, and coincidentally, time for him to go. In Egypt: Access denied (Washington Post) [The day part of the Internet died: Egypt goes dark [I disagree! Part of the internet didn’t die, but rather the order to so darken the nation heralded the demise, at 30 years and counting, of the so-called leadership in the persona of Mubarak. Time for him to go! After all, he’s been in a position, with Egypt among the only Mideast nations to have signed a peace treaty with israel, to have stepped up with substantial credibility in taking a strong position against israeli transgressions, violations of international law / u.n. resolutions, war crimes, etc., which beyond soft-touch, he failed to do. And, of all places, he sends his family to Orwellian england; he still loves those colonial masters … how pathetic. I mean, 30 years … how free-flowing does anyone think the election process is at this point … and one could ask the same regarding the entrenched powers that be in pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america, to be fair. Then there’s saudi arabia; talk about do nothing hypocrites. How does one family claim ownership of all the oil reserves of a sovereign nation; I suspect only when foreign corporations say so. The only Mideast nations showing backbone are Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria, and, of course the perennially propaganda painted bad-boy Iran among possibly some of the smaller emirates, ie., Qatar, etc., (I lack sufficient information regarding these other nations). ] (AP) Internet cutoff fails to silence Egypt protests (AP) - ]
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld booed at GOP convention in D.C. New York Daily News | Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were booed on Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Ron Paul At CPAC: ‘Government is in the process of failing’ Is he running for US Senate? Is he signaling his bid for US president? Or is he hinting at something deeper within the US political climate? Milbank: Donald trumps CPAC | Gibbs gone (Washington Post) [ Trump’s a loser, dressed up and propped up by and to shill for a declining, fallen nation in the most corrupt regions of the country (every fallen nation has such); of that there is no question …"Over the years I've participated in many battles and have really almost come out very, very victorious every single time," the Donald said. (Except for the bankruptc[ies], that is. [ trump’s never won a battle that wasn’t fixed in advance (including the ‘pre-packaged bankrupcies’ crammed down the throats of objecting creditors – jersey general ] ) "I've beaten many people and companies, and I've won many wars," he added. (Though he didn't serve in the military.) "I have fairly [according to mobster rules; ie., bribery, money laundering, etc.] but intelligently [ as any other mob boss … trump is total b*** s***, a fraud, and lightweight … and, despite the façade, quite insecure … trump’s a total mental case … He truly is the ‘poster-boy’ of american decline and part of the problem, not the solution! …trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … NEWS FLASH: Direct from Lost Angeles Learning Annex – Presenting mobster t_rump of new yoke, new joyzey, and now caleefornia mob fame with his continuing message for the past several years: buy real estate (and watch the values go down…..riiiiight!).
Bank sues Trump over Chicago tower loan...
Trump casino to miss interest payment...
trump’s fired (from ‘his own company’)
Gunfire Erupts Inside trump Taj Mahal Casino, 1 Dead - Second Such Incident In A Year At N.J. Mainstay Ends With Employee Killed – What else would you you expect from a mobster’s casino in mob-infested jersey!
Trump luxury resort folds, leaving buyers defrauded…litigation has commenced…send for sister maryanne, the corrupt federal judge to preside, coverup, etc., she’s in n.y./n.j./pa 3rd circuit ct appeals, understands drug money laundering/fraud and handles her own motions to recuse her and like mobster trump should be in jail ... (see RICO Case)
] earned many billions of dollars [ at whose expense ], which in a sense was both a scorecard and acknowledgment of my abilities [ to fool most of the people, all of the time. ] ." TRUMP DRAWS CHEERS, BOOS AT CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE...
