Business / Economic / Financial
[ This link to a somewhat more cumulative blog posts page will precede current days news since most all topics remain current in terms of impact and longer-term effect and can be searched by topical index term more easily. The same is provided since the blog site has just been censored as to size by google which is typical for google as nsa / cia / gov’t shill as more are becoming aware of. The same is true for microsoft, another co. that’s seen their best days and relies on the government to maintain their monopoly. Up to now the better page is provided for ease of formatting and clarity thereby while the Washington Post page is the real deal but without formatting . The following is the cumulative archive of blog posts / topics for 2010 as the new year starts anew: or PDF formatted version ]
Stocks rally(Washington Post) [ Come on! You can’t believe anything these desperate desparados say! What news, bad or good, don’t the frauds on wall street rejoice at (you can do that with manipulated cumputerized trading) Drudgereport: Layoffs At Pre-Recession Level; Job Openings Down 30%...
GALLUP: Unemployment Hits 10.3% in February...
UPDATE: More inconsistencies found in stimulus job creation claims...
UN: Food prices hit record high...
Announced Job Cuts 'Rose 20% From Year Ago'...
This manipulated bubble rally in this secular bear market based on b*** s*** alone is an especially great opportunity to sell / take profits while you can since there's much worse to come!
Looking Like A Good Time To Sell Into Strength - Harding ‘Many important global stock markets, including China, Brazil, India and Hong Kong, have been in fairly significant corrections since November, down between 12% and 17%. Their major concerns have been rising inflation and the resulting monetary tightening by their central banks to combat the inflationary pressures...So was this week’s stumble the beginning of a more serious correction? The events and reports this week did provide more evidence that the stock market may be ahead of reality regarding prospects for the economy, and therefore corporate earnings, going forward, which should at least limit the market’s upside potential. Limited upside potential equals more downside risk? It might be wise to lighten up some into strength that may develop over the next few days during the ‘monthly strength period.’ ] Wall Street rejoices in an unexpected drop in jobless claims.
Violent spring looming in Afghanistan (Washington Post) [ See … something to look forward to … must be that good news that keeps getting pushed back … and spring no less … everything blooming, or in war criminal american-speak … ‘booming’ … but not the defacto bankrupt american economy for which a crash is ‘looming’. Could somebody help me out with a translation of gates’ speech a west point … I must be missing something … Lt. Gen. John Kelly, who lost son to war, says U.S. largely unaware of sacrifice (Washington Post) [ I disagree! They are very much aware; as they stand in unemployment lines, use food stamps to get by, etc.. I hate to sound cavalier and I’m sorry that Kelly lost a son to war, but along with the multitude of civilians in the nations unlucky enough to provide a source of corporate welfare to the military industrial complex and war profiteering for the few (as warned against by President General Eisenhower), they died for nothing, for no good reason beyond the false propaganda. Six NATO troops killed in Afghanistan (Washington Post) [ Is there something wrong with the following picture? … am I missing something? … Gates's warning: Avoid land war in Asia, Middle East, and Africa Christian Science Monitor - In a speech to cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Gates's message was clear: The US military services, as well as the elected and appointed civilians who send them to war, need better ways of foreseeing and preparing for ... Gates Tells US Army to Take New Approach Voice of America Warning Against Wars Like Iraq and Afghanistan New York Times [ Better said, than unsaid; but, methinks a bit late for that in light of pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s consummate decline and fall! If only they had listened and not shot at the messenger … things could have been different! ] ] American military officials expect that the Taliban will mount a campaign to regain ground lost to U.S. troops last year and use suicide bombing teams to strike at those associated with the Afghan government or coalition forces.
Public pension shortfalls could reach $1.5T (Washington Post) [ First, I think this is a low-ball estimate since it may assume some of the wildeyed assumptions beyond those being discounted in this figure. Then there’s social (in)security. Next, there’s the private pension shortfalls, particularly in the defined benefit plans. Most importantly is the defacto bankruptcy of the nation and the insurmountable debt / debt service attendant thereto. In sum, without exaggeration it really is quite a bad picture here beyond the paper fraud / froth frenzy on fraudulent wall street which of course has and still remains a significant part of the problem. Prosecution, fines, disgorgement, well deserved of the frauds on wall street could significantly help lessen the shortfalls. ] The pension funds for state and local workers are understating the amount they will owe workers by $1.5T or more, according to some economists who have studied the issue, meaning that the benefits are much costlier than many governments thought.
Krauthammer: Converts to the Bush Doctrine (Washington Post) [ ‘bush doctrine’? What’s that? Moronics( , imbecility, war crimes ( ), etc.? Dumbya bush has been nothing less than a one-man wrecking crew, domestically and internationally and ‘wobama the b’(for b*** s***) has followed suit. Where do they get the likes of krauthammer on the right, Milbank on the left, etc.. Wake up! ]
U.S. prepares for possible rise of new Islamist regimes Revolutions may bring a more religious cast to Mideast politics (Washington Post) [ Oh riiiiight! Pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america, the ‘johnny on the spot’ when it comes to being ahead of the events / curve … and they’re so interested in democratization … as in Saudi Arabia, etc… Egypt, Serbia, Georgia… The History of US Sponsored “Democratization” There is a Russian proverb: only a fool learns from his own mistakes. As Georgia’s foreign minister visits his Egyptian counterpart, there are lessons for Egypt in similar revolutions in eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union. ] Recent developments have alarmed some who fear that the governments taking shape will inevitably undercut democratic reforms.
Commerce Data Shows Personal Incomes Rising but Few Americans Believe It [ Yeah, they don’t believe it because it’s not true. Scandal scarred commerce department of pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt, and very desperate america? Come on, give us all a break. ] Zielinski ‘American workers should be celebrating the latest numbers from the U.S. Department of Commerce that show personal income at all time highs. Since taking a rather sharp dip during the recession of 2008-2009, personal income has soared to almost $13 trillion, up from $12 trillion in early 2009.
[chart] (Click to enlarge)
Getting Americans to believe that their incomes have actually increased is another story. While the Department of Commerce is reporting all time highs in income, another survey released by Fannie Mae shows the opposite.
Fannie Mae (FNMA.OB) conducts a National Housing Survey every quarter that polls homeowners and renters in depth about their confidence in homeownership, overall confidence in the economy and the current state of their household finances.
The latest National Housing Survey for the fourth quarter of 2010 polled 3,407 Americans and the results do not reflect the rosy income numbers reported by the Department of Commerce.
The survey revealed that 62% of all respondents believe the U.S. economy is on the wrong track, 60% reported that monthly household income was the same as a year ago and 34% said that their monthly expenses were "significantly higher" than a year ago. Only 19% of those polled said their incomes were significantly higher.
Keep in mind that Americans do not normally "inflation adjust" their perception of personal income – when respondents say that their income has not changed, it means they are receiving the same absolute amount of dollars, unadjusted for inflation.
[chart] (Click to enlarge)
Total personal income may have increased but income gains seem to have been limited to a small minority of Americans.
In any event, if most Americans have not seen an increase in their monthly incomes, there is little reason for comfort going forward. As higher oil and commodity prices work their way through the system, the basic cost of living will increase for everyone. If that’s not enough, once Fed Chairman Bernanke’s obsession with creating higher inflation succeeds, we are all apt to feel poorer.’
3 Market Valuation Indicators Continue to Signal Caution Short ‘Yesterday I posted monthly updates of the three valuation indicators I routinely follow:
- The relationship of the S&P Composite to a regression trendline (more)
- The cyclical P/E ratio using the trailing 10-year earnings as the divisor (more)
- The Q Ratio — the total price of the market divided by its replacement cost (more)
This post is essentially an overview and summary by way of chart overlays of the three. To facilitate comparisons, I've adjusted the Q Ratio and P/E10 to their arithmetic mean, which I represent as zero. Thus the percentages on the vertical axis show the over/undervaluation as a percent above mean value, which I'm using as a surrogate for fair value. Based on the latest S&P 500 monthly data, the index is overvalued by 72%, 48% or 43%, depending on which of the three metrics you choose.
I've plotted the S&P regression data as an area chart type rather than a line to make the comparisons a bit easier to read. It also reinforces the difference between the two line charts — both being simple ratios — and the regression series, which measures the distance from an exponential regression on a log chart.
click to enlarge images
The chart below differs from the one above in that the two valuation ratios (P/E and Q) are adjusted to their geometric mean rather than their arithmetic mean (which is what most people think of as the "average"). The geometric mean weights the central tendency of a series of numbers, thus calling attention to outliers. In my view, the first chart does a satisfactory job of illustrating these three approaches to market valuation, but I've included the geometric variant as an interesting alternative view for P/E and Q.
As I've frequently pointed out, these indicators aren't useful as short-term signals of market direction. Periods of over- and under-valuation can last for years. But they can play a role in framing longer-term expectations of investment returns. At present they suggest a cautious outlook and guarded expections.’
Bulls Find a Way to Rally: Dave's Daily ‘ Stocks rallied on economic data (better than expected Jobless Claims & ISM Data) and hopes (I kid you not!) that Libya might accept mediation via Hugo Chavez which drove oil prices slightly lower. That's about the gist of it as best I can tell. Most markets reversed course with stocks higher, bonds much lower, precious metals down and commodities lower overall. I woke up this morning in Las Vegas (family reunion) and thought something big must have happened and other than the points rallied didn't really see that much. But, let's remember, bulls are a trigger happy bunch, believe the Fed might continue QE forever (more POMO today) and MENA is nothing to worry about "today". Further, with great expectations, bulls must believe the non-farm payrolls report Friday will bring much joy. One pundit yesterday noted markets were "resilient" and was grateful oil prices weren't "too high" (he must not commute). That's basically the bullish mindset. Retail Sales were reported as good and with oil still over $100; SUVs are believed to be flying off car lots. This is hard to imagine. The next "I got to have it" iPad2 was introduced and if you had the original would you really jump to the new one? Yes, for those in Hollywood or executive offices of hedge funds and Wall Street. But, no matter how you slice it this week has seen extraordinary volatility and it's not over yet…’
Bernanke Throws Gasoline on the Fire Payne ‘
Sustained rises in the prices of oil or other commodities would represent a threat both to economic growth and to overall price stability, particularly if they were to cause inflation expectations to become less well anchored. -Ben Bernanke
If it's all about expectations then I think the Federal Reserve Chairmen added gasoline to the fire on Tuesday. Many people already see inflation and don't expect it to go away anytime soon. This puts the Fed in a tough position because so far it has been able to get what it wants in the perception department. The wealth effect is creeping back. People aren't afraid to open their 401K statements. Yet, on that note, people aren't flocking to the stock market as most still seek comfort in precious metals or prefer cooling their heels on the sidelines.
Despite soaring consumer confidence surveys, to which Bernanke referred, visions of March 2009 burns bright in the minds of many. This actually makes the market more vulnerable to a series of lower moves based solely on a domino effect of fear. But this all falls into the emotion category, and while moves from these emotions can be sharp and abrupt, they don't reflect true value or future potential. What it does is create one heck of a dilemma. It also could be a heck of a challenge for investors, active and those on the sidelines, still smarting about that nuclear meltdown of 2009.
In the meantime, Bernanke might have sold the wisdom of QE 1 and 2 so well that the foregone conclusion is that there is no way the economy (stock market…wink) should need additional help. That means the stock market has to find new sources to make up for the Fed's $75.0 billion monthly injections. It's highly unlikely individual investors will make up that number, and professionals may not have the powder. Plus, those professionals are held to greater accountability. Yes, there are still trillions of dollars on the sidelines and people are becoming more eager to make money, but that still has to translate into taking chances. It's easier to take chances when one feels confident.
I continue to believe such confidence begins with our government. The House passed a stopgap budget bill giving lawmakers two weeks to figure out where to cut and by how much. Republicans in the House have already passed a bill with $61.0 billion in cuts but Democrats are balking. They point to a report from Goldman Sachs (GS) that says such cuts would decrease GDP by 1.5% to 2.0% in the second and third quarters. Mark Zandi says the cuts would cost 700,000 job losses through 2012. I beg to differ. Fiscal responsibility would embolden people to put money to work knowing their own government is becoming responsible.
But the White House holds the wildcard, and that's to lower corporate taxes. We saw consumer income climb from the payroll tax cut, I think we could see massive money pour into society the right way, through job hires and research and development. Let U.S. businesses bring money parked abroad back home and we could find a source to take the place of that $75.0 billion gravy train that will probably come to a halt in June. The market can handle higher prices as a consequence of lower unemployment and rising wages. But, the Fed has fueled the rise in crude as much as it has played the role in gold and silver spiking higher. There is a demand dynamic to crude, particularly in emerging markets.
Going into the close on Tuesday we also learned there is surprising domestic demand for petroleum.
American Petroleum Institute reported on changes in inventories.
Crude drawdown: 1.08 million barrels (consensus was build of 1.6 million)
Gasoline drawdown: 4.9 million barrels (consensus build of 900,000)
Distillates drawdown: 1.44 million (consensus drawdown of 1.8 million)
I still believe most of Tuesday's spike was Bernanke talking up oil and the notion of commodities climbing on expectations of higher prices.
Consumers are talking a good game about confidence, but it's going to take serious job gains for them to put their money where their survey responses are. I think the January jobs number could come in above 200,000, but I wonder if weather could have played a role or could we have yet another disappointment.
Confidence would get a boost with a quick resolution in the Middle East. Right now, it looks like Saudi Arabia gets through along with Oman and Yemen. Libya would seem like a done deal, although waking up to learn Qaddafi launched an unsuccessful counterattack yesterday was unnerving. Now, dissidents might ask America to provide air attacks as cover for their own counterattack. As it stands, we have two U.S. Naval battleships heading to Libya for humanitarian assistance.’
Housing Market, Community Banks Will Drag the Economy Suttmeier ‘The Fed’s Beige Books are the gossip columns from the 12 Fed districts, and the anecdotal evidence shows that despite some economic improvements, the housing market continues to be a drag, and that community banks are still reluctant to lend. The FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile is the balance sheet of the US economy, and nearly 60% of all community banks still face balance sheet stress that makes it difficult to increase lending, as noncurrent loans continue to be a burden.
The latest Beige Book, released on Wednesday, showed that economic growth continued to expand at a modest to moderate pace in January and early February. The major headwind has been residential real estate activity and some Fed districts reported a slight increase in activity, but the overall level of home sales and construction remained low. Nonresidential construction was described as weak.
In a separate report from the FDIC, their Quarterly Banking Profile for the fourth quarter showed continued stress among the community banks that provide funding to real estate lending. Overexposures to Construction & Development Loans and Commercial Real Estate Loans continued. This correlates to the Beige Book reporting that credit standards were unchanged to tighter.
- The FDIC List of Problem Banks rose by 24 in the fourth quarter to 884 from 860, which is 11.5% of the 7,657 FDIC-insured financial institutions.
- 1,265 community banks remain overexposed to C&D loans and another 1,358 are overexposed to CRE loans, which includes nonfarm and nonresidential real estate loans. The total, 2,623 community banks, is 34.3% of all banks that still need to unwind risk exposures.
- Looking at Pipeline Risk, which is the ratio of CRE loans to CRE loan commitments, 4,479 community banks have a Pipeline of 80% or higher, which is 58.5% of all FDIC-insured financial institutions.
- Total Assets in the banking system declined $51.8 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010 with C&D loans down $32.5 billion. Even so C&D loans still total $321.6 billion with nonfarm, non-residential real estate loans at $1.07 trillion, and problem loans continue.
The housing market thus remains a drag on the US economy, and the network of community banks are not fit financially to increase lending to homebuilders and to potential home buyers. This environment caused the 2008/2009 recession and because the environment is not improving, housing and the banking system can again drag the economy into a double dip. I have been calling it “The Great Credit Crunch” since March 2007, and the crunch continues in 2011.
10-Year Note -- (3.477) Weekly and annual value levels are 3.630 and 3.796 with the 50-day simple moving average at 3.446 and daily and monthly risky levels at 3.356 and 3.002.
Source: Thomson / Reuters
Comex Gold -- ($1434.1) Strength tested my monthly and quarterly risky levels at $1437.7 and $1441.7. The 50-day simple moving average is $1375.8 with semiannual risky level at $1452.6.
Source: Thomson / Reuters
Nymex Crude Oil -- ($102.44) My annual pivots at $99.91 and $101.92 have become strong magnets. My monthly value level is $96.43 with semiannual, daily, and quarterly risky levels at $107.14, $108.37, and $110.87.
Source: Thomson / Reuters
The Euro -- (1.3863) It tested Wednesday’s risky level at 1.3898. My weekly and quarterly value levels are 1.3690 and 1.3227 with a daily risky level at 1.3942. The euro remains below its 200-week simple moving average at 1.3953.
Source: Thomson / Reuters
Daily Dow: (12,067) It's trading between its 50-day simple moving average at 11,916 and its 21-day simple moving average at 12,148. Daily and annual value levels are 11,977 and 11,491 with weekly, monthly, and annual risky levels at 12,461, 12,741, and 13,890.
Source: Thomson / Reuters
ValuEngine Valuation Warning -- A ValuEngine Valuation Warning occurs when more than 65% of all stocks in the ValuEngine universe are calculated to be overvalued. On February 18, 68.6% of all stocks were overvalued, which was the highest of the year. Today 62.1% of all stocks are overvalued. All 15 of 16 sectors are overvalued, eight by double-digit percentages.
Key Levels for the Major Equity Averages
- The Dow Industrial Average (12,067) Libya Trading Range: 11,983 to 12,391. My daily and annual value levels are 11,977 and 11,491 with weekly and monthly risky levels at 12,461 and 12,741.
- The S&P 500 (1308.4) Libya Trading Range: 1294 to 1344. The 50-day is 1293.55 with the 21-day at 1319.83. My daily and quarterly value levels are 1291.2 and 1262.5 with weekly and monthly risky levels at 1352.9 and 1381.3.
- The Nasdaq (2748) Libya Trading Range: 2706 to 2840. The 50-day is 2733.76 with the 21-day at 2779.85. My daily value level is 2690 with weekly, quarterly, and monthly risky levels at 2860, 2853, and 2926.
- The Nasdaq 100 (NDX) (2327) Libya Trading Range: 2285 to 2403. The 50-day is 2304.84 with the 21-day at 2350.52. My daily value level is 2268 with weekly, quarterly, and monthly risky levels at 2436, 2438, and 2499.
- Dow Transports (4957) Libya Trading Range: 4918 to 5306. Below its 50-day at 5126. My daily and quarterly value levels are 4804 and 4671 with weekly and annual pivots at 5150 and 5179.
- The Russell 2000 (810.90) Libya Trading Range: 795 to 838. The 50-day is 799.71 with the 21-day at 813.44. Daily and quarterly value levels are 793.95 and 765.50 with weekly and monthly risky levels at 826.33 and 850.79.
- The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index (SOX) (456.09) Libya Trading Range: 439 to 474. The 50-day is 441.01 with the 21-day at 459.17. My daily value level is 438.94 with a monthly pivot at 453.89, quarterly pivot at 465.93, and weekly risky level at 493.15.’
BOB PRECHTER: We're Still In A Massive Bear Market And Stocks Will Crash To New Lows Blodget ‘Investors have gotten wildly bullish of late, as the bull market that started in early 2009 keeps driving stocks to new highs. But the pigs are about to get slaughtered, says Bob Prechter, president of Elliott Wave International and editor of the Elliott Wave Theorist. Prechter still thinks the new bull market is just a cyclical "retracement" of some of the bear market losses that we've had since the market crashed in 2008. Prechter expected this retracement to drive stocks 50% above the market lows, but stocks have since soared 30% higher than than he expected. So when the day of reckoning comes, Prechter thinks, it will be even more startling. And Prechter still thinks that stocks will eventually crash to new bear-market lows (read: below 6,800 on the DOW). What makes Prechter think this day of reckoning may come sooner rather than later? Sentiment indicators and other technical analysis. Investor bullishness has now gotten so extreme, Prechter says, that it has exceeded the levels in 2008 before the market crashed. Investors could still get even more bullish, of course, but eventually they'll pay for this optimism. And Prechter's not just bearish on stocks: He thinks oil, silver, and other commodities are absurdly overvalued, too. The only thing he's bullish on is the dollar. And lest he be dismissed as a perma-bear, Bob Prechter is quick to add that he hopes there will come a day when he can come on the show and tell everyone that stocks are finally so crushed and hated that it's a historic opportunity to buy them. When will that be? Stay tuned...’
Former Goldman director charged with insider trading Globe & Mail | Raj Rajaratnam, the founder of hedge fund Galleon Group, is on trial on criminal insider-trading charges.
Why the Dollar’s Reign Is Near an End Wall Street Journal | Fully 85% of foreign-exchange transactions world-wide are trades of other currencies for dollars.
Ron Paul To Ben Bernanke “I Want A Definition Of Money!” MOX News | Congressman overseeing monetary policy questions Fed chair.
China Gold Demand Voracious – Chinese Yuan Gold Standard? Gold and silver have recovered somewhat from slight falls in Asia overnight and are now higher against the British pound and Swiss franc which are weaker this morning. With geopolitical instability looking set to escalate and the real possibility of a military confrontation in the Mediterranean, any sell off in the precious metals will likely be tentative.
Monetization and Debt Will Only Bring Inflation Many ask, what will happen when quantitative easing ends? China doesn’t want to accumulate more Treasury and Agency bonds and we find the buying from London and the Cayman Islands questionable at best.
97% of All U.S. Mortgages are Backed by the Government I heard a recent talk by Richard Wolff – Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst (PhD in Economics from Yale) – where Wolff said that 97% of all U.S. mortgages are either written or guaranteed by the government.
Oil: How High Will It Go? Some emails have been stacking up with regard to what’s happening with oil prices. In summary, people are wondering, “How high will it go?” and “How bad could this get?” and “Is this it?” etc.
(3-3-11) Dow 12,258 +191 Nasdaq 2,798 +51 S&P 500 1,331 +22 [CLOSE- OIL $101.91 (-54% for year 2008) (RECORD TRADING HIGH $147.27) GAS $3.37 (reg. gas in LAND OF FRUITS AND NUTS $3.69 REG./ $3.78 MID-GRADE/ $3.88 PREM./ $4.02 DIESEL) / GOLD $1,418 (+24% for year 2009) / SILVER $34.33 (+47% for year 2009) PLATINUM $1,835 (+56% for year 2009) Metal News for the Day / DOLLAR= .72 EURO, 82 YEN, .62 POUND STERLING, ETC. (How low can you go - LOWER)/ 10 YR NOTE YIELD 3.57% …..… AP Business Highlights ...Yahoo Market Update... T. Rowe Price Weekly Recap – Stocks / Bonds / Currencies - Domestic / International This Is a Secular Bear Market and The End of Buy and Hold … and Hope MARKET MANIPULATION AND HOW THE LATEST BUBBLE-FRAUD PRE-COMING CRASH IS BEING ACCOMPLISHED 3-11-10 6 Theories On Why the Stock Market Has Rallied 3-9-10 [archived website file] Risks Lurk for ETF Investors The bull market that never was/were beyond wall street b.s. when measured in gold Property Values Projected to Fall 12% in 2010 Jan 31, 2010 The Week Ahead: Risk Is Off the Cliff; Unwind Has Begun Jan 31, 2010 01-13-10 Forecast for 2010 from Seeking Alpha Contributor THE COMING MARKET CRASH / CORRECTION 1-28-10 Maierhofer (01-15-10) 11 Clear Signs Economy Sinking Economic Black Hole 1-22-10: 20 Reasons Why The U.S. Economy Is Dying And Is Simply Not Going To Recover Current Economic / Fiscal Charts forecast for 2009 1-7-10 Crash is coming! ‘WORST ECONOMIC COLLAPSE EVER’ Must Read Economic / Financial Data This Depression is just beginning The coming depression… MUST READ: JEREMY GRANTHAM’S QUARTERLY UPDATE 25 January 2010 (850 on the S&P) by TPC The Next Wave of Collapse is Coming Sooner than you think Sliding Back Into the Great Depression ABSOLUTELY, ABSURDLY, RIDICULOUS! SELL / TAKE PROFITS WHILE YOU CAN SINCE MUCH, MUCH WORSE TO COME!
National / World
TSA Controversy Explodes Steve Watson | One week is a long time in the world of TSA tyranny .
Making “V”ictory a Reality: Answer to 1984 Contest Entry Infowars | An awesome example of peaceful activism in the fight against 1984.
James Woolsey denies CIA media control Aaron Dykes | Former CIA director plays dumb on Operation Mockingbird and admitted media propaganda.
Zakaria: America is Doomed Because It Fails to Embrace Globalism Kurt Nimmo | Fareed Zakaria is a member of both the CFR and Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.
Rolling Stone Gets Alex Jones Wrong Saman Mohammadi | Alex is attracting listeners because he doesn’t play the false left-right game like Glenn Beck and other clowns on television.
On Charles Ponzi Day We Celebrate Another All Time Record In Food Stamp Usage Bernanke’s plan to recreate Libya in our own back yard is continuing to work magnificently. It is no surprise that on Charles Ponzi day, the update to food stamp usage indicates that in December those receiving an average of $134 per month has just hit 44.1 million people.
Gas Prices Jump 4 Cents Overnight Gas prices jumped 4 cents overnight, with the average American driver now paying more than $3.40 a gallon.
Hillary Clinton: ‘We Are Losing The Infowar’ Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a tacit admission during a U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities committee meeting yesterday, arguing that the State Department needs more money because the US military-industrial complex is “losing the information war” to the likes of Russia Today and Al Jazeera due to the US corporate media having completely abandoned “real news”.
Wars, Rumors Of Wars, Skyrocketing Oil Prices And Global Economic Chaos – Why Is All Of This Happening? Did anyone out there anticipate that 2011 would be such a wild year?
Egypt, Serbia, Georgia… The History of US Sponsored “Democratization” There is a Russian proverb: only a fool learns from his own mistakes. As Georgia’s foreign minister visits his Egyptian counterpart, there are lessons for Egypt in similar revolutions in eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union.
The TV Column: Charlie Sheen keeps talking; CBS gets in on the conversation (Washington Post) [Wobama says daffy gaddafi’s time is up, got to go. The same can be said of wobama et als and his fraudulently failed presidency. Sheen On Obama: “A Coward In a Cheap Suit” [ I think Sheen to be too gentle in his criticism of wobama (Some might reflexively, defensively allege drugs (prescription or otherwise) or any number of the varied personality disorders so prevalent in america … ‘fuzzy, California laid back thinking’, ‘whatever’… Who knows? ) But, that said, wobama’s far worse than just a ‘coward in a cheap suit’. Indeed, Wobama’s a total fraud having been elected under false pretenses; viz., his total, unequivocal, and unfulfilled b*** s*** (those campaign promises) ! Moreover, there has been some persuasive documentation questioning wobama’s citizenship / birthplace placing his eligibility to even hold the office of president in question. Drudgereport: UPDATE: Huckabee claims Obama grew up in Kenya... The Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi Rezko was corrupt, and supported Obama in many campaigns as well as in Obama buying his home -- and therefore, according to Corsi, Obama is corrupt by ] Amidst the controversy of his wild interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, actor Charlie Sheen wasted little time in confronting President Barack Obama on his failure to answer Sheen’s twenty questions concerning 9/11, calling Obama, “a coward in a cheap suit.” A Government Shut-down Imperils the Power of Congress Paul Craig Roberts | Congress could try to protect its loss of the power of the purse by impeaching Obama. Drudgereport: WOBAMA 'IMPEACHMENT' WARNING... announce exploratory committee 'in 10 days' Globalist Shill Barack Obama Asks Business Leaders For Job Creation Ideas Even As He Ships More Of Our Jobs Overseas As Part Of The New One World Economy The other day, Barack Obama summoned a group of business and labor leaders to the White House and “challenged” them to come up with some great ideas for creating more jobs inside the United States. Public confidence in Obama reaches new low (Washington Post). Six in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama and hold lower esteem for members of Congress, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Such stats as this tend to typify scenarios as this where you break every significant campaign promise that got you elected, from endless war (ie., Afghanistan, etc.) to not prosecuting the frauds on wall street, and the growing realization of ‘typical’: Public confidence in Obama reaches new low (Washington Post) Six in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama and hold lower esteem for members of Congress, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Such stats as this tend to typify scenarios as this where you break every significant campaign promise that got you elected, from endless war (ie., Afghanistan, etc.) to not prosecuting the frauds on wall street, and the growing realization of ‘typical’:
But still it’s ‘hands off fraudulent wall street’ to theirs, the nation’s, and the world’s detriment. Firms subpoenaed in attempt to regain Fannie, Freddie losses (Washington Post). But there’s a reason:
The following youtube video is well worth the look and explains how and why the frauds on wall street have gotten away with their devastating fraud thus far. The frauds on wall street et als should be criminally prosecuted, jailed, fined, and disgorgement imposed. ( UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE... CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL TO PURSUE FED PROBE IN BLACK PANTHER CASE... ‘In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims ...’ US v. AZ... Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder’s vows to target financial fraud Washington Post | Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. ):
‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’ – well worth a look. [ The Obama Deception Number 1 on U.S. Google Trends ]
While boner and barton are indeed jokes / vegetables that bespeak the single-digit approval rate for congress, obama’s failure to deliver on promises with as well, endless war spending despite defacto bankruptcy of the nation and a watered down nothing financial regulation bill for talking points but little substance, make him as big a joker, along with the dems. This well researched / produced video tells the real story : ‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’ – well worth the view. [ The Obama Deception Number 1 on U.S. Google Trends ]
‘The Obama Deception’ Censored A viral You Tube upload of one of Alex Jones’ most popular feature films ‘The Obama Deception’ has been censored following a spur of the moment campaign to elevate the movie’s title to the top of the major internet search engines. In light of this development, I provide an archived site version which appears to be complete (but will be compared with earlier version and replaced with same if incomplete)
Then there is the well researched, produced, and informative ‘ESOTERIC AGENDA’ which explains how we’ve gotten to this forlorn point: For the Same Reason I’ve Included Here a Web Site Archived FLV Version of Esoteric Agenda
Cohen: Time for Arabs to reject anti-semitism (Washington Post) [ Reality check … time for israelis / jews to reject zionism and all that is entailed therein, including an alternate reality that defies credulity, rationality, and facts; such as, a self-rationalizing greed, anti-arab / anti-Christian predisposition and the ‘Oedipal Effect’ (blowback) engendered thereby. No, Johnny Carson was not anti-semitic (Fred Silverman), same for Charlie Sheen (Chuck Lorre), etc. (the list is endless inasmuch as when facts are not on their side, such specious inflammatory arguments as ‘anti-semitism’, prejudice, are a convenient subterfuge distracting from their weak position; ie., illegal nukes, war crimes, ignoring u.n. resolutions, ie., 242, 338, etc., ignoring international law. At best, no … God did not give them this land … at worst, God took the land back when they with roman muscle crucified Christ. Balfour was an arbitrary, incompetent, british joke.). ] ] Article | Tuesday will be known as the day we heard from The Receiving End of Charlie Sheen's Scorched Earth Media Tour.