PONDERING PRESIDENTIAL RUN... [Don’t make me laugh! … Donald T_rump Would Impose 25% Tax on China Imports if President [ trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … Indeed, that trump even posits the possibility of a run when he should be in jail is a testament to just how big a laughingstock pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s become! [ If he was mobster in chief, mobster and scoundrel trump wraps himself in populist american flag and offers up an (too little too late – typical lightweight) implausible solution to keep ‘the juice’ flowing though he’d already be in jail in a rational, non-declining nation with meaningful laws. All China has to do is dump (and not prospectively buy) their ever more and declining in value day-by-day (from dollar debasement policies) u.s. paper / bonds and overnight and the u.s. economy consequently thereby collapse. [ When you come right down to it, this has been america’s most significant export. Indeed, this irrevocable structural shift, hailed by cia men hw bush and clinton (clinton couldn’t have survived with them) by way of NAFTA as the greatest thing since sliced bread was indeed in no uncertain terms condemned and warned against by Perot, a man of honor who, unlike his opponents, could not be bought, which is the reason, in pervasively corrupt america, he could never have been elected. Interestingly, you may have noticed the good (but not great, other than the spotlight on pervasive bribery including judges, police, politicians, etc., being far too light) the film ‘The Untouchables’ getting a wide re-airing of late, purporting to be a significant part of american folklore / history / culture. However, the reality is that in america, and certainly today, the real story with impact is that of ‘The Touchables’. The reality is that Elliot Ness died a broken man; bankrupt, unable to even win election to the mayoralty of his then current hometown. He was incorruptible; and hence, in the real america, unelectable at the least if not also all but unemployable (he and his are among those few genetic anomalies in america as I’ve previously alluded to. How far america has fallen from even false perception! Pervasively corrupt, meaningfully lawless america can’t even fake it anymore. See, for example, , and of course, corrupt legal / judicial processes, etc., Defacto bankrupt, fraudulent america also spends more on offensive (defensive a misnomer / propaganda) military spending than all the nations of the world combined, and by a large margin at that. Do you see a pattern emerging here [ I unfortunately only belatedly did, and the feds, fed employees, cia, all 3 branches of the u.s. government, etc., are included in this evolved american trait of inherent criminality in the most nefarious sense … The pervasively corrupt american illegal system … corrupt u.s. courts / (lawyers) / judges: Their lifetime plush appointments should be abolished, which corrupt entities are unheard of in productive societies as China, Japan, etc.. Time to abolish these drags on society and eliminate their lifetime stipends and costly bureaucracies. Rules of law mean nothing to these typically corrupt americans. Most, including sam alito of the u.s. supreme court, concerning drug money laundering and obstruction of justice in the 3rd circuit ( also maryanne trump barry who covered-up drug money laundering through her brother’s casinos in a civil RICO case) should have gone to or belong in jail. Contrary to popular belief, they do it for the money, personal money, big, cash, untraceable money. The fog of war is great for such things (360 tons $100 bills flown into Iraq and missing, etc.). [ ]. america’s just a fraudulent and failed defacto bankrupt nation. ] “I would announce, without equivocation, a 25% tax increase on anything purchased from China.” ]
Obama refers to himself as 'The Gipper'… [ Riiiight! …anything you say wobmama the b for b*** s***… or maybe the bipper, the chipper, or the yankee clipper (the new joltin’ joe) …sounds like he’s losing it! ] ...
France Wants New Global Finance System; End of Dollar Dominance...
Fannie, Freddie bailout: $153 billion and counting...
GALLUP: Unemployment at 10.3%...
Muslim Bros plan political party...
Present Two Faces...
Pakistan Islamists warn of protests if US prisoner freed...
SECSTATE JR: Sen Kerry arrives in Pakistan, expresses 'regret', 'sorrow'...
World Bank: Food prices at 'dangerous levels'...
Gov't Motors to pay out $189 million in bonuses; some workers to get 50% payoffs..
Deficit Expected to Jump to $1.65 Trillion...
...'slow train wreck coming'
BUDGET BLOWOUT: How big is $3.73 trillion? $12,000 from each American...
ANALYSIS: $1.5 trillion tax hike over 10 years...
AIRLINES: New fees would be $2 billion tax increase on flyers...
Sessions: Obama failed on budget...
Long Spending Fight...
Produce prices to skyrocket with freeze in Mexico, Southwest...
Clothing Prices to Rise 10% Starting in Spring...
China Replaced Japan in 2010 as Number 2 Economy...
China plans Colombian rail link to challenge Panama canal...
The March On Berlusconi...
Berlusconi indicted in prostitution probe...
Malware 'Aimed at Iran Hit Five Sites'...
Mubarak 'falls into coma after final speech'...
Egyptian military orders last protesters out of 'Liberation Square'...
Consolidates power...
Delivers ultimatum...
Concerns over European defense cuts (Washington Post) [ At some point, rationality must overcome irrationality; if only necessity being the mother of this new-found invention (rationality). Interestingly, there was a blip on television news from a NATO rep talking up the technological / military superiority of NATO relative to Russia (without whose technological prowess that space station and crew would literally be lost in space). So take that, literally … and make the cuts (rational). ] European policymakers say the cuts are necessary given their financial straits, and that training, not sheer numbers, is what matters in a post-Cold War world.