Bernanke: Fed will respond if oil prices trigger inflation (Washington Post) [ If? Come on … don’t make me laugh! … Inflation Is Here – Just Open Up Your Eyes And Look At These 5 Financial Charts! (see infra) Despite what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says, rampant inflation is officially here. The federal government is constantly monkeying with the numbers to keep the “official” rate of inflation below 2 percent, but it is becoming very difficult to deny that the cost of almost everything is really going up these days. … Merk ‘…While we believe food inflation will be with us for quite some time and may contribute to an unstable world possibly for years to come, the Federal Reserve appears to be firmly in the camp of heavily discounting food inflation. The European Central Bank (ECB), in contrast, has historically taken commodity inflation more seriously than the Fed – ECB President Trichet talks about his concern over "second round effects," i.e., commodity inflation stirring inflation throughout the value chain.
The relevance of all this is that in the U.S. it’s business as usual as far as monetary policy is concerned. According to Fed Chair Bernanke, the U.S. economy must grow at a rate of at least 2.5% per annum just to keep unemployment stable, however, he has made it clear that he will pursue policies to boost growth above that level. With oil prices soaring, he is facing yet another headwind. Rather than mopping up the liquidity that, in our assessment, has contributed to global commodity inflation, he may be tempted to keep the printing press in high gear to promote economic growth.
It doesn’t really matter whether we think there is a crisis. What matters is that the Fed doesn’t think its policies are contributing to global instability and continues on its expansionary path…’
Gerald Celente: “There is no recovery — it’s a coverup!” Sic Semper Tyrannis | Celente argues the oil prices have been going up before the recent chaos in the Middle East. ‘…One other point brought out by Gerald Celente is the fact that the current puppet regime in the White House is “cooking the books” on the unemployment numbers and current inflation rates. They are making their own rules on how to determine inflation rates by leaving out essential information such as food and fuel prices. The same is being done with White House unemployment numbers by simply leaving out those who have given up looking for jobs, as well as other deceptive “carnie” tricks (in reference to White House spokesperson Carnie) in which he compares the administration to a traveling carnival act.
In closing, Celente states:
“… There is no recovery, it’s a coverup. It’s only being boosted by these low interest rates, which again, when inflation skyrockets- they’re gonna have to raise them …‘
Jim Rogers: “Saudi Arabia Is Lying About Being Able To Increase Its Oil Production” Jim Rogers joins Zero Hedge in being highly skeptical about just how credible Saudi’s call for a 1MM + boost in its oil supply is: “Saudi Arabia has been lying about the reserves for decades. Saudi Arabia the last two times said they are going to increase production and they couldn’t increase production. Don’t fall for that. ] Federal Reserve chairman says he does not expect a major impact on consumer prices.
House Republicans press SEC on official's ties to Madoff (Washington Post) [ The ultimate subterfuge. Mr. small potatoes madoff the focus of so much influence … yet he’s in jail … and the only one … Boy, did mary shapiro become total b*** s*** fast … the current shibboleth of capital hill / all 3 branches of pervasively corrupt u.s. government … joining the others: “The Financial Industry Has Become So Politically Powerful That It Is Able To Inhibit the Normal Process of Justice And Law Enforcement” The economy cannot stabilize unless fraud is prosecuted. But the folks in D.C. seem determined to turn a blind eye to Wall Street shenanigans, and is now moving to defund the enforcement agencies like the SEC and CFTC. Market Crash 2011: It Will Hit by Christmas Farrell, MarketWatch SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — ‘Politicians lie. Bankers lie. Yes, they’re liars. But they’re not bad, it’s in their genes, inherited. Their brains are wired that way, warn scientists. Like addicts, they can’t help themselves. They want to sell stuff, get rich…’
‘INSIDE JOB’ Ferguson wins Oscar for Documentary on the unprosecuted massive extant fraud in the (many) TRILLIONS by the frauds on wall street ( and declares with oscar in hand that not one high level wall street exec has been prosecuted … despite ‘earning’ billiions from the fraud ), the commentator / experts recommend getting rid of the corrupt eric holder ( now what do holder and wobama have in common … is it wall street money ………… is it a proclivity for jive-talking / b*** s*** ………all of the above, some of the above ……….. or is it something else …… here’s a hint - UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE... CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL TO PURSUE FED PROBE IN BLACK PANTHER CASE... ‘In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims ...’ US v. AZ... Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder’s vows to target financial fraud Washington Post | Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. ) (see this film, I strongly recommend the complete documentary – the following is a preview/summary)
[Here’s an archived version
’Inside Job’ New Documentary Exposes Wall Street Fraud And How Banksters Continue To Steal Our Money
Web site Link / Path to archived file: [45mb ] [ 65mb ] ]
] House Republicans ramp up pressure on SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro.
Drudgereport: Tables turned on one of Gaddafi's boy soldiers...
Rebels reject Chávez mediation offer...
Video: Bloody Battle...
Obama: Pentagon Examines 'Full Range' of Options...
Pump prices jump another 4 cents -- overnight...
Layoffs At Pre-Recession Level; Job Openings Down 30%...
GALLUP: Unemployment Hits 10.3% in February...
UPDATE: More inconsistencies found in stimulus job creation claims...
UN: Food prices hit record high...
Gadhafi vows fight to last man...
'It's a conspiracy to take our oil'...
Rebels rout Gadhafi force attack on oil port...
Seek Airstrikes by Foreign Forces...
Announced Job Cuts 'Rose 20% From Year Ago'...
Idaho county files for bankruptcy...
Delaware voters say no to Lobotomy Joe ….. Biden (the self-proclaimed zionist) -- for name of school...
'Wobama’s Where's Waldo?' Presidency...
All Former U.S. Presidents To Get Together For TV Special Honoring George H.W. Bush…(How totally pathetic they are! How embarrassing for NBC!) ... [ Wake up! ]
U.S. assault ships clear Suez, enter Med Sea on way to Libya...
Panic on borders...
...180,000 refugees pour into Tunisia, Egypt
Could become "a giant Somalia"...
Gunman kills 2 US airmen at German airport...
Shouts 'Allah Akbar' before shooting...
Angry mob confronts Wisconsin GOP Senator... Video...
Wisc GOP passes bill to fine AWOL Dems...
White House seeks $15 billion from federal property sales...
More Than 140,000 People Flee Libya...
Gadhafi forces retake towns near capital...
Cameron backtracks on no-fly zone plan...
Astonishing wealth of Gaddafi and his family revealed...
President says US, Israel behind unrest...
Fashion Week Führer: DIOR Fires Galliano After Racism Complaints...
'I love Hitler'...
'Your parents should have been gassed'...
Injury Added to Insult... [ In terms of production value (rich in content in every way), I believe this to be as good and in my view better than ever as award ceremonies can be without the inimitable Bob Hope. I believe any falloff can be directly attributable to last year the academy’s egregious misstep in over-looking ‘Avatar’ / Cameron presaging a similar fate concerning my clear choice of ‘Inception’ / Nolan ( Truth be told, I’ve yet to see ‘The King’s Speech’ failing to muster any enthusiasm for seeing a film centered around a ‘so-called royal’ trying to over-come a speech impediment, albeit a minor one, regardless of circumstances; viz., stuttering, though I would concede that it was probably well done. We all know of the problems attendant to english royal inbreeding…ho hum… I did find ‘The Black Swan’ superb but attribute same to my own bias and fascination with viewing female ballet dancing). Bob Hope: Academy Awards, ‘passover’ … very funny! ]
Armed pro-Gaddafi gangs roll in Tripoli...
...Shooting from ambulances...
Gaddafi vows to crush protesters...
Egypt protesters dispersed by force...
Al Qaeda calls for revolt against Arab rulers...
Obama to Gaddafi: Leave now...
UN Security Council passes votes to sanction...
Gas prices surge 17 cents in a week...
Motorist Calls Police Over Rising Prices...
Spain reduces motorway speed limit to save oil...
WOBAMA 'IMPEACHMENT' WARNING... announce exploratory committee 'in 10 days'
CharlieSheen Publicist Runs For Hills...
Actor set to sue CBS for $320M, 'mental anguish'...
The Legal Letter...
NY MAG: Madoff on Madoff: The Jailhouse Tapes...
Government a Ponzi scheme...
Anti-Gaddafi forces widen control...
Take town 30 miles from Tripoli...
Security forces defect...
Armed pro-gangs roll in capital...
...shooting from ambulances
Police station, state office burning in Oman town...
Tunisia prime minister resigns...
Gingrich to announce exploratory committee 'in 10 days' [ Neo-con Dreamin’! I mean, come on … are memories so short they don’t recall him being a total hypocrite, zionist shill, and part of the problem though to his credit, he’s not a mobster and complete joke as is trump! ]
CHICAGOLAND: Lawmaker Suggests BOEING'S Contract Win A Result Of Dirty Politics... [ The contract’s with money the nation doen’t really have anyway; and, the value of the money paid will be worth substantially less by completion; and, no surprise … Chicago hasn’t changed much from the days of capone and is rivaled in terms of corruption by such states as jersey, new york, etc.. ] ‘…“I’m disappointed but not surprised,” Republican Sen. Richard Shelby said. “Only Chicago politics could tip the scales in favor of Boeing’s inferior plane. EADS clearly offers the more capable aircraft.”…’
Christian minorities minister assassinated (Washington Post) [ Christians, Christianity lumped together with war criminals, zionists, invaders, plunderers, murderers, etc.. No surprise here. Winning hearts and minds? I don’t think so … Blowback? Most assuredly: 2 U.S. airmen killed, 2 hurt in shooting near Frankfurt airport (Post, March 2, 2011); Most U.S. aid to Pakistan hasn't gotten there yet (Post, March 2, 2011); Clinton: U.S. losing global public-relations battle - to 'Baywatch' and wrestling (Post, March 2, 2011 Well, I don’t know about baywatch and wrestling, but reality beyond false propaganda will do it every time) ] Shahbaz Bhatti is gunned down in the second killing this year of a liberal, senior government official who had spoken out against the nation's stringent blasphemy laws.Karzai condemns deadly NATO airstrike (Washington Post) [ Well, for pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america, it’s just another of many war crimes. They just role out the propaganda machine that no one is buying anymore. Yet, can you believe your eyes and ears here: Six NATO troops killed in Afghanistan (Washington Post) [ Is there something wrong with the following picture? … am I missing something? … Gates's warning: Avoid land war in Asia, Middle East, and Africa Christian Science Monitor - In a speech to cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Gates's message was clear: The US military services, as well as the elected and appointed civilians who send them to war, need better ways of foreseeing and preparing for ... Gates Tells US Army to Take New Approach Voice of America Warning Against Wars Like Iraq and Afghanistan New York Times [ Better said, than unsaid; but, methinks a bit late for that in light of pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s consummate decline and fall! If only they had listened and not shot at the messenger … things could have been different! ] A NATO airstrike that Afghan officials said killed nine children collecting firewood in eastern Afghanistan beccomes the latest irritant in the tense relationship between President Hamid Karzai and the international force in the country.
Government cracks down on employment scams (Washington Post) [ Yet leave the biggest, most deleterious scam / fraud unprosecuted. What total b*** s***! House Republicans press SEC on official's ties to Madoff (Washington Post) [ The ultimate subterfuge. Mr. small potatoes madoff the focus of so much influence … yet he’s in jail … and the only one … Boy, did mary shapiro become total b*** s*** fast … the current shibboleth of capital hill / all 3 branches of pervasively corrupt u.s. government … joining the others: “The Financial Industry Has Become So Politically Powerful That It Is Able To Inhibit the Normal Process of Justice And Law Enforcement” The economy cannot stabilize unless fraud is prosecuted. But the folks in D.C. seem determined to turn a blind eye to Wall Street shenanigans, and is now moving to defund the enforcement agencies like the SEC and CFTC. Market Crash 2011: It Will Hit by Christmas Farrell, MarketWatch SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — ‘Politicians lie. Bankers lie. Yes, they’re liars. But they’re not bad, it’s in their genes, inherited. Their brains are wired that way, warn scientists. Like addicts, they can’t help themselves. They want to sell stuff, get rich…’
‘INSIDE JOB’ Ferguson wins Oscar for Documentary on the unprosecuted massive extant fraud in the (many) TRILLIONS by the frauds on wall street ( and declares with oscar in hand that not one high level wall street exec has been prosecuted … despite ‘earning’ billiions from the fraud ), the commentator / experts recommend getting rid of the corrupt eric holder ( now what do holder and wobama have in common … is it wall street money ………… is it a proclivity for jive-talking / b*** s*** ………all of the above, some of the above ……….. or is it something else …… here’s a hint - UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE... CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL TO PURSUE FED PROBE IN BLACK PANTHER CASE... ‘In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims ...’ US v. AZ... Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder’s vows to target financial fraud Washington Post | Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. ) (see this film, I strongly recommend the complete documentary – the following is a preview/summary)
[Here’s an archived version
’Inside Job’ New Documentary Exposes Wall Street Fraud And How Banksters Continue To Steal Our Money
Web site Link / Path to archived file: [45mb ] [ 65mb ] ]
] House Republicans ramp up pressure on SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro.