Budget makes deep cuts, cautious trades (Washington Post) [ I still have great difficulty wrapping my mind around the cut in the (relatively minuscule) heating oil program for the poor (after all, that’s potentially lethal to such disenfranchised groups) … Drudgereport:White House to Slash Heating Program for Poor…but still no pros of massive frauds on wall street which fines and disgorgement of would yield huge amounts to cover spending... [ Howard Davidowitz on the Economy: "Here Are the Numbers ... WE'RE BROKE!" 11-25-10 ‘The U.S. economy "is a complete disaster," Howard Davidowitz declared here in July, the most recent in a string of dire predictions from Tech Ticker's most entertaining guest.On the eve of Thanksgiving, I asked Davidowitz if he had any regrets, or was ready to throw in the towel given recent signs of economic revival. Are you kidding me? "Here are the numbers...we're broke," Davidowitz declares, noting the U.S. government goes $5 billion deeper into debt every day and is facing $1 trillion-plus annual deficits for the next decade. "In other words, we're bankrupt."As with the economy, Davidowitz is unwaveringly consistent in his views on President Obama, calling him "deranged, dysfunctional and discredited."Results of the midterm election show "the people of this country think we are in a catastrophe," he says. "I'm with them."Check the accompanying video for more of Howard's unfettered opinions and stay tuned for additional clips from this interview. And...Happy Thanksgiving! Aaron Task is the host of Tech Ticker. You can follow him on Twitter at @atask or email him at’ Timid Tuesday: Is it Safe? Davis ‘… This is how we pay off our current debts and I think bondholders are simply happy to get anything out of a country that admits it owes $15Tn (1/4 of global GDP) but probably owes closer to $60Tn (entire global GDP) in the form of unfunded liabilities. The funniest thing about this (and you have to laugh) is to see Conservative pundits get on TV and talk about how we need to cut $100Bn worth of discretionary spending to "fix" this (while continuing to spend $1Tn on the military and $1Tn on tax cuts for the top 1% each year). There is no fixing this and even a Republican said you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. THIS HOUSE OF CARDS IS TEETERING FOLKS – PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! ‘ ]
] Fed chairman offers dire warnings about the damage Congress could wreak if it refrains from raising the government's debt limit this spring. ] The $3.7 trillion plan proposes to trim or terminate more than 200 federal programs to make room for increases aimed at boosting the economy.
Robinson: Do conservatives love freedom? (Washington Post) [ Truth be told, I’ve oft referred to myself as conservative. I also embrace freedom; which, of course, is the antithesis of ‘such conservatives’ as ie., mobsters as trump et als, Maryanne trump barry, sam alito, mafia, neo-cons cheney, dumbya bush, rumsfeld, mental cases as john bolton, trump, dummy palin, limbaugh, hannity, etc., who in their near facist way always want control; ie., your thoughts, actions, inclinations, etc.. The left, totalitarian communism, wobamanoids in the dhs, etc., are little different. I personally am constrained to disassociate myself with the likes of the foregoing and as discussed infra:
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld booed at GOP convention in D.C. New York Daily News | Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were booed on Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Ron Paul At CPAC: ‘Government is in the process of failing’ Is he running for US Senate? Is he signaling his bid for US president? Or is he hinting at something deeper within the US political climate? Milbank: Donald trumps CPAC | Gibbs gone (Washington Post) [ Trump’s a loser, dressed up and propped up by and to shill for a declining, fallen nation in the most corrupt regions of the country (every fallen nation has such); of that there is no question …"Over the years I've participated in many battles and have really almost come out very, very victorious every single time," the Donald said. (Except for the bankruptc[ies], that is. [ trump’s never won a battle that wasn’t fixed in advance (including the ‘pre-packaged bankrupcies’ crammed down the throats of objecting creditors – jersey general ] ) "I've beaten many people and companies, and I've won many wars," he added. (Though he didn't serve in the military.) "I have fairly [according to mobster rules; ie., bribery, money laundering, etc.] but intelligently [ as any other mob boss … trump is total b*** s***, a fraud, and lightweight … and, despite the façade, quite insecure … trump’s a total mental case … He truly is the ‘poster-boy’ of american decline and part of the problem, not the solution! …trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … NEWS FLASH: Direct from Lost Angeles Learning Annex – Presenting mobster t_rump of new yoke, new joyzey, and now caleefornia mob fame with his continuing message for the past several years: buy real estate (and watch the values go down…..riiiiight!).
Bank sues Trump over Chicago tower loan...
Trump casino to miss interest payment...
trump’s fired (from ‘his own company’)
Gunfire Erupts Inside trump Taj Mahal Casino, 1 Dead - Second Such Incident In A Year At N.J. Mainstay Ends With Employee Killed – What else would you you expect from a mobster’s casino in mob-infested jersey!
Trump luxury resort folds, leaving buyers defrauded…litigation has commenced…send for sister maryanne, the corrupt federal judge to preside, coverup, etc., she’s in n.y./n.j./pa 3rd circuit ct appeals, understands drug money laundering/fraud and handles her own motions to recuse her and like mobster trump should be in jail ... (see RICO Case)
] earned many billions of dollars [ at whose expense ], which in a sense was both a scorecard and acknowledgment of my abilities [ to fool most of the people, all of the time. ] ." TRUMP DRAWS CHEERS, BOOS AT CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE...