] FTC says companies promised to help people find work but instead took their money.
Oil soars to more than $100 a barrel on Libyan unrest (Washington Post) [ When you factor in reality, the worst is yet to come … Gerald Celente: “There is no recovery — it’s a coverup!” Sic Semper Tyrannis | Celente argues the oil prices have been going up before the recent chaos in the Middle East. ‘…One other point brought out by Gerald Celente is the fact that the current puppet regime in the White House is “cooking the books” on the unemployment numbers and current inflation rates. They are making their own rules on how to determine inflation rates by leaving out essential information such as food and fuel prices. The same is being done with White House unemployment numbers by simply leaving out those who have given up looking for jobs, as well as other deceptive “carnie” tricks (in reference to White House spokesperson Carnie) in which he compares the administration to a traveling carnival act.
In closing, Celente states:
“… There is no recovery, it’s a coverup. It’s only being boosted by these low interest rates, which again, when inflation skyrockets- they’re gonna have to raise them …‘
Jim Rogers: “Saudi Arabia Is Lying About Being Able To Increase Its Oil Production” Jim Rogers joins Zero Hedge in being highly skeptical about just how credible Saudi’s call for a 1MM + boost in its oil supply is: “Saudi Arabia has been lying about the reserves for decades. Saudi Arabia the last two times said they are going to increase production and they couldn’t increase production. Don’t fall for that. ] Federal Reserve chairman says he does not expect a major impact on consumer prices.
A Crash in Saudi Arabia, Arrogant Eurocrats and a Look at the Markets Part 2 Tenebrarum ‘Saudi Arabia's Stock Market Plunges
Stock market traders in Saudi Arabia got a bit of a wake-up call yesterday. Their stock market evidently sees something it doesn't like. Why the market is all of a sudden more worried than it was previously about the challenge to the established political order in the Arab world is a bit of a mystery, but presumably traders have thus far deluded themselves into thinking that Saudi Arabia would be immune to unrest. Something has evidently changed their mind. It seems to us that this event deserves the moniker warning sign. The selling has been extremely heavy for three days now. Since this market is largely driven by local investors, we should probably attach some significance to this recent plunge. Someone has begun to sell three days ago and has spooked the herd. It's a good bet that the someone who started the selling is better informed than the rest of us.
Note in this context the following information about the current oil policy of Saudi Arabia from Marketwatch. While the article references anonymous sources, which stands in the way of fact-checking, there is one paragraph that caught our eye:
"The main threat is ... Saudi instability when the current king dies. We know he is very ill but obviously there is no indication of how critical that condition is. But it is acknowledged that the next transition will present a much bigger threat to internal stability ... Vested interest groups have been waiting for this transition to push their agenda. Saudi experienced considerable regional instability up to 10 years ago but bought it off with higher oil-based spending. Today the problem is as bad, if not worse. There have been only a few of the promised reforms ... Resentment towards the wealth gap with the royals is very high ... Even if/when the instability in other countries, such as Libya, settles, the Saudi succession threat is now firmly on the table. What happens in Bahrain could be very key. That alone will keep the oil market nervous for this year."
The very ill king could in fact be the key to the sudden crash in Saudi Arabia's stock market. With political instability across the entire region, a fight for succession in Saudi Arabia wouldn't be very conducive to stability at this particular point in time. The fact that spreading some of the oil wealth around has not been effective in lowering the level of resentment vis-a-vis the royals sounds very credible to us. So does the assertion that what happens in Bahrain will be very important. Bahrain is ruled by a monarchy as well and should it lose power, the Saudi masses could be galvanized.
Saudi Arabia is the world's second biggest oil producer after Russia and as a result the monarchy has enormous financial resources at its disposal. This certainly helps with buying off numerous special interest groups. Also, as we mentioned in passing previously, the royals have a deal with the powerful and highly conservative religious establishment that helps keep them in power. Essentially the country is a mixture between a monarchy and theocracy. The strict religiously inspired laws may on the one hand sit well with the deeply religious population, but on the other hand they also make for a very repressive environment that may sit less well with the youth – large numbers of which are unemployed. Also, the extravagance of the many Saudi princes (over 10,000 royals are about, all well-endowed with stipends) may not go down all that well with the rest of the Saudis , regardless of what deals the royals have made with the mullahs. All in all, it remains a potentially explosive situation.
(Click to enlarge)
Saudi Arabia's Al-Tadawul All-share Index goes somewhat belatedly into free-fall.
In the meantime, Muammar Qaddafy continues to give utterly bizarre interviews (if anything, they have become even more so ... "I don't lead Libya, I have no power" ... "The people of Libya love me!"), while more and more of Libya falls to opposition forces. Evidently the man has lost whatever connection to reality he may once have possessed. The Pentagon has meanwhile assembled naval forces off Libyan waters – possibly to enforce a no-fly zone.
While all eyes are on Libya, Egypt has once again decided not to reopen its stock market – the reopening of the stock exchange has been been postponed repeatedly, so this is almost business as usual by now.
"The Egyptian Exchange, shuttered for over a month, was to resume trading on Tuesday. But in an overnight statement, exchange officials said the market would reopen instead on March 6 to 'allow investors to profit from the government's support to guarantee stability in the bourse.'
"The decision reflected the strong undercurrent of unease in the Arab world's most populous nation where the market's benchmark stock index had shed almost 17 percent in two consecutive trading sessions before it closed at the end of the business day on Jan. 27."
Keep the market closed to 'allow investors to profit from the government's support to guarantee stability in the bourse'? Good luck with that one.
As a final note on the Middle East, we continue to recommend keeping an eye on Iran. The regime is evidently worried, and given Iran's importance as an oil exporter, any unrest in that country would arguably have an even bigger effect on the oil market than Libya's recent disintegration.
Ireland and the Arrogant Eurocracy
Via Dr. Jim Walker of the excellent research firm Asianomics, we have been made aware of some of the things various eurocrats have had to say about the Irish election. Some of these quotes are remarkable for their unbridled and quite unwarranted arrogance.
"As Irish voters headed for the polling booths on Friday, the European Commission bluntly declared that the terms of the EU-IMF bailout "must be applied" whatever the will of Ireland's people or regardless of any change of government.
"It's an agreement between the EU and the Republic of Ireland, it's not an agreement between an institution and a particular government," said a Brussels spokesman.
A European diplomat, from a large eurozone country, told The Sunday Telegraph that "the more the Irish make a big deal about renegotiation in public, the more attitudes will harden."
"It is not even take it or leave it. It's done. Ireland's only role in this now is to implement the programme agreed with the EU, IMF and European Central Bank. Irish voters are not a party in this process, whatever they have been told," said the diplomat.”
(Our emphasis)
Hello? Irish voters are "not a party in this process"? Irish voters – i.e. the tax cows that have been condemned to bail out their failed banks so that the highly leveraged German banking system can avoid a debt restructuring broadside – may well go from "revolution lite" as the WSJ calls the election outcome (since essentially, one conservative party was exchanged for another), to a "real revolution." As an aside, while the WSJ asserts that 'Ireland needs Merkel," we believe it is exactly the other way around (see further below as to why). Our understanding of 'democracy' is that voters are the ultimate arbiters of such things. There is no agreement that can not be amended or broken if voters feel they have been sold out by the government that signed it. As the Telegraph notes further:
"Dessie Shiels, an independent candidate in Donegal, said: "People have not been given the basic right of deciding whether or not they should have their taxes increased in order to repay bondholders who have lent to the banks."
David McWilliams, an economist and former official at the Ireland's Central Bank, has led calls for a popular vote under Article 27 of the Irish constitution, which requires on a matter of "such national importance that the will of the people ought to be ascertained."
"We have to re-negotiate everything," he said. "Obviously, the first way to do this is to make them aware that if they force us to pay everything, we will default and they will get nothing. So they had better get a little bit of something, than all of nothing. To make this financial pill easier to swallow, we must take the initiative politically. We can do this via a referendum.
"If the Irish people hold a referendum on the bank debts now, we can go to the EU with a mandate from the people which says No. This will allow our politicians to play hard-ball, because to do otherwise would be an anti-democratic endgame."
Declan Ganley, the Irish businessman who led the 2008 No vote to the Lisbon Treaty, said Ireland must "have the balls" to threaten debt default and withdrawal from the single currency.
"We have a hostage, it is called the euro," he said. "The euro is insolvent. The only question is whether Ireland should be sacrificed to keep the Ponzi scheme going. We have to have a Plan B to the misnamed bailout, which is to go back to the Irish Punt."
(our emphasis)
Got it in one, Mr, Ganley. Ireland is the party that has the leverage in this situation, not the EU. The decisive point is this: The euro is a kind of roach motel – it's easy (too easy) to get in, but it is very hard to get out.
Why is it so hard to get out? It isn't, as the outgoing Irish government asserted, the fact that government would find it hard to borrow money in the markets after a bank debt restructuring, or even after a restructuring of the government's own debt. Greece, which has been bankrupt for half of the past 180 years, is proof positive that it is fairly easy to find new suckers for government debt after a while.
No, at the root of the roach motel problem are the banks themselves. If the population suspects that an abandonment of the euro is imminent, worries that the national currency likely to succeed the euro will be devalued would provoke a flight from the banks – depositors would shift their deposits to other banks somewhere else in the euro area. Both Greece and Ireland have in fact been plagued by such a flight of depositors already, to varying extent. In fact, the biggest and quite obviously bankrupt Irish banks have bled deposits at an enormous rate lately. With the banks completely zombified, worries about a flight of depositors should be much reduced – since they have already largely fled.
The banking system is however also a big worry for the rest of the EU. Why was the Irish government forced to accept a bailout? What was so urgent? Why was it so important to especially avoid a restructuring of the senior debt of Ireland's banks? The answer is that an Irish debt restructuring imposing a big haircut on bondholders would hit banks elsewhere in the euro area (including the ECB, as it were). The way we see this, Irish voters will eventually prove the arrogant unnamed European diplomat from a big country wrong. They will eventually be a party to the proceedings. Negotiating a lower interest rate on borrowings from the EFSF, the currently enunciated goal of the new Irish government won't be enough. It won't do the trick because the burden will still be too large.
We would note here, as we have repeatedly done before, that it does no-one any good to pretend that losses don't exist or that the giant fiat money Ponzi scheme made up of unpayable government debt and de facto insolvent fractionally reserved banks can be forever kept going by heaping new debts atop the old ones. If we want genuine, sustainable economic growth to resume, the only way to achieve that is to bite the bullet. Acknowledge the losses and let them fall upon those who have invested unwisely. This is not merely a question of morality, as prominent Keynesians like Paul Krugman keep saying. It is a question that concerns the system of free market capitalism itself. Capitalism is not supposed to privatize profits and socialize losses. This is a perversion of the free market system that will ultimately serve to destroy it.
In addition, as the EU lurches toward the 'big accord' planned for late March – a.k.a. the Grand Bargain (Portugal may well fall into crisis before that date, as its bond yields remain stuck above the crucial 7% level and large debt rollovers are awaiting it in March) , there are evidently plans afoot to make other European nations more like Germany. Unfortunately this is not merely about fiscal rectitude as such. It is also about the desire of the German political class to impose Germany's high taxes on everyone. Ireland would do well to think twice about agreeing to such stipulations.
(Click to enlarge)
Portugal's 10 year bond yield sits at 7.45%. Greece and Ireland both became EFSF wards when their yields crossed the 7% mark. And yes, this is a bullish (bearish for Portuguese debt) chart.
The Markets
The Stock Market
In the wake of the big decline in Saudi Arabia's stock market, other stock markets also suffered a bad hair day. It would be easy to pin the blame for the stock market's recent decline on the problems in the Middle East, but bulls should perhaps be more concerned about a number of other facts. For one thing, there is the subtle internal technical deterioration as evidenced by many 'momo' stocks coming under pressure of late, i.e., the so-called "Teflon stocks" all of a sudden look somewhat less teflonesque. A similar point is made in a recent article by Michael Kahn at Barron's about the Dow Jones Industrial Average. As Kahn remarks:
"Despite its limited representation in a market of thousands of stocks, the Dow Jones Industrial Average nonetheless is an important barometer. Given the sheer dollar value of its 30 component issues, any cracks in its armor should not be ignored.
So when fully one fifth of Dow stocks sport technical failure we should take notice. Failure, in the lexicon of charting, is often used to describe a stock falling as it hits a key level such as resistance or the top of a pattern.
When a stock breaks out to the upside from resistance or a chart pattern it is usually a bullish sign. Demand overcomes supply and prices move higher – most of the time. However, failure to hold on to that breakout is the unusual case and that makes it a true newsworthy event for investors."
Kahn notes that the bulk of the DJIA stocks remains in solid uptrends, but of course when the market gets into trouble, the first signs of such are always subtle.
(Click to enlarge)
What is notable to us about the recent decline is that the preceding rally as well as the recent rebound all happened on very weak volume, whereas volume tends to spike when the market moves lower. This is a negative sign too.
What else should stock market bulls worry about aside from the loss of leadership and subtle signs of technical deterioration? How about "Hedge funds borrow the most since 2007 to purchase U.S. stocks?"
"Hedge funds increased their net leverage in January to the highest level since October 2007, as they took advantage of record-low borrowing costs to bet that the U.S. equity rally will continue.
Debt at margin accounts at the New York Stock Exchange minus cash and unused credit from margin accounts climbed to $46 billion, according to data released by NYSE yesterday. Hedge funds had $290 billion of debt from margin accounts in December, the largest sum since Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. collapsed in September 2008."
(Our emphasis)
Needless to say, October of 2007 was not exactly a propitious time to buy lots of stocks on margin. Perhaps this time will be different, but we kind of doubt it (although in some respects the 2007 high was even more beset by extremes – but then, it was a much higher high).
What else is there to worry about? How about those capitulating bears: "Capitulating Bears Push Short Sales to Lowest in Three Years."
"The biggest Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rally in more than five decades is forcing stock market bears to abandon short sales, cutting them to the lowest level since 2007 last month.
Shares borrowed and sold to profit from declines dropped four straight months and represented 3.3 percent of all stock in January, according to data compiled by NYSE Euronext. Pessimists are giving up after missing the 95 percent rally in the S&P 500 spurred by the fastest earnings growth since 1994. The monthly decrease comes as individuals added $17.6 billion to U.S. mutual funds this year after withdrawing money since April."
(Our emphasis)
There it is mentioned again, that fateful year 2007. Capitulating bears weren't a good sign then, and they are unlikely to be a good sign now. The lower the short interest ratio, the less support from short covering there will be once the market heads down, but to us it is more important what this datum says about sentiment.
(Click to enlarge)
The chart of the high beta DJ Transportation average is intriguing – its rebound failed at the 50 day moving average. This average generally tends to lag in moves up (i.e. it tends to be one of the last indexes to top out) and lead in declines.
(Click to enlarge)
A recent chart of mutual fund cash levels from Jason Goepfert's shows that mutual fund managers are also all in – the current reading is the second lowest in all of history , a mere 10 basis points above the all time low (the absolute low was seen in 2010). This indicator tends to have medium to long term significance. We see it largely as an expression of fund manager sentiment.
Solely from a chart perspective it is too early to say whether the recent pullback will just be a short term hiccup or the beginning of a more substantial correction. Many of the aforementioned momentum stocks have weakened, but they have not yet broken any important supports. However, the fact that the market has for a change not rallied on the first of the month (the bulk of the advance from the 2009 low was accomplished by large first-of-the-month rallies) clearly constitutes a change in character.
Apart from that, the fact remains that risk is extremely high. Should the market rebound and streak to new highs for the move, said risk won't diminish, but will become even greater.
Gold and Oil
Not too surprisingly, both oil and gold have continued their rallies. Gold is on the verge of a decisive breakout, while the oil market appears close to negating a recent reversal candle (as we noted at the time, such reversals require follow-through selling to be confirmed as such).
(Click to enlarge)
It appears that oil wants to go even higher. Since the reversal candle that was put in place four trading days ago has not led to follow-through selling and the market is already bouncing higher again, no reversal has been confirmed as of yet. Of course this is now a market harboring a large political risk premium, which makes it extra-risky (for both bulls and bears). Nothing's wrong with this chart though.
We are not certain how much of a political risk premium there is now in gold, but gold seemed to us already set to make new highs before the news about the unrest in Arab countries took center stage (we have frequently remarked on the subdued bullish sentiment after the small correction in January).
One must not forget, when central bankers stubbornly defend ultra-easy monetary policies as Mervyn King and Ben Bernanke both keep doing, then there is little reason not to want to own gold (we will soon have more to say about the recent statements by these two gentlemen – neither of them managed to disappoint our expectations, which are even lower than their interest rates). Also, with the bulk of gold's fundamental price drivers in a bullish configuration, the backdrop remains conducive to higher gold prices regardless of the geopolitical noise (it is to our mind different in the case of crude oil).
(Click to enlarge)
Both gold and silver (solid line) streak higher. Gold's close actually constitutes a breakout, but it is not a decisive breakout yet. As previously noted, gold doesn't do triple tops, so a decisive breakout seems highly likely.
The U.S. Dollar
The dollar rates a mention for its failure to profit from safe haven buying in view of the news from the Arab world. It may be that talk of the allegedly undiminished likelihood of QE3 isn't helping, especially as ECB officials have lately adopted a fairly hawkish tone. Of course, money supply growth in the euro area has in recent months been far lower than money supply growth in the U.S., so there is a good reason for the euro to show some relative strength based on that, but the problem of the unresolved debt crisis remains – which argues strongly against the euro going forward. Be that as it may, the dollar hasn't been going anywhere lately. We would however not be inclined to get too bearish on the U.S. dollar here, in spite of its failure to attract safe haven buying. The recent decline has been grudging, which is often the precursor to a short term trend change.
(Click to enlarge)
The U.S. dollar hasn't been helped by turmoil in the Middle East – which is a bit surprising.
Finally, before it is out of date, we want to point readers to a recent interview by the father of securitization, Lew Ranieri, on the state of the U.S. housing market. He echoes the concerns that Ramsey Su has enunciated in these pages. The U.S. housing market remains quite sick, in spite of the wagon-loads of money Ben Bernanke's Fed has printed. An old adage is confirmed by this fact: the central bank can print money, and/or encourage the commercial banks to increase the credit and money supply, but it has no control over where this money ultimately goes.’
Inflation Is Here – Just Open Up Your Eyes And Look At These 5 Financial Charts! ‘The Economic Collapse March 2, 2011 Despite what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says, rampant inflation is officially here. The federal government is constantly monkeying with the numbers to keep the “official” rate of inflation below 2 percent, but it is becoming very difficult to deny that the cost of almost everything is really going up these days. The American people are not stupid. They notice the difference when they go to the grocery store or stop at the gas station. The dollar is losing value rapidly now. The price of gold set another new all-time record today and is currently hovering just above $1430 an ounce. The price of West Texas crude has moved above 100 dollars several times recently and the price of Brent crude is currently above 116 dollars. These higher oil prices are really starting to be felt in the United States. The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States has now reached $3.38. There are some gas stations in the U.S. where the price of a gallon of gas is already over 4 dollars. But it is not just the American people that are feeling the pain. The global price of food recently hit a new record high and almost every major agricultural commodity has absolutely skyrocketed in price over the past 12 months. Meanwhile, Ben Bernanke just told the Senate Banking Committee that he really isn’t concerned about inflation at all.
When it comes to inflation, the key is not to look at the official U.S. government numbers (they are highly manipulated) or how the U.S. dollar is performing against other major currencies (because they are all being devalued as well). Instead, you can get a truer sense of what is really happening to inflation by looking at what the U.S. dollar is doing against precious metals, commodities and other hard assets.
So are we experiencing rampant inflation right now? Well, just open up your eyes and look at these 5 charts….
1 – The price of oil is racing back up to record levels. The chart below from the Federal Reserve is a couple weeks out of date. As noted above, the current price of West Texas crude is about $100 a barrel….[chart]
2 – The price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States seems destined to hit a brand new all-time record at some point this year. Was it really just a few short years ago when the average price of gas in this country was about a dollar a gallon?…. [chart]
3 – The value of most precious metals is very consistent over time. So when you see precious metals go up dramatically in price, it means that the dollar is being devalued. The price of gold just set another new all-time high and it seems destined to keep going even higher….[chart]
4 – The chart below from the Federal Reserve is a measure of the price of all commodities. These price increases are inevitably going to be passed along to consumers in the United States….[chart]
5 – After a couple of years of stable food price, the price of food is starting to take off yet again….[chart]
In fact, many analysts are warning that we could experience a major food crisis over the next couple of years. The global demand for food continues to grow at a very brisk pace, but all of the crazy weather we have been having around the world has caused some very bad harvests.’
Oil surges after Libya airstrike near oil terminal Reuters | Fresh airstrikes hit Brega, about 1.2 miles from a Libyan oil terminal.
] Fighting near oil ports in Libya fuels market anxiety. Pump prices have reached $3.39 a gallon.
Fed report shows gains in U.S. economy, moderate growth (Washington Post) [ Come on! What do you expect them to say … they lie about everything … and at what cost in insurmountable debt, debt service and defacto bankruptcy of the nation. En route to losing near 8 million jobs, before and during the melt-down, if you recall (I do, and reported here on my site) jersey (that says it all) based adp was pulling job numbers out of their a***s, ‘surprising’ to the upside as now, although I would concede some contract work with money defacto bankrupt america doesn’t have may have provided a lesser number. How can you believe anything they say? Drudgereport: Announced Job Cuts 'Rose 20% From Year Ago'... more of things to come Idaho county files for bankruptcy... ] Job market shows progress, as do sectors such as retail and tourism.
Metal News for the Day Grant ‘…With the Fed now buying 70% of Treasury's debt issuance, one has to wonder who will step in to fill the void when the Fed finally does implement their so-called "exit strategy." PIMCO's Bill Gross poses the question plain and simple in his most recent Investment Outlook: Who will buy Treasuries when the Fed doesn’t? Certainly nobody is going to completely fill the massive void in the debt market left by a retreating Fed at the current yields. Yields will have to rise once the Fed's faux demand is gone and yields start to once again accurately reflect risk and that will threaten the recovery. So you see the dilemma. Our own Jonathan Kosares discussed this very topic in the lead article of our December Newsletter. People began to speculate about QE3 shortly after QE2 was announced and such market chatter is ongoing and even intensifying. In a recent Barron's interview, MacroMavens' Stephanie Pomboy says she doesn't believe the recovery is sustainable at all. Her recommendation? Buy Treasuries...clearly she thinks the Fed is going to remain a buyer and can be front-run...oh, and buy gold…’
The TV Column: Charlie Sheen keeps talking; CBS gets in on the conversation (Washington Post) [Wobama says daffy gaddafi’s time is up, got to go. The same can be said of wobama et als and his fraudulently failed presidency. Sheen On Obama: “A Coward In a Cheap Suit” [ I think Sheen to be too gentle in his criticism of wobama (Some might reflexively, defensively allege drugs (prescription or otherwise) or any number of the varied personality disorders so prevalent in america … ‘fuzzy, California laid back thinking’, ‘whatever’… Who knows? ) But, that said, wobama’s far worse than just a ‘coward in a cheap suit’. Indeed, Wobama’s a total fraud having been elected under false pretenses; viz., his total, unequivocal, and unfulfilled b*** s*** (those campaign promises) ! Moreover, there has been some persuasive documentation questioning wobama’s citizenship / birthplace placing his eligibility to even hold the office of president in question. Drudgereport: UPDATE: Huckabee claims Obama grew up in Kenya... The Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi Rezko was corrupt, and supported Obama in many campaigns as well as in Obama buying his home -- and therefore, according to Corsi, Obama is corrupt by ] Amidst the controversy of his wild interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, actor Charlie Sheen wasted little time in confronting President Barack Obama on his failure to answer Sheen’s twenty questions concerning 9/11, calling Obama, “a coward in a cheap suit.” A Government Shut-down Imperils the Power of Congress Paul Craig Roberts | Congress could try to protect its loss of the power of the purse by impeaching Obama. Drudgereport: WOBAMA 'IMPEACHMENT' WARNING... announce exploratory committee 'in 10 days' Globalist Shill Barack Obama Asks Business Leaders For Job Creation Ideas Even As He Ships More Of Our Jobs Overseas As Part Of The New One World Economy The other day, Barack Obama summoned a group of business and labor leaders to the White House and “challenged” them to come up with some great ideas for creating more jobs inside the United States. Public confidence in Obama reaches new low (Washington Post). Six in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama and hold lower esteem for members of Congress, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Such stats as this tend to typify scenarios as this where you break every significant campaign promise that got you elected, from endless war (ie., Afghanistan, etc.) to not prosecuting the frauds on wall street, and the growing realization of ‘typical’: Public confidence in Obama reaches new low (Washington Post) Six in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama and hold lower esteem for members of Congress, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Such stats as this tend to typify scenarios as this where you break every significant campaign promise that got you elected, from endless war (ie., Afghanistan, etc.) to not prosecuting the frauds on wall street, and the growing realization of ‘typical’:
But still it’s ‘hands off fraudulent wall street’ to theirs, the nation’s, and the world’s detriment. Firms subpoenaed in attempt to regain Fannie, Freddie losses (Washington Post). But there’s a reason:
The following youtube video is well worth the look and explains how and why the frauds on wall street have gotten away with their devastating fraud thus far. The frauds on wall street et als should be criminally prosecuted, jailed, fined, and disgorgement imposed. ( UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE... CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL TO PURSUE FED PROBE IN BLACK PANTHER CASE... ‘In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims ...’ US v. AZ... Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder’s vows to target financial fraud Washington Post | Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. ):
‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’ – well worth a look. [ The Obama Deception Number 1 on U.S. Google Trends ]
While boner and barton are indeed jokes / vegetables that bespeak the single-digit approval rate for congress, obama’s failure to deliver on promises with as well, endless war spending despite defacto bankruptcy of the nation and a watered down nothing financial regulation bill for talking points but little substance, make him as big a joker, along with the dems. This well researched / produced video tells the real story : ‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’ – well worth the view. [ The Obama Deception Number 1 on U.S. Google Trends ]
‘The Obama Deception’ Censored A viral You Tube upload of one of Alex Jones’ most popular feature films ‘The Obama Deception’ has been censored following a spur of the moment campaign to elevate the movie’s title to the top of the major internet search engines. In light of this development, I provide an archived site version which appears to be complete (but will be compared with earlier version and replaced with same if incomplete)
Then there is the well researched, produced, and informative ‘ESOTERIC AGENDA’ which explains how we’ve gotten to this forlorn point: For the Same Reason I’ve Included Here a Web Site Archived FLV Version of Esoteric Agenda
Cohen: Time for Arabs to reject anti-semitism (Washington Post) [ Reality check … time for israelis / jews to reject zionism and all that is entailed therein, including an alternate reality that defies credulity, rationality, and facts; such as, a self-rationalizing greed, anti-arab / anti-Christian predisposition and the ‘Oedipal Effect’ (blowback) engendered thereby. No, Johnny Carson was not anti-semitic (Fred Silverman), same for Charlie Sheen (Chuck Lorre), etc. (the list is endless inasmuch as when facts are not on their side, such specious inflammatory arguments as ‘anti-semitism’, prejudice, are a convenient subterfuge distracting from their weak position; ie., illegal nukes, war crimes, ignoring u.n. resolutions, ie., 242, 338, etc., ignoring international law. At best, no … God did not give them this land … at worst, God took the land back when they with roman muscle crucified Christ. Balfour was an arbitrary, incompetent, british joke.). ] ] Article | Tuesday will be known as the day we heard from The Receiving End of Charlie Sheen's Scorched Earth Media Tour.
Lt. Gen. John Kelly, who lost son to war, says U.S. largely unaware of sacrifice (Washington Post) [ I disagree! They are very much aware; as they stand in unemployment lines, use food stamps to get by, etc.. I hate to sound cavalier and I’m sorry that Kelly lost a son to war, but along with the multitude of civilians in the nations unlucky enough to provide a source of corporate welfare to the military industrial complex and war profiteering for the few (as warned against by President General Eisenhower), they died for nothing, for no good reason beyond the false propaganda. Six NATO troops killed in Afghanistan (Washington Post) [ Is there something wrong with the following picture? … am I missing something? … Gates's warning: Avoid land war in Asia, Middle East, and Africa Christian Science Monitor - In a speech to cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Gates's message was clear: The US military services, as well as the elected and appointed civilians who send them to war, need better ways of foreseeing and preparing for ... Gates Tells US Army to Take New Approach Voice of America Warning Against Wars Like Iraq and Afghanistan New York Times [ Better said, than unsaid; but, methinks a bit late for that in light of pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s consummate decline and fall! If only they had listened and not shot at the messenger … things could have been different! ]
Bernanke: Fed will respond if oil prices trigger inflation (Washington Post) [ If? Come on … don’t make me laugh! … Inflation Is Here – Just Open Up Your Eyes And Look At These 5 Financial Charts! (see infra) Despite what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says, rampant inflation is officially here. The federal government is constantly monkeying with the numbers to keep the “official” rate of inflation below 2 percent, but it is becoming very difficult to deny that the cost of almost everything is really going up these days. … Merk ‘…While we believe food inflation will be with us for quite some time and may contribute to an unstable world possibly for years to come, the Federal Reserve appears to be firmly in the camp of heavily discounting food inflation. The European Central Bank (ECB), in contrast, has historically taken commodity inflation more seriously than the Fed – ECB President Trichet talks about his concern over "second round effects," i.e., commodity inflation stirring inflation throughout the value chain.