PONDERING PRESIDENTIAL RUN... [Don’t make me laugh! … Donald T_rump Would Impose 25% Tax on China Imports if President [ trump also said america’s become the laughingstock of the world … true enough … and trump the biggest joke … Indeed, that trump even posits the possibility of a run when he should be in jail is a testament to just how big a laughingstock pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s become! [ If he was mobster in chief, mobster and scoundrel trump wraps himself in populist american flag and offers up an (too little too late – typical lightweight) implausible solution to keep ‘the juice’ flowing though he’d already be in jail in a rational, non-declining nation with meaningful laws. All China has to do is dump (and not prospectively buy) their ever more and declining in value day-by-day (from dollar debasement policies) u.s. paper / bonds and overnight and the u.s. economy consequently thereby collapse. [ When you come right down to it, this has been america’s most significant export. Indeed, this irrevocable structural shift, hailed by cia men hw bush and clinton (clinton couldn’t have survived with them) by way of NAFTA as the greatest thing since sliced bread was indeed in no uncertain terms condemned and warned against by Perot, a man of honor who, unlike his opponents, could not be bought, which is the reason, in pervasively corrupt america, he could never have been elected. Interestingly, you may have noticed the good (but not great, other than the spotlight on pervasive bribery including judges, police, politicians, etc., being far too light) the film ‘The Untouchables’ getting a wide re-airing of late, purporting to be a significant part of american folklore / history / culture. However, the reality is that in america, and certainly today, the real story with impact is that of ‘The Touchables’. The reality is that Elliot Ness died a broken man; bankrupt, unable to even win election to the mayoralty of his then current hometown. He was incorruptible; and hence, in the real america, unelectable at the least if not also all but unemployable (he and his are among those few genetic anomalies in america as I’ve previously alluded to. How far america has fallen from even false perception! Pervasively corrupt, meaningfully lawless america can’t even fake it anymore. See, for example, , and of course, corrupt legal / judicial processes, etc., Defacto bankrupt, fraudulent america also spends more on offensive (defensive a misnomer / propaganda) military spending than all the nations of the world combined, and by a large margin at that. Do you see a pattern emerging here [ I unfortunately only belatedly did, and the feds, fed employees, cia, all 3 branches of the u.s. government, etc., are included in this evolved american trait of inherent criminality in the most nefarious sense … The pervasively corrupt american illegal system … corrupt u.s. courts / (lawyers) / judges: Their lifetime plush appointments should be abolished, which corrupt entities are unheard of in productive societies as China, Japan, etc.. Time to abolish these drags on society and eliminate their lifetime stipends and costly bureaucracies. Rules of law mean nothing to these typically corrupt americans. Most, including sam alito of the u.s. supreme court, concerning drug money laundering and obstruction of justice in the 3rd circuit ( also maryanne trump barry who covered-up drug money laundering through her brother’s casinos in a civil RICO case) should have gone to or belong in jail. Contrary to popular belief, they do it for the money, personal money, big, cash, untraceable money. The fog of war is great for such things (360 tons $100 bills flown into Iraq and missing, etc.). [ ]. america’s just a fraudulent and failed defacto bankrupt nation. ] “I would announce, without equivocation, a 25% tax increase on anything purchased from China.” ]
Symbolic reductions (Washington Post) Gerson: Why would the GOP cut funding for bed nets in Africa? [ Well, given the perilous state of a nation-state in peril; viz., defacto bankrupt america and the imperiled citizenry therein, one might ask how such was funded in the first instance… Drudgereport: DEBT NOW EQUALS ENTIRE ECONOMY
Obama refers to himself as 'The Gipper'… [ Riiiight! …anything you say wobmama the b for b*** s***… or maybe the bipper, the chipper, or the yankee clipper (the new joltin’ joe) …sounds like he’s losing it! ] ...
France Wants New Global Finance System; End of Dollar Dominance...
Fannie, Freddie bailout: $153 billion and counting...
GALLUP: Unemployment at 10.3%...
Gov't Motors to pay out $189 million in bonuses; some workers to get 50% payoffs..
Deficit Expected to Jump to $1.65 Trillion...
...'slow train wreck coming'
BUDGET BLOWOUT: How big is $3.73 trillion? $12,000 from each American...
ANALYSIS: $1.5 trillion tax hike over 10 years...
AIRLINES: New fees would be $2 billion tax increase on flyers...
Sessions: Obama failed on budget...
Long Spending Fight...
Produce prices to skyrocket with freeze in Mexico, Southwest...
Clothing Prices to Rise 10% Starting in Spring...
China Replaced Japan in 2010 as Number 2 Economy...
China plans Colombian rail link to challenge Panama canal...
The March On Berlusconi...
Malware 'Aimed at Iran Hit Five Sites'...
Mubarak 'falls into coma after final speech'...
Egyptian military orders last protesters out of 'Liberation Square'...
Consolidates power...
Delivers ultimatum...
Go to following pages for above links:
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