The relevance of all this is that in the U.S. it’s business as usual as far as monetary policy is concerned. According to Fed Chair Bernanke, the U.S. economy must grow at a rate of at least 2.5% per annum just to keep unemployment stable, however, he has made it clear that he will pursue policies to boost growth above that level. With oil prices soaring, he is facing yet another headwind. Rather than mopping up the liquidity that, in our assessment, has contributed to global commodity inflation, he may be tempted to keep the printing press in high gear to promote economic growth.
It doesn’t really matter whether we think there is a crisis. What matters is that the Fed doesn’t think its policies are contributing to global instability and continues on its expansionary path. After all, the banks continue to sit on their money and as such, the economy is certainly not in overdrive. With the exception of social instability spreading globally, the Fed may be very much on course:
- Bernanke may want a weaker dollar. Unlike his predecessor, Bernanke embraces the U.S. dollar as a monetary policy tool to boost economic growth.
- Bernanke wants higher inflation. Having explicitly called for higher inflation since last August, he has since praised the progress the market has made in pricing higher than inflation expectations. The challenge with raising inflation expectations is not only that it may be difficult to lower those expectations later but that it is difficult to control where that inflation appears. Bernanke, in our assessment, needs to get home price to rise and is willing to put up with rising prices in other areas.
- We often focus on housing as a reason the Fed wants to boost growth, but we can also focus on WalMart (WMT): in the 13 weeks that ended 1/29/2010, WalMart’s sales declined 1.2%. Keep in mind that unlike government statistics, WalMart’s sales are not inflation adjusted. Also keep in mind that WalMart has been expanding its produce section in recent years; the section very much exposed to food inflation. As a result, on a real basis, sales have had rather substantial declines. Given that WalMart’s sales comprise more than 10% of total U.S. retail sales, we don’t believe there is such a thing as "company specific" problems; WalMart’s problems are those of the U.S. economy.
In contrast, the rest of the world is taking steps to stem inflationary pressures. Russia is the latest country to raise interest rates, following countries ranging from Sweden to Norway, Canada to Australia and Korea to China. In the Eurozone, the pairing down of some emergency facilities (leading to a draining of liquidity; a form of monetary tightening) and recent hawkish talk suggest interest rates may be raised later this year.
This discussion should clarify that it is perfectly possible for the world to be in turmoil without the U.S. dollar being a beneficiary. The focus of this analysis was the perceived status of the U.S. dollar as a safe haven, as well as implications of food inflation; a small, but important sliver affecting the U.S. dollar.’
Locked in standoff, Gaddafi foes debate foreign airstrikes Opposition leaders consider requesting foreign intervention (Washington Post) [ Six NATO troops killed in Afghanistan (Washington Post) [ Is there something wrong with the following picture? … am I missing something? … Gates's warning: Avoid land war in Asia, Middle East, and Africa Christian Science Monitor - In a speech to cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Gates's message was clear: The US military services, as well as the elected and appointed civilians who send them to war, need better ways of foreseeing and preparing for ... Gates Tells US Army to Take New Approach Voice of America Warning Against Wars Like Iraq and Afghanistan New York Times ( Better said, than unsaid; but, methinks a bit late for that in light of pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s consummate decline and fall! If only they had listened and not shot at the messenger … things could have been different! )
Chavez: U.S. distorting situation in Libya ‘to justify an invasion’ CNN | Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claims U.S. criticism of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has a clear aim: military invasion.
US tightens military grip on Gaddafi The Guardian | The west is edging towards a possible military confrontation with Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.
Obama Encircles US War Machine Around Libya Paul Joseph Watson | Administration readies to exploit humanitarian crisis to control Africa’s largest oil producer.
Most Americans Strongly Oppose U.S. Military Action in Libya According to Rasmussen, a large majority of Americans agree with the common sense of George Washington. During his farewell address, the first president of the United States said the nation should beware of foreign entanglements. ] Issue takes on increasing urgency amid realization that rebels cannot continue to match the weaponry and firepower of forces loyal to Gaddafi.
[ (2-26-11 et seq.) Let me state for the record here that my computer has been under constant viral, hack attack, paralleling prior such foolish, paranoid actions and let me reiterate: They will be sorry and I won’t forget it! ]
Money Illusion: The Nominal and Real Dow Short ‘An email I received earlier today commented on the difference between nominal and real (inflation-adjusted) charts of market data. The overlay below of the Nominal and Real (inflation-adjusted) Dow illustrates the concept of "money illusion," the tendency of people to think of currency in nominal, rather than real, terms.
Below the two Dow series is the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 1913 and with estimates for the earlier years. The CPI is the inflation (deflation) multiplier that accounts for the difference between the two views of the Dow.
[Click all to enlarge]
One of the most conspicuous differences between the nominal and real series is apparent during secular bear markets, such as the period from the mid-1960s to 1982. In the nominal chart, this period looks like a choppy sideways pattern. But when we adjust for the high inflation of the 1970s and early 1980s, the sideways chop becomes the cascading downward direction of the real value of the market price. The 1982 dollar had shrunk in purchasing power to about 33 cents in comparison to its 1965 counterpart. Inflation had devoured two thirds of its value.
In the chart above, I adjusted the real Dow price to the dollar value of May 1896 to highlight the money illusion over the entire time frame. More commonly, my inflation-adjusted charts are priced at the present value of the currency, as illustrated in the real series below. This has the effect of raising the numbers for the earlier periods to adjust for the effect of the dominant pattern of inflation with brief but vicious periods of deflation, especially in the earlier decades.
Bernanke Cautious on Economic Growth as Oil Prices Rise [ In pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america it’s come to be known all too familiarly as ‘defending the indefensible’. ] New York Times | Fed chief again defended the Fed’s large and unprecedented stimulus program.
Pentagon Tries to Blame Financial Crisis on Foreign Financial Terrorists [ You just can’t believe the magnitude of the b*** s*** they try to foist off … financial terrorists who are u.s. citizens and are collectively called wall street; oh, right, they fly a big american flag outside the exchange which garners them carte blanche to…rape, pillage, and plunder with impunity … even as the pentagon’s become singularly talented at raping, pillaging, and plundering … the 360 tons of $100 bills gone missing in Iraq is a small example of their talent, and a general previously attested to the reality that on any given day there’s 2-3 billion floatin’ around the pentagon. Pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt, war criminal america is pathetic! ] The Pentagon is paying contractors to claim that it was foreign financial terrorists – instead of fraud by American financial executives – which caused the 2008 financial crisis.
Libya’s Bankers Exposed: Goldman, JP Morgan And Citi Ten days ago, when we first looked at the Libyan investment authority (its sovereign wealth fund), we asked “Which US Banks Are Managing Billions For The $32 Billion Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund?”
BOE’s Mervyn King “Surprised Anger Directed At Bankers Is Not Greater” When a nation’s top central banker says that even he is surprised the middle class is not far angrier at the bankers, you know the lithium consumption is surpassing Surgeon General RDA levels.
Oil could bring US down Ben Bernanke testified before the Senate Banking Committee and warned that a rise in oil prices as a result of the conflicts in the Middle East could threaten US growth and spark dangerous price rises. Author and researcher Adrian Salbuchi says while rising oil prices seem to go against US interests there has been a process of weakening the US because of other rising super powers anyway.
Inflation Is Here – Just Open Up Your Eyes And Look At These 5 Financial Charts! Despite what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says, rampant inflation is officially here. The federal government is constantly monkeying with the numbers to keep the “official” rate of inflation below 2 percent, but it is becoming very difficult to deny that the cost of almost everything is really going up these days.
BOB PRECHTER: We're Still In A Massive Bear Market And Stocks Will Crash To New Lows Blodget ‘Investors have gotten wildly bullish of late, as the bull market that started in early 2009 keeps driving stocks to new highs. But the pigs are about to get slaughtered, says Bob Prechter, president of Elliott Wave International and editor of the Elliott Wave Theorist. Prechter still thinks the new bull market is just a cyclical "retracement" of some of the bear market losses that we've had since the market crashed in 2008. Prechter expected this retracement to drive stocks 50% above the market lows, but stocks have since soared 30% higher than than he expected. So when the day of reckoning comes, Prechter thinks, it will be even more startling. And Prechter still thinks that stocks will eventually crash to new bear-market lows (read: below 6,800 on the DOW). What makes Prechter think this day of reckoning may come sooner rather than later? Sentiment indicators and other technical analysis. Investor bullishness has now gotten so extreme, Prechter says, that it has exceeded the levels in 2008 before the market crashed. Investors could still get even more bullish, of course, but eventually they'll pay for this optimism. And Prechter's not just bearish on stocks: He thinks oil, silver, and other commodities are absurdly overvalued, too. The only thing he's bullish on is the dollar. And lest he be dismissed as a perma-bear, Bob Prechter is quick to add that he hopes there will come a day when he can come on the show and tell everyone that stocks are finally so crushed and hated that it's a historic opportunity to buy them. When will that be? Stay tuned...’
National / World
U.S. and Britain Prepare to Impose No-fly Over Libya Kurt Nimmo | The bankers are horrified by Libya’s 2009 decision to implement Islamic banking.
Gaddafi claims: ‘West only wants our oil’ As Libya teeters on the brink of full-scale civil war Colonel Gaddafi today said there was a conspiracy to get of Libyan oil as he again pledged to fight to the last.
Oil surges after Libya airstrike near oil terminal Oil prices jumped to near 2-1/2 year highs on Wednesday after an airstrike near Libya’s oil infrastructure kept the market braced for a prolonged disruption from the OPEC nation and worried unrest might spread to other regional producers.
TSA Criminality Epidemic: “Behavioral Detection” Officer Faces Charges Of Helping Drug Dealers Through Security Yet another TSA officer has been arrested on suspicion of abusing her position and engaging in illegal activity, adding to a long history of cases indicating that TSA workers are prone to criminal behavior.
Barbour: Obama’s policy ‘is to drive up energy prices’ With price of gasoline rising for the eighth consecutive day, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour accused the Obama administration of hiking energy costs in an effort to promote alternative fuels.
Russian Military Claims Libya Air Strikes Did Not Happen The Russian military claims that the supposed air strikes launched by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi against protesters last week did not happen, suggesting that the key event seized upon by the global media as a justification for a “humanitarian” military intervention was a contrived hoax.
Rolling Stone On Alex Jones: “Most Paranoid Man In America” Paul Joseph Watson | Profile is a generally good insight into Alex’s personal character and how he sees his own role in standing up against tyranny.
Docs Reveal TSA Plan To Body-Scan Pedestrians, Train Passengers Newly uncovered documents show that as early as 2006, the Department of Homeland Security has been planning pilot programs to deploy mobile scanning units that can be set up at public events and in train stations, along with mobile x-ray vans capable of scanning pedestrians on city streets.
Oil surges after Libya airstrike near oil terminal Oil prices jumped to near 2-1/2 year highs on Wednesday after an airstrike near Libya’s oil infrastructure kept the market braced for a prolonged disruption from the OPEC nation and worried unrest might spread to other regional producers.
TSA Criminality Epidemic: “Behavioral Detection” Officer Faces Charges Of Helping Drug Dealers Through Security Yet another TSA officer has been arrested on suspicion of abusing her position and engaging in illegal activity, adding to a long history of cases indicating that TSA workers are prone to criminal behavior.
The Perfidy of Government: Evidence v. Denial Paul Craig Roberts | America is dissolving.
New Hampshire Moves to Criminalize TSA Grope-down Procedures Kurt Nimmo | Lawmakers argue TSA goons should be placed on sex offender registry.
World cheers as the CIA plunges Libya into chaos David Rothscum | Gaddafi is the main threat to US hegemony in Africa.
Blair cronies supported Gaddafi for his millions Mail Online | ‘Useful idiots’ was how mass murderer Stalin dubbed left-wing academics who enthusiastically endorsed Communism.
Russia Warns on Libyan Intervention Mail Online | Russia’s top diplomat has today dismissed plans to create a no-fly zone over Libya.
Farrakhan: Jews Are Pushing the US Into War Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Jews and Zionists are “trying to push the US into war” and are a cover for Satan, at the group’s annual meeting near Chicago on Tuesday.
More Than 140,000 People Flee Libya The United Nations refugee agency says over the past 10 days, more than 140,000 people have fled to Egypt and Tunisia from Libya. The UNHCR says tens of thousands of people are stuck at the borders and in urgent need of help.
“The Financial Industry Has Become So Politically Powerful That It Is Able To Inhibit the Normal Process of Justice And Law Enforcement” The economy cannot stabilize unless fraud is prosecuted. But the folks in D.C. seem determined to turn a blind eye to Wall Street shenanigans, and is now moving to defund the enforcement agencies like the SEC and CFTC. Market Crash 2011: It Will Hit by Christmas Farrell, MarketWatch SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — ‘Politicians lie. Bankers lie. Yes, they’re liars. But they’re not bad, it’s in their genes, inherited. Their brains are wired that way, warn scientists. Like addicts, they can’t help themselves. They want to sell stuff, get rich…’
‘INSIDE JOB’ Ferguson wins Oscar for Documentary on the unprosecuted massive extant fraud in the (many) TRILLIONS by the frauds on wall street ( and declares with oscar in hand that not one high level wall street exec has been prosecuted … despite ‘earning’ billiions from the fraud ), the commentator / experts recommend getting rid of the corrupt eric holder ( now what do holder and wobama have in common … is it wall street money ………… is it a proclivity for jive-talking / b*** s*** ………all of the above, some of the above ……….. or is it something else …… here’s a hint - UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE... CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL TO PURSUE FED PROBE IN BLACK PANTHER CASE... ‘In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims ...’ US v. AZ... Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder’s vows to target financial fraud Washington Post | Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. ) (see this film, I strongly recommend the complete documentary – the following is a preview/summary)
[Here’s an archived version
’Inside Job’ New Documentary Exposes Wall Street Fraud And How Banksters Continue To Steal Our Money
Web site Link / Path to archived file: [45mb ] [ 65mb ] ]
Wobama says daffy gaddafi’s time is up, got to go. The same can be said of wobama et als and his fraudulently failed presidency. Sheen On Obama: “A Coward In a Cheap Suit” [ I think Sheen to be too gentle in his criticism of wobama (Some might reflexively, defensively allege drugs (prescription or otherwise) or any number of the varied personality disorders so prevalent in america … ‘fuzzy, California laid back thinking’, ‘whatever’… Who knows? ) But, that said, wobama’s far worse than just a ‘coward in a cheap suit’. Indeed, Wobama’s a total fraud having been elected under false pretenses; viz., his total, unequivocal, and unfulfilled b*** s*** (those campaign promises) ! Moreover, there has been some persuasive documentation questioning wobama’s citizenship / birthplace placing his eligibility to even hold the office of president in question. Drudgereport: UPDATE: Huckabee claims Obama grew up in Kenya... The Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi Rezko was corrupt, and supported Obama in many campaigns as well as in Obama buying his home -- and therefore, according to Corsi, Obama is corrupt by ] Amidst the controversy of his wild interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, actor Charlie Sheen wasted little time in confronting President Barack Obama on his failure to answer Sheen’s twenty questions concerning 9/11, calling Obama, “a coward in a cheap suit.” A Government Shut-down Imperils the Power of Congress Paul Craig Roberts | Congress could try to protect its loss of the power of the purse by impeaching Obama. Drudgereport: WOBAMA 'IMPEACHMENT' WARNING... announce exploratory committee 'in 10 days' Globalist Shill Barack Obama Asks Business Leaders For Job Creation Ideas Even As He Ships More Of Our Jobs Overseas As Part Of The New One World Economy The other day, Barack Obama summoned a group of business and labor leaders to the White House and “challenged” them to come up with some great ideas for creating more jobs inside the United States.
Public confidence in Obama reaches new low (Washington Post). Six in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama and hold lower esteem for members of Congress, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Such stats as this tend to typify scenarios as this where you break every significant campaign promise that got you elected, from endless war (ie., Afghanistan, etc.) to not prosecuting the frauds on wall street, and the growing realization of ‘typical’: Public confidence in Obama reaches new low (Washington Post) Six in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama and hold lower esteem for members of Congress, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Such stats as this tend to typify scenarios as this where you break every significant campaign promise that got you elected, from endless war (ie., Afghanistan, etc.) to not prosecuting the frauds on wall street, and the growing realization of ‘typical’:
But still it’s ‘hands off fraudulent wall street’ to theirs, the nation’s, and the world’s detriment. Firms subpoenaed in attempt to regain Fannie, Freddie losses (Washington Post). But there’s a reason:
The following youtube video is well worth the look and explains how and why the frauds on wall street have gotten away with their devastating fraud thus far. The frauds on wall street et als should be criminally prosecuted, jailed, fined, and disgorgement imposed. ( UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE... CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL TO PURSUE FED PROBE IN BLACK PANTHER CASE... ‘In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims ...’ US v. AZ... Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder’s vows to target financial fraud Washington Post | Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. ):
‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’ – well worth a look. [ The Obama Deception Number 1 on U.S. Google Trends ]
While boner and barton are indeed jokes / vegetables that bespeak the single-digit approval rate for congress, obama’s failure to deliver on promises with as well, endless war spending despite defacto bankruptcy of the nation and a watered down nothing financial regulation bill for talking points but little substance, make him as big a joker. This well researched / produced video tells the real story : ‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’ – well worth the view. [ The Obama Deception Number 1 on U.S. Google Trends ]
‘The Obama Deception’ Censored A viral You Tube upload of one of Alex Jones’ most popular feature films ‘The Obama Deception’ has been censored following a spur of the moment campaign to elevate the movie’s title to the top of the major internet search engines. In light of this development, I provide an archived site version which appears to be complete (but will be compared with earlier version and replaced with same if incomplete)
Then there is the well researched, produced, and informative ‘ESOTERIC AGENDA’ which explains how we’ve gotten to this forlorn point: For the Same Reason I’ve Included Here a Web Site Archived FLV Version of Esoteric Agenda
Ethics code urged for Supreme Court (Washington Post) [ Sounds like a plan! Come on! Wake up! After all, what can you expect from two guidos from ‘jersey (alito and scalia, colloquial – note that I have refrained from using what some might consider disparaging terms as w*p*, gui***s, or da***s … and let me state for the record that I truly loved and respected my grandmother who was 100% Italian/Bari,Italy and as well my grandfather/Lake Como,northern Italy with greek ancestral roots and I thereby claim standing/right to posit the criticism in light of my direct experience. ). How ‘bout starting with enforcing laws as to judges, liars, etc., within the very corrupted american illegal system; and, particularly bribes which in one form or another are rampant . I don’t know about Thomas, but I do know about alito and ‘jersey … :
October 15, 2010 (*see infra)
Steven M. Martinez, Assistant Director In Charge
Federal Bureau of Investigation, USDOJ
11000 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Dear Sir:
I enclose herewith 3 copies of the within DVD rom autorun disk (which will open in your computer’s browser) as per your office’s request as made this day (the disk and contents have been scanned by Avast, McAfee, and Norton which I’ve installed on my computer to prevent viral attacks / infection and are without threat). I also include 1 copy of the DVD as filed with the subject court as referenced therein (which files are also included on the aforesaid 3 disks in a separate folder named ‘112208opocoan’). The (civil) RICO action (as you’re aware, the RICO Act is a criminal statute which provides a civil remedy, including treble damages and attorney fees, as an incentive for private prosecution of said claims probably owing to the fact that the USDOJ seems somewhat overwhelmed and in need of such assistance given the seriousness and prevalence of said violations of law which have a corrupting influence on the process, and which corruption is pervasive). A grievance complaint against Coan was also filed concurrently with the subject action and held in abeyance pending resolution of the action which was illegally dismissed without any supporting law and in contravention of the Order of The Honorable Robert N. Chatigny, Chief Judge, USDC, District Connecticut. The files below the horizontal rule are the referenced documents as filed. (Owing to the damage to the financial interests of both the U.S. and the District of Congresswoman Roybal-Allard, viz., Los Angeles, the Qui Tam provisions of the Federal False Claims Act probably would apply and I would absent resolution seek to refer the within to a firm with expertise in that area of the law with which I am not familiar).
The document in 5 pages under penalty of perjury I was asked to forward to the FBI office in New Haven is probably the best and most concise summary of the case RICO Summary to FBI Under Penalty of Perjury at Their Request (5 pages) [ ricosummarytoFBIunderpenaltyofperjury.pdf ].
The correspondence I received from the Congresswoman by way of email attachment (apparent but typical problem with my mail) along with my response thereto is included on the 3 disks as fbicorrespondencereyes.htm . With regard to the calls to the FBI’s LA and New Haven, CT offices: There was one call to the LA office and I was referred to the Long Beach, CA office where I personally met with FBI Agent Jeff Hayes to whom I gave probative evidentiary documents of the money laundering which he confirmed as indicative of same (he was transferred from said office within approximately a month of said meeting and his location was not disclosed to me upon inquiry). The matter was assigned to FBI Agent Ron Barndollar and we remained in touch for in excess of a decade until he abruptly retired (our last conversation prior to his retirement related to the case and parenthetically, Rudy Giuliani whose father I stated had been an enforcer for the mob to which he registered disbelief and requested I prove it, which I did – he served 12 years in prison, aggravated assault/manslaughter? – and no, there is no Chinese wall of separation – Andrew Maloney’s the one that prosecuted gotti).
In contradistinction to the statement in said correspondence, there is a plethora of information including evidence supporting the claims set forth in the RICO VERIFIED COMPLAINT (see infra). Such includes and as set forth in the case, inter alia,
- A judgment had been entered in my favor in the case, United States District Court Case #3:93cv02065(AWT)(USDCJ Alvin Thompson), worth approximately now in excess of $300,000 remains unaccounted for and which could be used for payment to creditors, Los Angeles, etc..
- Counsel Robert Sullivan on my behalf documented by way of certification upon investigation that Alan Shiff, USBCJ, had falsely stated a dismissal upon which false statement he predicated a retaliatory and spurious contempt proceeding against me causing substantial damage, and for which he sought Judicial Notice of those and related proceedings as did I in some of my filings.
- The Order of Dismissal With Prejudice by Alan Shiff, USBCJ, owing to Defendant Coan’s failure to file anything whatsoever by the court’s deadline causing creditors and me substantial damages: [ Shiff Order of Dismissal With Prejudice on Coan’s Failure to File Page 1 Page 2 ]
- Defendant Coan had filed an action against me to prevent me from suing him which necessitated me to fly to Connecticut for a hearing before The Honorable Robert N. Chatigny, Chief Judge, USDC, District of Connecticut, who denied Coan’s requested relief as to Coan but precluded my action against Shiff (although there is no immunity, judicial or otherwise, for criminal acts, ie., fraud connected with a case under Title 11, USC, etc.) . [ transcript in pertinent part - crossexamofcoanbypeia.pdf ]
- Newly appointed judge, Maryanne Trump Barry, Donald Trump’s sister, was assigned the RICO case despite the conflict of interest in light of hundreds of thousands of dollars of illegal (drug) money being laundered through the Trump casinos by the RICO defendants, and despite my motion to recuse her which motion she heard herself and denied, and U.S. Trustee Hugh Leonard with whom I met personally refused to join or file a separate motion to recuse and not long thereafter left said office for private practice at Cole, Shotz, et als on retainer with the RICO defendants as his primary client.
- Probative and evidentiary documents, affidavits, exhibits, including those turned over to FBI Agent Jeff Hayes in Long Beach, CA, had been given to Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Lacey with whom I met personally at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Newark, N.J., at which time Samuel Alito was U.S. Attorney, and went over said documents and their probative value with him. Within approximately a month thereafter upon inquiry I was told that Jonathon Lacey was no longer with the office, that the file/documents could not be located, and that there was no further information available concerning contacting him or his location. I thereupon delivered by hand, copies of said documents to the office of then U.S. Attorney Alito, addressed to him, with assurance they would go directly to him. In addition to being inept [ I looked in on the one mob case he had brought, bungled, lost (accidently on purpose?) since I was suing some mob-connected under RICO and the court (I had known / previously met outside of court the judge Ackerman through a client) was absolute bedlam and a total joke since incompetent corrupt Alito brought in all 20 mob defendants (rather than prosecute one or a few to flip them first) who feigning illness had beds/cots in the courtroom along with their moans during testimony and had the jury in stitches. As much as I hate the mob, it truly was funny, if not so tragic.], Alito is also corrupt (and maybe corrupt because he is inept). After a reasonable (but still rather short) time I called to determine the status and was told that Alito was no longer with the Office of the U.S. Attorney, that he was (appointed) a federal judge, and that neither the documents nor any file or record of same could be located. Alito did parley the same / cover-up into quid pro quo direct lifetime appointment to the Court of Appeals, 3rd circuit, despite the absence of judicial experience or successful tenure as U.S. Attorney (Maryanne Trump Barry as well). This is the same Sam Alito that now sits on the purported highest court in the land. The real application of the illegal rule ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’.
There is applicable insurance / surety coverage and neither LA, nor creditors, nor I should continue to have been damaged by this brazened corrupt and illegal scenario, which should be resolved in accordance with the meaningful rules of law apposite thereto.
Albert L. Peia
611 E. 5th Street, #404
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 219-**** (cell phone)
(213) 622-3745 (listed land line but there are unresolved problems with the line, computer connection may be the reason but I hesitate to chance greater non-performance / worsening by their ‘fix’ so cell phone best for contact).
] Group of law professors' appeal comes after controversies involving travel and appearances at political events by several justices.
Why your local Hospital could soon shut down (Ad) [ The instant video from Stansberry and Associates is so well researched and succinctly presented that I’ve archived same on my website; also, because the facts and views presented comport with the facts and views I’ve presented on my site which I believe to be correct. This is a must-view, must-see that I strongly recommend!
The complete url: ( 146mb – approx. 1 hr. 17 min. ) ( 374mb ) Written text of presentation (without pictures / charts) ]
Drudgereport: Gadhafi vows fight to last man...
'It's a conspiracy to take our oil'...
Rebels rout Gadhafi force attack on oil port...
Seek Airstrikes by Foreign Forces...
Announced Job Cuts 'Rose 20% From Year Ago'...
Idaho county files for bankruptcy...
Delaware voters say no to Lobotomy Joe Biden -- for name of school...
'Wobama’s Where's Waldo?' Presidency...
U.S. assault ships clear Suez, enter Med Sea on way to Libya...
Panic on borders...
...180,000 refugees pour into Tunisia, Egypt
Could become "a giant Somalia"...
Gunman kills 2 US airmen at German airport...
Shouts 'Allah Akbar' before shooting...
Angry mob confronts Wisconsin GOP Senator... Video...
Wisc GOP passes bill to fine AWOL Dems...
White House seeks $15 billion from federal property sales...
More Than 140,000 People Flee Libya...
Gadhafi forces retake towns near capital...
Cameron backtracks on no-fly zone plan...
Astonishing wealth of Gaddafi and his family revealed...
President says US, Israel behind unrest...
Fashion Week Führer: DIOR Fires Galliano After Racism Complaints...
'I love Hitler'...
'Your parents should have been gassed'...
Injury Added to Insult... [ In terms of production value (rich in content in every way), I believe this to be as good and in my view better than ever as award ceremonies can be without the inimitable Bob Hope. I believe any falloff can be directly attributable to last year the academy’s egregious misstep in over-looking ‘Avatar’ / Cameron presaging a similar fate concerning my clear choice of ‘Inception’ / Nolan ( Truth be told, I’ve yet to see ‘The King’s Speech’ failing to muster any enthusiasm for seeing a film centered around a ‘so-called royal’ trying to over-come a speech impediment, albeit a minor one, regardless of circumstances; viz., stuttering, though I would concede that it was probably well done. We all know of the problems attendant to english royal inbreeding…ho hum… I did find ‘The Black Swan’ superb but attribute same to my own bias and fascination with viewing female ballet dancing). Bob Hope: Academy Awards, ‘passover’ … very funny! ]
Armed pro-Gaddafi gangs roll in Tripoli...
...Shooting from ambulances...
Gaddafi vows to crush protesters...
Egypt protesters dispersed by force...
Al Qaeda calls for revolt against Arab rulers...
Obama to Gaddafi: Leave now...
UN Security Council passes votes to sanction...
Gas prices surge 17 cents in a week...
Motorist Calls Police Over Rising Prices...
Spain reduces motorway speed limit to save oil...
WOBAMA 'IMPEACHMENT' WARNING... announce exploratory committee 'in 10 days'
CharlieSheen Publicist Runs For Hills...
Actor set to sue CBS for $320M, 'mental anguish'...
The Legal Letter...
NY MAG: Madoff on Madoff: The Jailhouse Tapes...
Government a Ponzi scheme...
Anti-Gaddafi forces widen control...
Take town 30 miles from Tripoli...
Security forces defect...
Armed pro-gangs roll in capital...
...shooting from ambulances
Police station, state office burning in Oman town...
Tunisia prime minister resigns...
Gingrich to announce exploratory committee 'in 10 days' [ Neo-con Dreamin’! I mean, come on … are memories so short they don’t recall him being a total hypocrite, zionist shill, and part of the problem though to his credit, he’s not a mobster and complete joke as is trump! ]
CHICAGOLAND: Lawmaker Suggests BOEING'S Contract Win A Result Of Dirty Politics... [ The contract’s with money the nation doen’t really have anyway; and, the value of the money paid will be worth substantially less by completion; and, no surprise … Chicago hasn’t changed much from the days of capone and is rivaled in terms of corruption by such states as jersey, new york, etc.. ] ‘…“I’m disappointed but not surprised,” Republican Sen. Richard Shelby said. “Only Chicago politics could tip the scales in favor of Boeing’s inferior plane. EADS clearly offers the more capable aircraft.”…’
The TV Column: Charlie Sheen keeps talking; CBS gets in on the conversation (Washington Post) [Wobama says daffy gaddafi’s time is up, got to go. The same can be said of wobama et als and his fraudulently failed presidency. Sheen On Obama: “A Coward In a Cheap Suit” [ I think Sheen to be too gentle in his criticism of wobama (Some might reflexively, defensively allege drugs (prescription or otherwise) or any number of the varied personality disorders so prevalent in america … ‘fuzzy, California laid back thinking’, ‘whatever’… Who knows? ) But, that said, wobama’s far worse than just a ‘coward in a cheap suit’. Indeed, Wobama’s a total fraud having been elected under false pretenses; viz., his total, unequivocal, and unfulfilled b*** s*** (those campaign promises) ! Moreover, there has been some persuasive documentation questioning wobama’s citizenship / birthplace placing his eligibility to even hold the office of president in question. Drudgereport: UPDATE: Huckabee claims Obama grew up in Kenya... The Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi Rezko was corrupt, and supported Obama in many campaigns as well as in Obama buying his home -- and therefore, according to Corsi, Obama is corrupt by ] Amidst the controversy of his wild interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, actor Charlie Sheen wasted little time in confronting President Barack Obama on his failure to answer Sheen’s twenty questions concerning 9/11, calling Obama, “a coward in a cheap suit.” A Government Shut-down Imperils the Power of Congress Paul Craig Roberts | Congress could try to protect its loss of the power of the purse by impeaching Obama. Drudgereport: WOBAMA 'IMPEACHMENT' WARNING... announce exploratory committee 'in 10 days' Globalist Shill Barack Obama Asks Business Leaders For Job Creation Ideas Even As He Ships More Of Our Jobs Overseas As Part Of The New One World Economy The other day, Barack Obama summoned a group of business and labor leaders to the White House and “challenged” them to come up with some great ideas for creating more jobs inside the United States. Public confidence in Obama reaches new low (Washington Post). Six in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama and hold lower esteem for members of Congress, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Such stats as this tend to typify scenarios as this where you break every significant campaign promise that got you elected, from endless war (ie., Afghanistan, etc.) to not prosecuting the frauds on wall street, and the growing realization of ‘typical’: Public confidence in Obama reaches new low (Washington Post) Six in 10 Americans lack faith in Obama and hold lower esteem for members of Congress, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Such stats as this tend to typify scenarios as this where you break every significant campaign promise that got you elected, from endless war (ie., Afghanistan, etc.) to not prosecuting the frauds on wall street, and the growing realization of ‘typical’:
But still it’s ‘hands off fraudulent wall street’ to theirs, the nation’s, and the world’s detriment. Firms subpoenaed in attempt to regain Fannie, Freddie losses (Washington Post). But there’s a reason:
The following youtube video is well worth the look and explains how and why the frauds on wall street have gotten away with their devastating fraud thus far. The frauds on wall street et als should be criminally prosecuted, jailed, fined, and disgorgement imposed. ( UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE... CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL TO PURSUE FED PROBE IN BLACK PANTHER CASE... ‘In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims ...’ US v. AZ... Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder’s vows to target financial fraud Washington Post | Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. ):
‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’ – well worth a look. [ The Obama Deception Number 1 on U.S. Google Trends ]
While boner and barton are indeed jokes / vegetables that bespeak the single-digit approval rate for congress, obama’s failure to deliver on promises with as well, endless war spending despite defacto bankruptcy of the nation and a watered down nothing financial regulation bill for talking points but little substance, make him as big a joker. This well researched / produced video tells the real story : ‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’ – well worth the view. [ The Obama Deception Number 1 on U.S. Google Trends ]
‘The Obama Deception’ Censored A viral You Tube upload of one of Alex Jones’ most popular feature films ‘The Obama Deception’ has been censored following a spur of the moment campaign to elevate the movie’s title to the top of the major internet search engines. In light of this development, I provide an archived site version which appears to be complete (but will be compared with earlier version and replaced with same if incomplete)
Then there is the well researched, produced, and informative ‘ESOTERIC AGENDA’ which explains how we’ve gotten to this forlorn point: For the Same Reason I’ve Included Here a Web Site Archived FLV Version of Esoteric Agenda
Cohen: Time for Arabs to reject anti-semitism (Washington Post) [ Reality check … time for israelis / jews to reject zionism and all that is entailed therein, including an alternate reality that defies credulity, rationality, and facts; such as, a self-rationalizing greed, anti-arab / anti-Christian predisposition and the ‘Oedipal Effect’ (blowback) engendered thereby. No, Johnny Carson was not anti-semitic (Fred Silverman), same for Charlie Sheen (Chuck Lorre), etc. (the list is endless inasmuch as when facts are not on their side, such specious inflammatory arguments as ‘anti-semitism’, prejudice, are a convenient subterfuge distracting from their weak position; ie., illegal nukes, war crimes, ignoring u.n. resolutions, ie., 242, 338, etc., ignoring international law. At best, no … God did not give them this land … at worst, God took the land back when they with roman muscle crucified Christ. Balfour was an arbitrary, incompetent, british joke.). ] ] Article | Tuesday will be known as the day we heard from The Receiving End of Charlie Sheen's Scorched Earth Media Tour.
Lt. Gen. John Kelly, who lost son to war, says U.S. largely unaware of sacrifice (Washington Post) [ I disagree! They are very much aware; as they stand in unemployment lines, use food stamps to get by, etc.. I hate to sound cavalier and I’m sorry that Kelly lost a son to war, but along with the multitude of civilians in the nations unlucky enough to provide a source of corporate welfare to the military industrial complex and war profiteering for the few (as warned against by President General Eisenhower), they died for nothing, for no good reason beyond the false propaganda. Six NATO troops killed in Afghanistan (Washington Post) [ Is there something wrong with the following picture? … am I missing something? … Gates's warning: Avoid land war in Asia, Middle East, and Africa Christian Science Monitor - In a speech to cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Gates's message was clear: The US military services, as well as the elected and appointed civilians who send them to war, need better ways of foreseeing and preparing for ... Gates Tells US Army to Take New Approach Voice of America Warning Against Wars Like Iraq and Afghanistan New York Times [ Better said, than unsaid; but, methinks a bit late for that in light of pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s consummate decline and fall! If only they had listened and not shot at the messenger … things could have been different! ]
Bernanke: Fed will respond if oil prices trigger inflation (Washington Post) [ If? Come on … don’t make me laugh! … Merk ‘…While we believe food inflation will be with us for quite some time and may contribute to an unstable world possibly for years to come, the Federal Reserve appears to be firmly in the camp of heavily discounting food inflation. The European Central Bank (ECB), in contrast, has historically taken commodity inflation more seriously than the Fed – ECB President Trichet talks about his concern over "second round effects," i.e., commodity inflation stirring inflation throughout the value chain.
The relevance of all this is that in the U.S. it’s business as usual as far as monetary policy is concerned. According to Fed Chair Bernanke, the U.S. economy must grow at a rate of at least 2.5% per annum just to keep unemployment stable, however, he has made it clear that he will pursue policies to boost growth above that level. With oil prices soaring, he is facing yet another headwind. Rather than mopping up the liquidity that, in our assessment, has contributed to global commodity inflation, he may be tempted to keep the printing press in high gear to promote economic growth.
It doesn’t really matter whether we think there is a crisis. What matters is that the Fed doesn’t think its policies are contributing to global instability and continues on its expansionary path. After all, the banks continue to sit on their money and as such, the economy is certainly not in overdrive. With the exception of social instability spreading globally, the Fed may be very much on course:
- Bernanke may want a weaker dollar. Unlike his predecessor, Bernanke embraces the U.S. dollar as a monetary policy tool to boost economic growth.
- Bernanke wants higher inflation. Having explicitly called for higher inflation since last August, he has since praised the progress the market has made in pricing higher than inflation expectations. The challenge with raising inflation expectations is not only that it may be difficult to lower those expectations later but that it is difficult to control where that inflation appears. Bernanke, in our assessment, needs to get home price to rise and is willing to put up with rising prices in other areas.
- We often focus on housing as a reason the Fed wants to boost growth, but we can also focus on WalMart (WMT): in the 13 weeks that ended 1/29/2010, WalMart’s sales declined 1.2%. Keep in mind that unlike government statistics, WalMart’s sales are not inflation adjusted. Also keep in mind that WalMart has been expanding its produce section in recent years; the section very much exposed to food inflation. As a result, on a real basis, sales have had rather substantial declines. Given that WalMart’s sales comprise more than 10% of total U.S. retail sales, we don’t believe there is such a thing as "company specific" problems; WalMart’s problems are those of the U.S. economy.
In contrast, the rest of the world is taking steps to stem inflationary pressures. Russia is the latest country to raise interest rates, following countries ranging from Sweden to Norway, Canada to Australia and Korea to China. In the Eurozone, the pairing down of some emergency facilities (leading to a draining of liquidity; a form of monetary tightening) and recent hawkish talk suggest interest rates may be raised later this year.
This discussion should clarify that it is perfectly possible for the world to be in turmoil without the U.S. dollar being a beneficiary. The focus of this analysis was the perceived status of the U.S. dollar as a safe haven, as well as implications of food inflation; a small, but important sliver affecting the U.S. dollar.’
Gerald Celente: “There is no recovery — it’s a coverup!” Sic Semper Tyrannis | Celente argues the oil prices have been going up before the recent chaos in the Middle East. ‘…One other point brought out by Gerald Celente is the fact that the current puppet regime in the White House is “cooking the books” on the unemployment numbers and current inflation rates. They are making their own rules on how to determine inflation rates by leaving out essential information such as food and fuel prices. The same is being done with White House unemployment numbers by simply leaving out those who have given up looking for jobs, as well as other deceptive “carnie” tricks (in reference to White House spokesperson Carnie) in which he compares the administration to a traveling carnival act.
In closing, Celente states:
“… There is no recovery, it’s a coverup. It’s only being boosted by these low interest rates, which again, when inflation skyrockets- they’re gonna have to raise them …‘
Jim Rogers: “Saudi Arabia Is Lying About Being Able To Increase Its Oil Production” Jim Rogers joins Zero Hedge in being highly skeptical about just how credible Saudi’s call for a 1MM + boost in its oil supply is: “Saudi Arabia has been lying about the reserves for decades. Saudi Arabia the last two times said they are going to increase production and they couldn’t increase production. Don’t fall for that. ] Federal Reserve chairman says he does not expect a major impact on consumer prices.
House Republicans press SEC on official's ties to Madoff (Washington Post) [ The ultimate subterfuge. Mr. small potatoes madoff the focus of so much influence … yet he’s in jail … and the only one … Boy, did mary shapiro become total b*** s*** fast … the current shibboleth of capital hill / all 3 branches of pervasively corrupt u.s. government … joining the others: “The Financial Industry Has Become So Politically Powerful That It Is Able To Inhibit the Normal Process of Justice And Law Enforcement” The economy cannot stabilize unless fraud is prosecuted. But the folks in D.C. seem determined to turn a blind eye to Wall Street shenanigans, and is now moving to defund the enforcement agencies like the SEC and CFTC. Market Crash 2011: It Will Hit by Christmas Farrell, MarketWatch SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — ‘Politicians lie. Bankers lie. Yes, they’re liars. But they’re not bad, it’s in their genes, inherited. Their brains are wired that way, warn scientists. Like addicts, they can’t help themselves. They want to sell stuff, get rich…’
‘INSIDE JOB’ Ferguson wins Oscar for Documentary on the unprosecuted massive extant fraud in the (many) TRILLIONS by the frauds on wall street ( and declares with oscar in hand that not one high level wall street exec has been prosecuted … despite ‘earning’ billiions from the fraud ), the commentator / experts recommend getting rid of the corrupt eric holder ( now what do holder and wobama have in common … is it wall street money ………… is it a proclivity for jive-talking / b*** s*** ………all of the above, some of the above ……….. or is it something else …… here’s a hint - UPDATE: MORE CLAIMS OF RACE BIAS AT JUSTICE... CIVIL RIGHTS PANEL TO PURSUE FED PROBE IN BLACK PANTHER CASE... ‘In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims ...’ US v. AZ... Cases against Wall Street lag despite Holder’s vows to target financial fraud Washington Post | Obama has promised to hold Wall Street accountable for the meltdown. ) (see this film, I strongly recommend the complete documentary – the following is a preview/summary)
[Here’s an archived version
’Inside Job’ New Documentary Exposes Wall Street Fraud And How Banksters Continue To Steal Our Money
Web site Link / Path to archived file: [45mb ] [ 65mb ] ]
] House Republicans ramp up pressure on SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro.
Locked in standoff, Gaddafi foes debate foreign airstrikes Opposition leaders consider requesting foreign intervention (Washington Post) [ Six NATO troops killed in Afghanistan (Washington Post) [ Is there something wrong with the following picture? … am I missing something? … Gates's warning: Avoid land war in Asia, Middle East, and Africa Christian Science Monitor - In a speech to cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Gates's message was clear: The US military services, as well as the elected and appointed civilians who send them to war, need better ways of foreseeing and preparing for ... Gates Tells US Army to Take New Approach Voice of America Warning Against Wars Like Iraq and Afghanistan New York Times ( Better said, than unsaid; but, methinks a bit late for that in light of pervasively corrupt, defacto bankrupt america’s consummate decline and fall! If only they had listened and not shot at the messenger … things could have been different! )
Chavez: U.S. distorting situation in Libya ‘to justify an invasion’ CNN | Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claims U.S. criticism of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has a clear aim: military invasion.
US tightens military grip on Gaddafi The Guardian | The west is edging towards a possible military confrontation with Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.
Obama Encircles US War Machine Around Libya Paul Joseph Watson | Administration readies to exploit humanitarian crisis to control Africa’s largest oil producer.
Most Americans Strongly Oppose U.S. Military Action in Libya According to Rasmussen, a large majority of Americans agree with the common sense of George Washington. During his farewell address, the first president of the United States said the nation should beware of foreign entanglements. ] Issue takes on increasing urgency amid realization that rebels cannot continue to match the weaponry and firepower of forces loyal to Gaddafi.
[ (2-26-11) Let me state for the record here that my computer has been under constant viral, hack attack, paralleling prior such foolish, paranoid actions and let me reiterate: They will be sorry and I won’t forget it! ]
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